Watchman on the Wall

Southwest Radio Ministries

Before Genesis Part 1

November 27, 2023

Larry Spargimino with Donna Howell

"Is the Young Earth Theory the only theory that squares with the biblical and scientific evidence?" The authors of Before Genesis acknowledge that Adam was the first man, created in the image of God, but argue for the presence of intelligent creatures on the Earth who were under the dominion of Satan before the creation of Adam.


Josh Davis answers Bible prophecy questions about what we see happening in Israel. Is this the Psalm 83 war? Is this the Ezekiel 38-39 war? What needs to happen before the rapture? Where should our focus be as we watch these events unfold?
November 24, 2023
Josh Davis shares a special Thanksgiving Day message. What does the Last Supper of Jesus and His disciples have to do with Thanksgiving? How can Jesus' actions inspire us as we gather with family and friends this Thanksgiving? How can thankfulness change our lives?
November 23, 2023
Larry Spargimino with William Federer Discover the facts you’ve been missing from the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving story! If you like speaking your views, participating in politics, and sharing your faith without fear of government persecution, you will be fascinated by the compelling Pilgrim experience told from an amazing world perspective!
November 22, 2023
Clayton Van Huss with Marilyn Boyer Meet unforgettable people and animals in the What a Character! Notable Lives from History series as you enjoy ten real stories within each book! Inventors and Scientists is recommended for Grades 4 and up and includes Carl Linnaeus, Eli Whitney, Robert Fulton, Samuel F.B. Morse, Louis Pasteur, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Booker T. Washington, George Washington Carver, and The Wright Brothers.
November 21, 2023
Clayton Van Huss with Marilyn Boyer Meet unforgettable people and animals in the What a Character! Notable Lives from History series as you enjoy ten real stories within each book! America’s War Heroes is recommended for Grades 6 and up and includes, Ethan Allen, Daniel Morgan, Francis Marion, John Paul Jones, Stephen Decatur, David Farragut, John Mosby, Sergeant York, Jake Deshazer, and Desmond Doss.
November 20, 2023
SWRC Staff Evangelist Josh Davis talks with Avi Lipkin about what life is currently like for citizens in Israel and how the war impacts the world stage. 
November 17, 2023
SWRC Staff Evangelist Josh Davis talks with Avi Lipkin about the war in Israel and why the fight against terrorism must continue.
November 16, 2023
As Christians, the ultimate goal for your child is to embody the characteristics of Christ, the Son of God sent to demonstrate His desire for us. But how can you realistically help your child imitate the life of Jesus Christ? Larry Spargimino interviews George Barna about his book, Raising Spiritual Champions.
November 15, 2023
Josh Davis with J.R. Church Learn about Elijah’s Mantle, John the Baptist’s “Coat of Camel’s hair,” and the “Vesture” of Christ, upon which Roman soldiers gambled. Follow the theme from the Old Testament book of Numbers into the book of Revelation to view the Return of Christ!
November 14, 2023
Josh Davis with J.R. Church Learn about Elijah’s Mantle, John the Baptist’s “Coat of Camel’s hair,” and the “Vesture” of Christ, upon which Roman soldiers gambled. Follow the theme from the Old Testament book of Numbers into the book of Revelation to view the Return of Christ!
November 13, 2023
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About Watchman on the Wall

Watchman on the Wall is the daily radio broadcast of Southwest Radio Ministries and is theoldest continuously running Gospel-based radio broadcast in the country. Tune in to hear froma wide range of speakers and authors focusing on evangelism, prophecy and encouragement asthe day draws near.

About Southwest Radio Ministries

In its 90 years on the air, Watchman on the Wall from SWRC, has had a number of hosts and co-hosts, starting with E.F. Webber and followed by Webber's sons, David and Charles. Noah Hutchings served a host starting in the late 1950s and was joined in the 1990s by Dr. Larry Spargimino, or "Pastor Larry" who continues today. Recently, Pastor Josh Davis joined the program as staff evangelist, and Pastor Greg Patten, who also has a syndicated radio show "Living in Today's World" frequently adds to the wise voices of WOTW. Evangelist Larry Stamm, a Jewish believer in Christ, regularly shares insights, as does Micah Van Huss, SWRC's Marginal Mysteries host and expert on all things supernatural.

Contact Watchman on the Wall with Southwest Radio Ministries

P.O. Box 76834 | Oklahoma City, OK 73147