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The Mark of God, Part 1

May 28, 2018

Just as its true that as parents we would do things for our children that we wouldn’t naturally do for other children, so too God does for the believer what He doesn’t promise to do for anyone else. In study in Ephesians 1 today, Pastor Jeff Johnson shares what it means to be marked by God and in what way we belong to Him. And as he takes us through our passage today, we begin to see all that God has done forus and in us by His Holy Spirit. As the song says, We have been signed, sealed, and one day we shall be delivered to heave. Join us as we begin our study titled, “The Mark of God” with Pastor Jeff Johnson. 

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Daily Devotions

This special collections of daily devotions with your Calvary Chapel Pastors will edify you as you read each day of the year. God's Word in these devotions will inspire you. As these Pastors share their hearts and personal experiences of God's faithfulness.

Past Episodes

The American dream has often been described as a home with a white picket fence and 2.3 children and a rewarding job. However, in life we discover that such large doors swing on very small hinges. In other words, today Pastor Jeff Johnson reveals how in a few brief words, God describes how our lives are destined for far more than the American dream when we realize that we are created forJesus and by Jesus. And He is the One who holds us and all of creation together It is this truth and so much more that make up the third installment of our study called, “Our Firm Foundation.” With that in mind, we invite you to join us Ephesians 1 with Pastor Jeff Johnson. 
May 25, 2018
It’s spring and many people are cleaning out their garages. And the list of To-Dos around the house is being made. For some those projects begin with an excitement and a flourish, but don’t always get finished, or at least the way we imagined them completed. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson reminds us that we have a God who finishes what He starts. When it comes to our redemption, we have a redeemed spirit, but one day we will also have a redeemed body as well. How do we know? Because God has given us His Holy Spirit as a down payment, a reminder, a foretaste of things to come, so be encouraged as you live for the Lord. With “Our Firm Foundation” in mind, we resume our study in Ephesians 1 with Pastor Jeff Johnson.  
May 24, 2018
Redemption. Our salvation in Christ can be something that we take for granted at times. Almost like forgetting what we have been redeemed from, and how bad our life apart from Christ was. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson reminds us that just as the Jews celebrated the Passover in their Exodus from Egypt, so too we can celebrate being set free by the blood of Jesus Christ from the bondage, guilt, and shame of sin that each and every one of us experienced. With more liberating truths in our study titled, “Our Firm Foundation” here is Pastor Jeff in Ephesians 1. 
May 23, 2018
Change. Stepping out of our comfort zones. Not the most popular ideas because they may involve aches and pains and put us in uncertain circumstances. Yet they are vitally important for us when it comes to having a healthy relationship with the Lord. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson reminds us how God wants us to realize all that He has given to us in Christ and from that position to be stirred within to take those steps of faith that will cause us to be the people that He has called us to be. With our final installment on the study titled, “God’s Plan for the Saints” here’s Pastor Jeff in Ephesians 1.
May 22, 2018
 After we have chosen the Lord in our lives, we discover that God had actually chosen us in complete harmony with His Sovereign will. It is only after our salvation do we come to understand howGod chose us from the foundation of the world writing our names in the Lamb’s book of life. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson explains how God honors our choice by giving us many examples through the Word. One taken from Revelation 3:5 helps to remind us that God continually works with us while also honoring our choices either for or against Him. We continue with our 2ndinstallment of our study titled, “God’s Plan for the Saints.” In Ephesians 1 for today’s encouragement in Sound Doctrine. 
May 21, 2018
As we come up to Ephesians 1:4 we discover an age old question dating since the 17thcentury and even before relating to our salvation. If God chose me, then what is the importance of me asking Jesus into my life? Is it voided because of what the Bible calls God’s Sovereingty, or do they work in conjunction and somehow compliment each other? Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson shows how our responsibility and God’s sovereignty working together is both a Biblical truth and somewhat elusive when we try to completely understand it on this side of eternity. We invite you to join us as we unfold God’s Plan for the Saints in Ephesians 1:4 with Pastor Jeff Johnson.  
May 18, 2018
We live in a world of excess and efficiency. We consume more media than at any other time in the world, and consume it from more sources than ever. With all the technology at our fingertips, we have been convinced it will make our lives richer. However, the believer has been given such blessings in Christ that neither technology, nor the excess of this world will ever replace what God has for us. On today’s edition of Sound Doctrine, Pastor Jeff Johnson helps us to see how the theme of Ephesians is our riches in Christ and what it looks like for us today. We pick up in Ephesians 1:3 if you’d like to join us as we resume our study titled, “An Intro. to God’s Blessings” with Pastor Jeff. 
May 17, 2018
One of the most often asked questions in the Christian life is, “What is the will of God for my life?” and, “How do I discover it?” Knowing this makes all the difference between a fruitful and fulfilled life instead of, as Henry David Thoreau said, “leading quiet lives of desperation and die with their song still in them.” Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson takes us through Ephesians chapter 1 and reveals how knowing God’s will is a by-product of God’s blessings in our lives as we know who we are in Christ. May we consider this as we begin our study titled, “An intro to God’s Blessings” with Pastor Jeff Johnson. 
May 16, 2018
Ever noticed how much attention is placed on first impressions? Psychology seeks talks about it. Business culture discusses its importance. Even the dental industry markets the need for first impressions…with a smile. What do they all have in common? The need to understand that first impressions make lastingimpressions. That’s why today on Sound Doctrine, Pastor Jeff Johnson is introducing us to the pivotal book of Ephesians. Granted, you may have read through it before, or maybe heard a study in the past. But here, he wants us to see afresh and breathe in the spiritual heights that is Ephesians. If you haven’t seen that side of Ephesians, then consider this a great . We invite you to join us for our study in Chapter 1 titled, “An Intro. to God’s Blessings” through Sound Doctrine.  
May 15, 2018
There are times when we need to hear a clear voice with conviction about living God’s. Such is the case when it comes to raising our children in the ways of the Lord. One of the habits of a virtuous woman, Pastor Jeff Johnson shows, how she possesses strong convictions when it comes to  leading her children in God’s ways. And how it includes bringing them among God’s people in order to hear God’s Word being taught. It’s our final study titled Lady Wisdom Part 2. With that in mind, let’s join Pastor Jeff for our last study in Proverbs 31, for today’s edition in Sound Doctrine.
May 14, 2018
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About Sound Doctrine

A weekday radio program featuring the verse by verse Bible teaching of Pastor Jeff Johnson broadcasted throughout the United States and abroad.

About Jeff Johnson

Jeff Johnson is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Downey, California since 1973. The emphasis within his ministry is a verse-by-verse study of the Word of God, giving its full counsel. His influence has experienced a steady and substantial growth over the years with people of all ages. Calvary Chapel of Downey has grown to average weekly attendance of more than 9,000. Teaching seminars, Bible classes, home studies, various training programs, mission outreaches, as well as a Christian Elementary & Jr./Sr. High School, and Bible college meet the needs of this large body. Calvary Chapel's impact is growing from Southern California to virtually around the world. His wife Karyn supports Jeff in his ministry.

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Sound Doctrine Radio
12808 Woodruff Ave.
Downey, CA 90242

(800) 353-7553
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 (562) 803-6501

Southern California 2:00 pm