Study the Word

Pastor Thom Keller

Those Who Believe Have Already Passed from Death Unto Life Part 1

September 7, 2024

Pastor Thom has been leading us through a series of studies from the Gospel of John. Today, we are in chapter five. Jesus has brought the fury of the religious leaders upon Himself again. But what is angering news to them, is really Good News to everyone. 


References: John 5:16-47

Featured Offer

A Study in the Book of Ruth
The book of Ruth is more than just a God ordained love story, although it is certainly that as well.  It reveals the extent of God’s kindness and grace. He accepted Ruth, once an outcast, into his chosen people, and went on to  honor her by  allowing King David and Jesus to be born of her lineage.  Pastor Thom explores the life of Ruth in his 13 message series entitled, Experience Hope in the Life of Ruth.  Request your copy today, on USB flash drive or CD, for a gift  of $25 or more.


Decisions lead to destinies so we must be on our guard. Today we draw your attention to the trial of Jesus before Pilate – where decisions are made and destinies are formed. 
September 6, 2024
You’ve heard the old saying that even if we don’t respect the people in office we must still respect the office. That’s a challenge but it’s not a new one.  We’ll meet you in Matthew chapter twenty-seven!   It’s there we’ll begin see how God uses authorities in our lives today. 
September 5, 2024
We’ve got a great teaching from the gospel of Matthew lined up for you today.  Join us in chapter twenty-seven which offers a parallel of the ministry of Caiaphas the high priest and Jesus the Messiah and Savior. 
September 4, 2024
Jesus was crucified on Passover as the Passover Lamb. So we can have the forgiveness of sins and access to the very presence of God.  We open the gospel of Matthew today. And on today’s broadcast we’ll consider a fascinating parallel between what the high priest Caiaphas was doing during Passover at the same time Jesus was there in Jerusalem and ultimately on the cross. 
September 3, 2024
Many believe they can’t be forgiven, perhaps you’re one of them. But it’s not true. You can be. That’s our focus today on Study The Word with Thom Keller. 
September 2, 2024
God’s way is always the best way. The Bible tells us, “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously, without reproach, and it will be given to him.”  Pastor Thom is currently taking us through chapters four and five in the Gospel of John. 
August 31, 2024
It’s one thing to have regrets or feel remorse but true repentance involves the whole person. Though it begins in the mind and moves to the emotions it doesn’t end there! Today we’ll be considering the betrayal of Judas and what he does afterward. We’ll be reminded there’s a right response sin, and there’s a wrong one with tragic consequences. 
August 30, 2024
We’ve titled today’s talk, “Jesus there’s something about that name!” Thom Keller plans on taking us to Matthew’s gospel – chapter twenty-six – and the trial of Jesus. This trial takes place in the court of the high Priest Caiaphas – who like all of us has to make a judgment about Jesus. 
August 29, 2024
We’ve been looking at the trial of Jesus as recorded in the gospel of Matthew. Today we’ll look at how Jesus was convicted even though He did nothing wrong – a difficult task to say the least. What was presented in court was nothing more than hearsay or gossip. That’s what condemned Jesus. It puts the sin of gossip in a much different light. Let’s join pastor Thom as he addresses this issue.  
August 28, 2024
Matthew chapter twenty-six records the arrest and trial of Jesus. It’s a fascinating record and perplexing to us… especially when you consider it was an unjust court seeking to convict the only one in history who was just and true.  
August 27, 2024
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Featured Offer

A Study in the Book of Ruth
The book of Ruth is more than just a God ordained love story, although it is certainly that as well.  It reveals the extent of God’s kindness and grace. He accepted Ruth, once an outcast, into his chosen people, and went on to  honor her by  allowing King David and Jesus to be born of her lineage.  Pastor Thom explores the life of Ruth in his 13 message series entitled, Experience Hope in the Life of Ruth.  Request your copy today, on USB flash drive or CD, for a gift  of $25 or more.

About Study the Word

Study the Word is a radio ministry of Calvary Chapel Lebanon, Pennsylvania. It features the teaching ministry of pastor Thom Keller.  As we go verse by verse through the Scriptures, our hearts desire is to encourage you to not only Study the Word, but seek to follow God and obey His Word.

About Pastor Thom Keller

Thom began teaching an inner-city Bible study in 1995. That love of teaching God’s word eventually led to the formation of Calvary Chapel Lebanon in October, 2001, with about 50 people meeting in an old hardware store. Our church ministry and philosophy centers on teaching God’s word chapter by chapter, verse by verse.

Prior to pastoring, Thom was president and general manager of Keller Brothers Ford, a third-generation family business that began in 1921.  After 8 years of bi-vocational ministry, in 2009, Thom sold the business and became a full-time pastor.

Thom and his wife, Sue, live near Schaefferstown. Thom and Sue enjoy snow skiing, mountain biking and motorcycle rides.  Thom has often said that he loves performing weddings because he loves being married!

Ted, pictured above is Sue’s brother who has lived with Thom and Sue since 2001.

“It has been an absolute joy to see the changes God is bringing about in the lives of individuals, marriages and families at Calvary Chapel. God’s word does not return void!”

Currently we have worship services Sunday morning at 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM at our church located at 740 Willow St.  Please introduce yourself when you stop by!

Contact Study the Word with Pastor Thom Keller

Mailing address:

Study the Word
740 Willow Street,
Lebanon, Pa. 17046