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Knowledge of the Holy, Part 3

April 23, 2018

Jesus said that for every idle word men may speak, they will give an account of it in the day of judgment. It’s a reminder to us that the words we use, the things we say to people and about people have repercussions. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson shows us a real-life Biblical example of what happened when Joseph was the object of being maligned and how God justified him in due time. With our final installment of a study titled, “Knowledge of the Holy” let’s join Pastor Jeff in Proverbs 30 for today’s study in Sound Doctrine.  

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Daily Devotions

This special collections of daily devotions with your Calvary Chapel Pastors will edify you as you read each day of the year. God's Word in these devotions will inspire you. As these Pastors share their hearts and personal experiences of God's faithfulness.

Past Episodes

In the book of Daniel, King Belshazzar saw the writing on the wall. God said that he had been weighed on the scale and he was coming up short; he was a lightweight, no substance. In our culture, there are skeptics who make the same claims when it comes to God’s Word. But they don’t realize that it is pure and has stood the test of time. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson warns us that human speculation always comes up short in comparison to divine revelation. God’s Word can always and ultimately be trusted. So let’s allow God’s Spirit to speak to us through His word today in our message titled, “Knowledge of the Holy” in Proverbs 30 for today’s encouragement in Sound Doctrine.
April 20, 2018
When it comes to knowing God’s Word and His Wisdom, there is an assumption that if we simply read and commit to memory, God will bless our knowledge. But today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson reminds us that intimate understanding of His word is a lifestyle of surrender and obedience to God’s Ways in order to understand God’s Word. And as our hearts and lives have surrendered to allowing Him to be Lord, His word becomes at home and His wisdom becomes our companion. With our first installment of the study titled, “Knowledge of the Holy” let’s join Pastor Jeff in Proverbs 30 for today’s edition of Sound Doctrine.  
April 19, 2018
It’s always encouraging talking to a believer who has experienced real trials and come out on the other end with a testimony and encouragement for others. When we hear what they say and how they point to God’s faithfulness and see the conviction with which they speak, it reassures us that all is going to be well. Such is the case with our final installment in Proverbs 29 in Sound Doctrine today. As we hear Pastor Jeff share Solomon’s words, we hear and know that he has witnessed God’s protection and faithfulness throughout his walk with the Lord. It reminds and reassures us of the truth Solomon shares. With that in mind, let’s join Pastor Jeff for our final study titled, “Solomon’s Last Words” for today’s instruction in Sound Doctrine. 
April 18, 2018
Pride will always cause us to pay a high toll. And while it may seem harmless, it takes far more than it ever gives. It’s been said that pride is the only disease that makes everyone sick except for the one who has it. Today on Sound Doctrine, Pastor Jeff Johnson is giving us Solomon’s Last Words of Wisdom as pearls that we need to hang on to as Solomon ends his portion of the book of Proverbs.  There are many great vignettes warning us from the harmful way of life to one that honors the Lord. With more of that, let’s join Pastor Jeff in Proverbs 29 for today’s exhortation in Sound Doctrine. 
April 17, 2018
Serving the Lord is something that we are all called to do. Jesus said He chose us and ordained us that we should bear fruit that would remain. Just as He taught that whenwe do good deeds, He taught us how we are supposed to do them. That’s why today on Sound Doctrine we discover that Solomon speaks on matters that concern those who serve the Lord: vision, obedience, speech and so much more. Pastor Jeff begins our study titled, Solomon’s Last Words of Wisdom. So if you have a Bible join us in Proverbs 29 for today’s installment in Sound Doctrine. 
April 16, 2018
 A loving parent is one who is actively involved in the life of their children. It’s a pattern our God and Father exercises for us to follow with our children who need to know that they are loved. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson continues to give examples of what it means to live in a godly manner. With both biblical examples and practical pieces of wisdom He finishes our study with encouragements to live in that higher arena where God’s Spirit is drawing us to live for Him. With our final installment of our study titled, “Godly Living” let’s begin our encouragement in Sound Doctrine in Proverbs 29. 
April 13, 2018
The Bible tells us that righteousnessexalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to all people. No matter where you go, those who seek to live according to God’s ways and precepts will always discover God’s blessings. And with numerous examples from our own culture, we also see the opposite is true as well. On today’s edition of Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff continues to show the characteristics of godly and ungodly behavior. We quickly begin to notice that what applies to an individual, applies to a nation as well. With more on this, let’s join Pastor Jeff in our study titled, “Godly Living” in Proverbs 29. 
April 12, 2018
Ben Franklin said, “Experience is a dear teacher, and a fool will learn no other way.” While the book of Proverbs as a book of wisdom gives us the benefits of the wisdom and experience of Solomon, Hezekiah, and others, we can learn from their experiences so we don’t have to do the same thing. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff shares the do’s and don’ts of godly living, and Pastor Jeff has shared his own experiences in the growth of wisdom on his own journey with the Lord. It’s part of God’s encouragement to us with the first installment of our study titled, “Godly Living”. If you will, please open to Proverbs 29 for today’s encouragement in Sound Doctrine. 
April 11, 2018
When you total the benefits that the believer enjoys in Christ vs. what we used to have in the world or thought we had, it’s not even close. We have been saved from sin, past, present, and future as well as look forward to spending eternity with our Lord and love, Jesus Christ. That’s why Pastor Jeff Johnson reminds us that God is with us, inhabits our praises and draws us close to Himself in ways that the world doesn’t appreciate and can’t imagine. Today on Sound Doctrine we are reminded that we will continue to experience God’s joy as we choose to focus on Him more than anything or anyone else. With our final installment in Proverbs 29, here now is Pastor Jeff. 
April 10, 2018
The Bible tells us not to allow the world to squeeze us into its mold. The effect of the church in the world isn’t to simply keep us from being like the world, but to effectively cause others to hunger and thirst for the Lord. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson encouarges us to be the salt and light that Jesus has made us to be in order to naturally be a preserving agent to the growing darkness we see in our country and in the world. But it all depends on our focus. It’s part of our study titled, “It’s Your Choice”. And it’s our second installment in Proverbs 29. With that in mind, let’s join Pastor Jeff for today’s edition of Sound Doctrine.  
April 9, 2018
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About Sound Doctrine

A weekday radio program featuring the verse by verse Bible teaching of Pastor Jeff Johnson broadcasted throughout the United States and abroad.

About Jeff Johnson

Jeff Johnson is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Downey, California since 1973. The emphasis within his ministry is a verse-by-verse study of the Word of God, giving its full counsel. His influence has experienced a steady and substantial growth over the years with people of all ages. Calvary Chapel of Downey has grown to average weekly attendance of more than 9,000. Teaching seminars, Bible classes, home studies, various training programs, mission outreaches, as well as a Christian Elementary & Jr./Sr. High School, and Bible college meet the needs of this large body. Calvary Chapel's impact is growing from Southern California to virtually around the world. His wife Karyn supports Jeff in his ministry.

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Sound Doctrine Radio
12808 Woodruff Ave.
Downey, CA 90242

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 (562) 803-6501

Southern California 2:00 pm