Sound Doctrine

Jeff Johnson

Return to First Love Part 1

July 31, 2023

Do you believe God keeps His promises? I think every Christian would answer yes to that question, but do we really live like we believe it? Today we’ll see a shining example of God keeping His promises - even when it involves a man who really blew it. We’ll look at Genesis chapter thirty-five today, as we see more proof of a loving and faithful God.  You’ll also be encouraged to return to your first love when you’ve been drifting.  

References: Genesis 35

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Daily Devotions
This special collections of daily devotions with your Calvary Chapel Pastors will edify you as you read each day of the year. God's Word in these devotions will inspire you. As these Pastors share their hearts and personal experiences of God's faithfulness.


You’ve heard the term “Hell on earth?”  That’s a pretty accurate way of describing what we’ll look at today on Sound Doctrine.  One day God will say enough is enough, it’s time for judgement to begin for those who have rejected the Messiah.  We hope today’s study helps you obtain an eternal vision, and if necessary receive Christ.  
July 29, 2023
Parents shirking their responsibilities and compromising in their walk… it’s not hard to see what that leads to.  Very often children who do the very same.  Today on Sound Doctrine we’ll take another look at Jacob’s family. It was a mess, and Jacob isn’t leading as he should, raising the kids in deceit.  And the results of this compromise was nothing short of tragic.  
July 28, 2023
Rape, murder, deception...  while that may sound to us like the headliner for a local newscast, would you believe it’s also a description of the 34th chapter of Genesis? We’ll take a look at it today on Sound Doctrine.  And through it all you’ll see the terrible results of compromise.  It’ll serve as a needed warning to us parents. 
July 27, 2023
We’re in Genesis chapter 34 today, where a tragedy occurs.  Jacob’s young daughter Dina is raped.  As awful as that was, Pastor Jeff has observed how compromise by Dina and her parents was a contributing factor!   When parents aren’t taking an active role in their kid’s lives, helping them understand the dangers of the world, awful things can happen.  
July 26, 2023
The Christian life is full of ups and downs.  Times where we’re living a God-honoring life, and other times where we’ve drifted and go back to the flesh.  We see that played out in the life of Jacob today on Sound Doctrine. He’s backsliding.  And you’re about to see what turning away from the Lord looks like, and it’s not pretty.  
July 25, 2023
Today we continue our study in Genesis. When we left Jacob’s story, he was in a good place, now governed by God after a wrestling match.  But like so many of us, he’s about to drift.  Panic sets in and he gets his eyes off the Lord.  Let’s see what we can learn from it all, as we turn together to Genesis chapter 33.
July 24, 2023
Today on Sound Doctrine we draw your attention to Daniel’s 70th week!  A seven-year period on the horizon, when God will deal with Israel, and pour out His wrath on this earth.  But where is the church when all this goes down?  We’ll hear about that momentarily, as well as a coming invasion upon Israel that involves Russia!  And we’ll also tell you about the antichrist that will put a fast one on the world.  
July 22, 2023
You’ve no doubt seen a sporting event that was a total mismatch from the word go.  Perhaps it was the lowest seed playing the top seeded team.  Today on Sound Doctrine we’ll take a look at the greatest mismatch of all. Jacob is about to enter into a wrestling match with God.  
July 21, 2023
Pastor Jeff Johnson is leading a study in Genesis right now, and we have an eye on chapter 32.  Jeff has observed three notable events here involving Jacob.  The first was his encounter with angels!  Now today we find him in prayer, and it’s a good one!  In minutes ahead of us you’ll receive some valuable prayer pointers, like being persistent!  
July 20, 2023
Whether we realize it or not as believers, God intervenes in our lives.  And sometimes He even uses angels to minister to and protect us.  Today on Sound Doctrine we’ll see that play out in the life of Jacob as we get back to our study of Genesis.  Pastor Jeff Johnson will give us God’s truth about angels so we can better understand their involvement in our lives.  
July 19, 2023
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Daily Devotions
This special collections of daily devotions with your Calvary Chapel Pastors will edify you as you read each day of the year. God's Word in these devotions will inspire you. As these Pastors share their hearts and personal experiences of God's faithfulness.

About Sound Doctrine

A weekday radio program featuring the verse by verse Bible teaching of Pastor Jeff Johnson broadcasted throughout the United States and abroad.

About Jeff Johnson

Jeff Johnson is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Downey, California since 1973. The emphasis within his ministry is a verse-by-verse study of the Word of God, giving its full counsel. His influence has experienced a steady and substantial growth over the years with people of all ages. Calvary Chapel of Downey has grown to average weekly attendance of more than 9,000. Teaching seminars, Bible classes, home studies, various training programs, mission outreaches, as well as a Christian Elementary & Jr./Sr. High School, and Bible college meet the needs of this large body. Calvary Chapel's impact is growing from Southern California to virtually around the world. His wife Karyn supports Jeff in his ministry.

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 (562) 803-6501

Southern California 2:00 pm