The Rapture of the Church - Episode 2
There is a popular story about a little dutch boy who saves his country by putting his little finger in a leaking dyke. He stays there all night, braving the cold until the morning comes and the adults find him and fix the leak. In a similar way, our world is facing a future torrent of evil that Pastor Jeff Johnson says is being restrained by the influence of the Holy Spirit through HIs people, the believers. But one day the dam will break and the Tribulation will take place. And because we delay the judgment on a Christ-rejecting world, God will remove us through rapture or release of our physical bodies. With more in our study titled, “The Rapture of the Church” let’s join Pastor Jeff in 2 Thess 2.
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This special collections of daily devotions with your Calvary Chapel Pastors will edify you as you read each day of the year. God's Word in these devotions will inspire you. As these Pastors share their hearts and personal experiences of God's faithfulness.
Past Episodes
- 1 Chronicles
- 1 John
- 1 John Introduction
- 1 Kings
- 1 Peter
- 1 Thessalonians
- 2 Chronicles
- 2 John
- 2 Kings
- 2 Thessalonians
- 3 John

Featured Offer
This special collections of daily devotions with your Calvary Chapel Pastors will edify you as you read each day of the year. God's Word in these devotions will inspire you. As these Pastors share their hearts and personal experiences of God's faithfulness.
About Sound Doctrine
A weekday radio program featuring the verse by verse Bible teaching of Pastor Jeff Johnson broadcasted throughout the United States and abroad.
About Jeff Johnson
Contact Sound Doctrine with Jeff Johnson
Sound Doctrine Radio
12808 Woodruff Ave.
Downey, CA 90242
(800) 353-7553
(562) 803-6501
Southern California 2:00 pm