Watchman on the Wall

Southwest Radio Ministries

King of Books

December 29, 2023

Larry Spargimino wih Lonnie Shipman

The Bible is the world’s most amazing book! Supernaturally given by God, it is the Word of God. It is a living book that can speak the words of God directly to the hearts of those who hear
or read it.


Larry Spargimino with Ray Comfort Award-winning apologist Ray Comfort wants to help you develop the fortitude to look into the mouths of lions without flinching, trusting that God not only will bring you to the other side of the trial but is refining you through it.
December 28, 2023
Larry Spargimino with Lonnie Shipman Join the search for the ark, the mysterious ashes of the red heifer and see how the Millennial Temple will be rebuilt by God himself with all the world assisting Him.
December 27, 2023
Josh Davis with Charles Martin Charles Martin investigates why the story of the Deluge – or the Global Flood of Noah – permeates nearly every culture in the world in some way, shape, or form.
December 26, 2023
In honor of Christmas weekend, from the SWRC Vault, Pastor Larry talks with longtime Watchman on the Wall host Noah Hutchings about Christmas traditions for Christians, including Noah's well-researched thesis that Christ was likely conceived on Christmas Day, rather than born.In a musical vein, Pastor Larry, who holds a degree in music, also talks about Christmas carols through the centuries with James Sundquist, as well as featuring the guitarist's own recording of sacred carols. 
December 25, 2023
Ken Copley with Greg Patten A demonic attack dramatically changed a life. We, as believers, are to put on the armor of God and wield the weapons of spiritual warfare to achieve victory in Jesus Christ.
December 22, 2023
Ken Copley with Greg Patten A demonic attack dramatically changed a life. We, as believers, are to put on the armor of God and wield the weapons of spiritual warfare to achieve victory in Jesus Christ.
December 21, 2023
Larry Spargimino, Kenneth Hill, and Josh Davis talk about the biblical concept of gleaning dating back to the time of Leviticus 19:9. 
December 20, 2023
Greg Patten with Micah Van Huss Join Micah as he takes a look at the antediluvian world and the overwhelming proof that the flood of Noah happened and changed the Earth forever.
December 19, 2023
Greg Patten with Micah Van Huss Join Micah as he takes a look at the antediluvian world and the overwhelming proof that the flood of Noah happened and changed the Earth forever.
December 18, 2023
Kenneth Hill with Larry Spargimino Every day the return of the Lord draws closer. The need for evangelism and outreach is at the utmost highest. Yet the growing popularity of Five-Point Calvinism – T.U.L.I.P. – has had a chilling effect on many.
December 15, 2023
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About Watchman on the Wall

Watchman on the Wall is the daily radio broadcast of Southwest Radio Ministries and is theoldest continuously running Gospel-based radio broadcast in the country. Tune in to hear froma wide range of speakers and authors focusing on evangelism, prophecy and encouragement asthe day draws near.

About Southwest Radio Ministries

In its 90 years on the air, Watchman on the Wall from SWRC, has had a number of hosts and co-hosts, starting with E.F. Webber and followed by Webber's sons, David and Charles. Noah Hutchings served a host starting in the late 1950s and was joined in the 1990s by Dr. Larry Spargimino, or "Pastor Larry" who continues today. Recently, Pastor Josh Davis joined the program as staff evangelist, and Pastor Greg Patten, who also has a syndicated radio show "Living in Today's World" frequently adds to the wise voices of WOTW. Evangelist Larry Stamm, a Jewish believer in Christ, regularly shares insights, as does Micah Van Huss, SWRC's Marginal Mysteries host and expert on all things supernatural.

Contact Watchman on the Wall with Southwest Radio Ministries

P.O. Box 76834 | Oklahoma City, OK 73147