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How to Actually Pray

August 22, 2022

Over the next two days, we’re walking through the Lord’s Prayer. Most of us can recite it, but do we really know what we’re praying and how to use it as a guide for all of our prayers? 

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Request the new 2025 Scripture Memory Cards now.

If you want to carry God’s promises in your heart, our new Summit Life memory verse cards make it easy to memorize Scripture. We’ve put together a pack of 52 memory verse cards for you. These are perfect to use for memorization or to have around for daily encouragement. The cards are made as a small 2.5x3.5 inch size for quick reference, putting on the fridge, or even sticking in your wallet. You could even give them away in greeting cards to encourage others.


Have you ever knocked on the neighbor’s door for a cup of sugar or an egg? What about in the middle of the night? To knock on your neighbor’s door in the middle of the night, you’d have to be pretty desperate, right? Pastor J.D. is showing us that’s exactly how we should approach God in prayer -- desperately, boldly, and persistently.
August 19, 2022
All of Jesus’ teaching on prayer can be summarized in one little word: ask. We’re beginning a new series from Pastor J.D. that takes a look at the revolutionary teaching of Jesus regarding prayer. We’ll see that the gospel of Jesus not only teaches us how to pray with boldness, desperation, and trust; it also shows us a God who is eager to listen and ready to answer.
August 18, 2022
What do you do when it feels like God isn't hearing your prayers? In the second part of this message on Genesis 32, Pastor J.D. shows us that the answer isn't to give up — the answer is to keep asking. Time and time again, the Bible gives us examples of how important persistent prayer is. As we finish Jacob's story, we'll look at how God rewarded his persistence, and how that might be exactly what God wants from us, as well.
August 17, 2022
In this message from Genesis 32, Pastor J.D. tells the story of Jacob, a man who began his life as a deceiver and ended his life with a limp—but who, right in the middle, wrestled with God and received an unimaginable blessing. Jacob provides a model for all of us who have ever waited on God to answer us, unsure if he hears, he cares, or he will ever act. Through Jacob, we learn that many of the blessings of God are released into our lives only through persistent, unrelenting prayer.
August 16, 2022
In this message from Genesis 19, Pastor J.D. tells the story of Lot, Abraham’s nephew. Like us, Lot was allured by the world and its fast-paced, attractive life—but it didn’t happen overnight. The constant battle of what the heart loves reveals to us our desperate need for prayer. In our own battle, will we be like Lot, captured by the wonders of the world? Or like Abraham, interceding on behalf of the Lots God has placed in our lives?
August 15, 2022
Jesus said we should pray like children. Children don’t think about how they approach, whether they are using the right words, or whether their parents are pleased with them. They just ask. Astoundingly, that’s the beginning of learning to pray.
August 12, 2022
We all have days when we feel insufficient, like we’re not smart enough, strong enough, or talented enough to serve God. But the Bible says that in our weakness, God is strong. It’s not our own ability, because it’s all about God’s strength in us! That’s our subject on this edition of Summit Life, as Pastor J.D. concludes our powerful series titled, The Name.
August 11, 2022
Throughout history, people have invented and named mythological gods. But the God of the Bible was not invented by mankind, and unlike Zeus or Thor, he chose his own name. In this message, Pastor J.D. describes how knowing the name that God chose for himself will change our understanding of God forever. It’s part of our powerful study in Exodus 34 called, The Name.
August 10, 2022
If there’s one aspect of God’s character that most people wish they could erase from the Bible, it’s God’s wrath. In fact, the doctrine of hell is one of the most common answers people give when asked why they don’t believe in God. But as we continue our powerful series called The Name, Pastor J.D. explains that God’s wrath isn’t just something we need to accept; it’s actually a fact we can, and should, rejoice in!
August 9, 2022
Thomas Jefferson once famously took a razor blade to his Bible and cut out the parts he disliked. And while most of us haven’t literally chopped up our Bibles in that way, we often cut out certain passages in our minds, skipping past uncomfortable verses that talk about God’s wrath and the punishment for sin. But Pastor J.D. explains that the wrath of God isn’t a demeaning doctrine to be ignored. It’s a glorious reality!
August 8, 2022
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About Summit Life

Summit Life is a daily, 25-minute program, featuring the gospel-centered ministry of J.D. Greear. Summit Life with J.D. Greear is dedicated to calling people up to a joyous, reckless, generous, and audacious life of faith by learning more about God’s extravagant love found in Christ. In each engaging half-hour, J.D. Greear shares challenging biblical truths that inspire listeners to have daily encounters with Jesus Christ and his transformative grace.

About Pastor J.D. Greear

J.D. Greear is the pastor of The Summit Church, in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. Under Pastor J.D.’s leadership, the Summit has grown from a plateaued church of 300 to one of over 10,000. Pastor J.D. has led the Summit in a bold vision to plant one thousand new churches by the year 2050.

Pastor J.D. Greear has authored several books, including Above All (2019), Not God Enough (2018), Gaining by Losing (2015), Gospel (2011), Stop Asking Jesus into Your Heart (2013), and Jesus, Continued… (2014). Summit Life with J.D. Greear is a daily, half hour radio broadcast featuring the teaching of Pastor J.D.

Pastor J.D. completed his Ph.D. in Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He currently serves as the 62nd president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Pastor J.D. and his wife Veronica are raising four awesome kids: Kharis, Alethia, Ryah, and Adon.

Contact Summit Life with Pastor J.D. Greear

J.D. Greear Ministries
P.O. Box 12293
Durham, NC 27709
Phone Number