Sound of Faith

Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy

Jesus Cares One-On-One, Part 2

December 27, 2023

The Gospels are chock full of the messages and miracles Jesus ministered. The multitudes mobbed Him. The disciples even sought to keep people away, but Jesus often went out of His way to minister to just one hurting heart or sick body; loose one captive from his/her prison of pain or shame.

Never was this so powerfully and poignantly illustrated than when He went to Samaria on purpose and encountered a woman at the well. A sinful Samaritan woman. But Jesus gently pressed His way into her heart, revealing her shameful past, uncovering her secret sins, and quenching her thirsty soul with His love and forgiveness. In the end, she ran into the city joyfully exclaiming to all that she had met the Messiah! There is no greater pulpit than a changed life, and you are safe to share your heart with Jesus!

Featured Offer

The Last Blast By Sharon Hardy Knotts
It’s not a brass trumpet, but a shofar—a ram's horn. There are 4 different blasts: One was long, increasing in loudness, the one that sounded on Mt. Sinai when God spoke. God came down, and Moses went up, symbolic of the rapture of the saints. Rabbis say that Satan can’t tell the difference between the shofar & God’s voice. In Revelation, John confirmed God’s voice sounded like a shofar saying, “Come up here” typifying the rapture. Paul called it “the last trump” that will wake up the dead in Christ & summon the living to be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air. It is not the seventh trumpet of Rev. 8 as the “mid-trib” stance claims—meaning the living Church will go through the first half of the Tribulation. We have been delivered from the wrath to come! CD $10 & Free Shipping


The Gospels are chock full of the messages and miracles Jesus ministered. The multitudes mobbed Him. The disciples even sought to keep people away, but Jesus often went out of His way to minister to just one hurting heart or sick body; loose one captive from his/her prison of pain or shame. Never was this so powerfully and poignantly illustrated than when He went to Samaria on purpose and encountered a woman at the well. A sinful Samaritan woman. But Jesus gently pressed His way into her heart, revealing her shameful past, uncovering her secret sins, and quenching her thirsty soul with His love and forgiveness. In the end, she ran into the city joyfully exclaiming to all that she had met the Messiah! There is no greater pulpit than a changed life, and you are safe to share your heart with Jesus!
December 26, 2023
Just as the angels spoke to the shepherds of Bethlehem: "And this shall be a sign unto you, you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger", the decor of a simple nativity can be God's signpost to a lost world that Jesus is the Reason for the Season!
December 25, 2023
It's time for everyone who "names the name of the Lord to depart from iniquity"! It's time for the spiritual leaders who stand in God's "Holy Hill" — behind the pulpits and choir lofts, to lift up clean hands from pure hearts. And it's time for us all to prepare ourselves against the fear of man and the increasing anti-Christian persecution that is being unleashed in our nation. This will stir your heart to take a stand for righteousness and be “the salt and light in the Earth” Jesus called us to be.
December 22, 2023
It's time for everyone who "names the name of the Lord to depart from iniquity"! It's time for the spiritual leaders who stand in God's "Holy Hill" — behind the pulpits and choir lofts, to lift up clean hands from pure hearts. And it's time for us all to prepare ourselves against the fear of man and the increasing anti-Christian persecution that is being unleashed in our nation. This will stir your heart to take a stand for righteousness and be “the salt and light in the Earth” Jesus called us to be.
December 21, 2023
It's time for everyone who "names the name of the Lord to depart from iniquity"! It's time for the spiritual leaders who stand in God's "Holy Hill" — behind the pulpits and choir lofts, to lift up clean hands from pure hearts. And it's time for us all to prepare ourselves against the fear of man and the increasing anti-Christian persecution that is being unleashed in our nation. This will stir your heart to take a stand for righteousness and be “the salt and light in the Earth” Jesus called us to be.
December 20, 2023
The Supreme Court's ruling to legalize same-sex marriage in America is not about equality. It is a re-defining of marriage, an institution designed by God, not man, and regarding homosexuality, the Bible is not ambiguous. God declared: "A man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they two shall be one flesh." Herein lies two pillars of the foundation of marriage: Monogamy and Heterosexuality. When asked about marriage, Jesus cited this verse, adding a solemn warning: "What God has joined together, let no one put asunder." Let no one alter or undo God's marriage design. Homosexuality is not the unpardonable sin, but it does carry consequences, because it changes the truth of God into a lie, defiles the body, and defiles the land. Scripture states that practicing homosexuals are not going to Heaven, but homosexuals can, and have, and will continue to change by the power of the Gospel of Christ.
December 19, 2023
The Supreme Court's ruling to legalize same-sex marriage in America is not about equality. It is a re-defining of marriage, an institution designed by God, not man, and regarding homosexuality, the Bible is not ambiguous. God declared: "A man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they two shall be one flesh." Herein lies two pillars of the foundation of marriage: Monogamy and Heterosexuality. When asked about marriage, Jesus cited this verse, adding a solemn warning: "What God has joined together, let no one put asunder." Let no one alter or undo God's marriage design. Homosexuality is not the unpardonable sin, but it does carry consequences, because it changes the truth of God into a lie, defiles the body, and defiles the land. Scripture states that practicing homosexuals are not going to Heaven, but homosexuals can, and have, and will continue to change by the power of the Gospel of Christ.
December 18, 2023
The Supreme Court's ruling to legalize same-sex marriage in America is not about equality. It is a re-defining of marriage, an institution designed by God, not man, and regarding homosexuality, the Bible is not ambiguous. God declared: "A man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they two shall be one flesh." Herein lies two pillars of the foundation of marriage: Monogamy and Heterosexuality. When asked about marriage, Jesus cited this verse, adding a solemn warning: "What God has joined together, let no one put asunder." Let no one alter or undo God's marriage design. Homosexuality is not the unpardonable sin, but it does carry consequences, because it changes the truth of God into a lie, defiles the body, and defiles the land. Scripture states that practicing homosexuals are not going to Heaven, but homosexuals can, and have, and will continue to change by the power of the Gospel of Christ.
December 15, 2023
Samson was the strongest man who ever lived. Consecrated to God from birth, he was invincible in battle as the Spirit of God came upon him. But like all men, he had a weakness, and like many men, his was sex. Samson compromised his anointing and got by for a while, until one day he was empty, and the shaker was gone!
December 14, 2023
Samson was the strongest man who ever lived. Consecrated to God from birth, he was invincible in battle as the Spirit of God came upon him. But like all men, he had a weakness, and like many men, his was sex. Samson compromised his anointing and got by for a while, until one day he was empty, and the shaker was gone!
December 13, 2023
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Featured Offer

