Study the Word

Pastor Thom Keller

Matthew 25:14-30 Part 1

August 9, 2024

We’re going and growing through a study of Matthew right now on Study the Word and today we’ll be encouraged to find purpose and meaning in life. 

References: Matthew 25:14-30

Featured Offer

A Study in the Book of Ruth
The book of Ruth is more than just a God ordained love story, although it is certainly that as well.  It reveals the extent of God’s kindness and grace. He accepted Ruth, once an outcast, into his chosen people, and went on to  honor her by  allowing King David and Jesus to be born of her lineage.  Pastor Thom explores the life of Ruth in his 13 message series entitled, Experience Hope in the Life of Ruth.  Request your copy today, on USB flash drive or CD, for a gift  of $25 or more.


The Psalmist wrote of the fool who says in his heart there is no God. There are countless people still today living foolishly as if God doesn’t exist. They may even say they believe in God but live like they don’t. Now more than ever before is the time to attend to our souls. 
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There are two destinations for every soul on this planet – heaven or hell. They are both eternal and they are both chosen. However you must choose your destination  beforehand, while there’s time to do so. Have you done that?  Are you ready? Today’s Study the Word will help you answer that most important question. 
August 6, 2024
Jesus is coming as a thief in the night. He’s coming to take all believers to be with Him as He promised. Remember Jesus said I go to prepare a place for you and I will come again to receive you unto Myself. Until that time we want to be ready and help others do the same.  The Scripture we’ll be looking at on today’s Study The Word will provide impetus for that very thing. 
August 5, 2024
Pastor Thom is leading us through a series of selected studies from the Gospel of John. Jesus declares, “I am the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Me.” In our study today Pastor Thom reveals how anyone can come to God, but it must be on the Lord’s terms not ours. 
August 3, 2024
Pastor Thom is leading us through a series of selected studies from the Gospel of John. Jesus declares, “I am the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Me.” In our study today Pastor Thom reveals how anyone can come to God, but it must be on the Lord’s terms not ours. 
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No one will miss the second coming of the Lord, but many will miss out on its benefits and will mourn greatly!  It’s a sobering truth that should give us pause, compelling us to make sure that we and those we love are ready. Today’s Study The Word with Thom Keller will help us in this vital endeavor. 
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Just as there was a worldwide judgment in the past in Noah’s day the Bible is very clear there will be a worldwide judgment in the future. We'll spend some time looking into that on today’s Study the Word! 
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Thom Keller continues in Matthew’s gospel today.  And Jesus’ Olivet Discourse recorded for us in Chapter twenty-four focuses in part on the great deception that will take place in the end times. To help assure we’re not deceived let’s study it together. 
July 31, 2024
In Matthew chapter twenty-four we have a description of the end times!  You’re sure to be encouraged to look to God, not for judgment but revival! 
July 30, 2024
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Featured Offer

A Study in the Book of Ruth
The book of Ruth is more than just a God ordained love story, although it is certainly that as well.  It reveals the extent of God’s kindness and grace. He accepted Ruth, once an outcast, into his chosen people, and went on to  honor her by  allowing King David and Jesus to be born of her lineage.  Pastor Thom explores the life of Ruth in his 13 message series entitled, Experience Hope in the Life of Ruth.  Request your copy today, on USB flash drive or CD, for a gift  of $25 or more.

About Study the Word

Study the Word is a radio ministry of Calvary Chapel Lebanon, Pennsylvania. It features the teaching ministry of pastor Thom Keller.  As we go verse by verse through the Scriptures, our hearts desire is to encourage you to not only Study the Word, but seek to follow God and obey His Word.

About Pastor Thom Keller

Thom began teaching an inner-city Bible study in 1995. That love of teaching God’s word eventually led to the formation of Calvary Chapel Lebanon in October, 2001, with about 50 people meeting in an old hardware store. Our church ministry and philosophy centers on teaching God’s word chapter by chapter, verse by verse.

Prior to pastoring, Thom was president and general manager of Keller Brothers Ford, a third-generation family business that began in 1921.  After 8 years of bi-vocational ministry, in 2009, Thom sold the business and became a full-time pastor.

Thom and his wife, Sue, live near Schaefferstown. Thom and Sue enjoy snow skiing, mountain biking and motorcycle rides.  Thom has often said that he loves performing weddings because he loves being married!

Ted, pictured above is Sue’s brother who has lived with Thom and Sue since 2001.

“It has been an absolute joy to see the changes God is bringing about in the lives of individuals, marriages and families at Calvary Chapel. God’s word does not return void!”

Currently we have worship services Sunday morning at 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM at our church located at 740 Willow St.  Please introduce yourself when you stop by!

Contact Study the Word with Pastor Thom Keller

Mailing address:

Study the Word
740 Willow Street,
Lebanon, Pa. 17046