Study the Word

Pastor Thom Keller

Matthew 10:11-16 Part 2

May 21, 2024

God has a plan to reach the lost and if you’re a Christian it involves you!  He’s commissioned us to go into the world and preach the Gospel.  And as we’ll see today God goes to great lengths to draw mankind unto Himself… even methods you might not expect like visions and dreams.  Today on Study the Word we open our Bibles to Matthew ten and verses 12-16.  Pastor Thom Keller has us think for a bit about what awaits us in eternity.

References: Matthew 10:11-16

Featured Offer

A Study in the Book of Ruth
The book of Ruth is more than just a God ordained love story, although it is certainly that as well.  It reveals the extent of God’s kindness and grace. He accepted Ruth, once an outcast, into his chosen people, and went on to  honor her by  allowing King David and Jesus to be born of her lineage.  Pastor Thom explores the life of Ruth in his 13 message series entitled, Experience Hope in the Life of Ruth.  Request your copy today, on USB flash drive or CD, for a gift  of $25 or more.


Jesus called 12 men to be His disciples and sent them out with specific instructions.  We’ll take a look at that today on Study the Word.  Disciples of Christ today have been sent out into the world as well, with a message to tell!  Pastor Thom Keller will relay our responsibility as well as God’s as we open up Matthew ten once again.  
May 20, 2024
Today on Study the Word our teacher Pastor Thom Keller begins a preview of the Christian’s future eternal home. Jesus stated that He went to prepare a place for us, and this is it the New Jerusalem. Pastor Thom covers verses seven through sixteen in chapter twenty-one of the book of Revelation. 
May 18, 2024
It’s been said that as Christians we’re not called to be judges or prosecuting attorneys but witnesses. To rightly represent Jesus we must have a right view of Him.  As we continue in Matthew’s Gospel well be reminded that God loves all and wants to save all. And so He has a strategy to reach us.  
May 17, 2024
Being teachable is essential to learn any endeavor especially one as high as being a disciple. But something else is needed, the call for discipleship. The call and cost of discipleship that’s our topic today on Study The Word. Some struggle with the call to be a disciple! Is it because of the cost? 
May 16, 2024
One of the things that robs us of seeing how big God’s world is, is sin. Whether it’s self-righteous pride or one of the baser pursuits, sin robs the heart of spiritual vision. Today on Study The Word we will consider a case study of this very thing. We’ll be introduced to two entirely different kinds of people yet with equally desperate circumstances! 
May 15, 2024
It’s been well said, that half of the misery in the world stems from those who are trying to look good, instead of trying to be good. None of us live up to our ideals but still, we must not pretend that we do. Yet it’s a struggle we all face on some level.  Today’s Study The Word with pastor Thom Keller will be of great encouragement to us in our struggle. 
May 14, 2024
Sin does more damage to the soul than it could ever do to the body. So the greater need is to experience a spiritual healing to be forgiven. And only God can do that as we’ll learn today on Study The Word with pastor Thom Keller.  The gospel of Matthew records Jesus healing a man who was paralyzed. But first He forgives him. That’s where we begin today’s teaching. 
May 13, 2024
Does it sound almost too good to be true?  Jesus said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”  We’re in the book of Revelation, chapter twenty-one, verses one through seven!
May 11, 2024
Freedom is a great gift God has given each of us. How will we choose to use it? Think that through with us today on Study The Word with pastor Thom Keller! Pastor Thom picks up where we left off last time in the gospel of Matthew and gleans helpful and practical insights on the nature of our God given freedom, and our response to it.  
May 10, 2024
It’s a small world we live in when we limit others to our own experience. But the world is far bigger and so is our God. Find your place in Matthew chapter eight where we’ll read of the healing of a leper and the servant of a Centurion. Sometimes God heals in our day but sometimes He doesn’t. Do we believe it’s because He has something better in mind? Let’s consider that question as we join pastor Thom in Matthew chapter eight!
May 9, 2024
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Featured Offer

A Study in the Book of Ruth
The book of Ruth is more than just a God ordained love story, although it is certainly that as well.  It reveals the extent of God’s kindness and grace. He accepted Ruth, once an outcast, into his chosen people, and went on to  honor her by  allowing King David and Jesus to be born of her lineage.  Pastor Thom explores the life of Ruth in his 13 message series entitled, Experience Hope in the Life of Ruth.  Request your copy today, on USB flash drive or CD, for a gift  of $25 or more.

About Study the Word

Study the Word is a radio ministry of Calvary Chapel Lebanon, Pennsylvania. It features the teaching ministry of pastor Thom Keller.  As we go verse by verse through the Scriptures, our hearts desire is to encourage you to not only Study the Word, but seek to follow God and obey His Word.

About Pastor Thom Keller

Thom began teaching an inner-city Bible study in 1995. That love of teaching God’s word eventually led to the formation of Calvary Chapel Lebanon in October, 2001, with about 50 people meeting in an old hardware store. Our church ministry and philosophy centers on teaching God’s word chapter by chapter, verse by verse.

Prior to pastoring, Thom was president and general manager of Keller Brothers Ford, a third-generation family business that began in 1921.  After 8 years of bi-vocational ministry, in 2009, Thom sold the business and became a full-time pastor.

Thom and his wife, Sue, live near Schaefferstown. Thom and Sue enjoy snow skiing, mountain biking and motorcycle rides.  Thom has often said that he loves performing weddings because he loves being married!

Ted, pictured above is Sue’s brother who has lived with Thom and Sue since 2001.

“It has been an absolute joy to see the changes God is bringing about in the lives of individuals, marriages and families at Calvary Chapel. God’s word does not return void!”

Currently we have worship services Sunday morning at 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM at our church located at 740 Willow St.  Please introduce yourself when you stop by!

Contact Study the Word with Pastor Thom Keller

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Study the Word
740 Willow Street,
Lebanon, Pa. 17046