The Last Blast By Sharon Hardy Knotts
It’s not a brass trumpet, but a shofar—a ram's horn. There are 4 different blasts: One was long, increasing in loudness, the one that sounded on Mt. Sinai when God spoke. God came down, and Moses went up, symbolic of the rapture of the saints. Rabbis say that Satan can’t tell the difference between the shofar & God’s voice. In Revelation, John confirmed God’s voice sounded like a shofar saying, “Come up here” typifying the rapture. Paul called it “the last trump” that will wake up the dead in Christ & summon the living to be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air. It is not the seventh trumpet of Rev. 8 as the “mid-trib” stance claims—meaning the living Church will go through the first half of the Tribulation. We have been delivered from the wrath to come! CD $10 & Free Shipping

About Sound of Faith

If you enjoy the powerful preaching of a revival style anointing, or love to feast at the table of sound, compelling teaching of true life-long students of the Bible, in R.G. Hardy & daughter Sharon Knotts you get both! Milk for babes & meat for the mature in Christ, Bible topics from faith-boosting to devil-chasing!

About Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy

R.G. Hardy is the Pastor of Faith Tabernacle in Baltimore, Maryland which he founded in 1958. He was marvelously saved after a personal encounter with the Lord in the living room of his home in January 1953, and was called into a prophetic teaching ministry. Shortly before he had been miraculously healed of a crippling back injury. Since these events, R.G. Hardy Ministries has broadened the scope of its outreaches through daily radio broadcasts, television, evangelistic crusades, Gospel publications, and missionary crusades and support.

For more than 50 years, R.G. Hardy has been recognized by the calling of a powerful prophetic anointing and message of salvation, diving healing, and deliverance through the authority of the Name of Jesus. By this anointing of power, he has demonstrated the message of the Gospel with signs following as God confirms His Word through the resurrection power of His son, Jesus Christ. Through the years, Brother Hardy hosted many of the crusades for the healing evangelists of the 1950's and 1960's. He has a rich heritage founded in the Pentecostal movement. Many ministers have received early training under his leadership and revelation anointing that is manifested when he ministers. In this world of compromise, R.G. Hardy has not compromised the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has and still is "earnestly contending for the faith of our fathers."

Sharon Hardy Knotts is the daughter of R.G. & Doranne Hardy. She has served alongside of her parents in ministry at Faith Tabernacle Church, Baltimore, Maryland since childhood. Sharon was baptized in the Holy Spirit at age 7 in an old-fashioned tent revival, where she was slain in the Spirit, speaking in tongues. She began "preaching" in youth services at age 9, and began traveling with her father in evangelistic meetings at age 13.

Like her father and grandmother before her (Mother Mary Hardy), Sharon is an avid student of the Bible and holds a Master's in Theology from CLST, Columbus, Georgia. She is an accomplished teacher of the Word and also an anointed preacher. The marriage of these different delivery styles has produced scores of ministry tapes on various pertinent topics, which appeal to many believers.

Sharon and her husband Benny serve in fulltime ministry at R.G. Hardy Ministries. He prints Faith Is Action and oversees its publication and distribution. Family: Three grown children, Scott & Todd Stubblefield, and Sarah Knotts. Daughters-in-laws: Corinne & Amy Stubblefield. Grandsons: Noah & Matthew Stubblefield are Scott's sons. Sharon especially enjoys writing and serves as Editor of Faith Is Action and other Ministry publications. She also writes essays and poetry, some of which can be found on her blog.

Contact Sound of Faith with Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy

Sound of Faith Ministries
P.O. Box 1744
Baltimore, MD 21203