Sound Doctrine

Jeff Johnson

God's Love Defined Part 2

July 27, 2024

We’re learning all about God’s love, and how we’re to love as He does, today on Sound Doctrine.  But what does that look like practically, in the day to day?  In short, sacrifice and service!  

References: 1 John 3:16-21

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Daily Devotions
This special collections of daily devotions with your Calvary Chapel Pastors will edify you as you read each day of the year. God's Word in these devotions will inspire you. As these Pastors share their hearts and personal experiences of God's faithfulness.


So you’re layed off from work, and no one is hiring in your field of expertise.  Or you’re hit with medical bills that far surpass what you have in the bank!  It’s about that time that we can start to worry!  But today on Sound Doctrine we’ll be encouraged to hear how God provides and meets our needs.  You’ll hear how He came through for close to 12 thousand hungry gentiles in a big way.  It’s reminiscent of a miracle we heard earlier in Matthew’s gospel.  
July 26, 2024
Today we’ll join pastor Jeff Johnson at the tail-end of Matthew chapter fifteen.  God is our great provider!  He loves to meet our every need, and that really jumps off the page here in this section of Scripture.  Jesus is about to feed thousands of people, once again underscoring He loves to meet needs.  He can do the same in your life, so trust Him!  
July 25, 2024
When we’re in a desperate situation, we can respond in a number of different ways.  But the best thing we can do at such times, is draw close to the Lord in worship.  We’ll hear of a dear woman who did just that, today on Sound Doctrine.  
July 24, 2024
As parents nothing pulls at our heart strings like when a child of ours is in trouble or hurting.  Today on Sound Doctrine we’ll hear of a woman in a desperate situation.  Her daughter is demon possessed!  But it would lead her into worship of Jesus.  And pastor Jeff Johnson will show us why this was effective worship, today!  
July 23, 2024
Is your heart right with the Lord… that all-important question is before us today on Sound Doctrine as we head over to Matthew chapter fifteen.  Pastor Jeff Johnson cautions us not to be like the Pharisees of old, who were critical and judgmental, caught up in hypocrisy.  If we’re not careful we can start to elevate traditions above the very Word of God like they did, and that’s a big mistake.  
July 22, 2024
We hear a lot about love these days.  Whether it be in the movies we watch or the music we listen to!  But more often than not the love that is portrayed is a far cry from God’s love!  Today on Sound Doctrine God’s love is defined for us through a study in First John chapter three.  
July 20, 2024
Today on Sound Doctrine we’ll talk about a group of men that really destroyed their lives in the name of keeping tradition. There’s a lot of that going on today in case you haven’t noticed!  And there are a series of valuable lessons that we need to learn from this!  
July 19, 2024
When we’re in a stormy trial we can so easily settle into fear!  We get our eyes on the circumstances and start to panic!  But there’s a better way to go, and it’s pictured for us in Matthew chapter fourteen.  Today on Sound Doctrine pastor Jeff Johnson shows us how God wants to give us victory in times like these.  He just wants us to keep our eyes on Him and choose faith over fear!  
July 18, 2024
Let’s face it, many of us are consumed by fear today!  We look at all that’s going on in our world, and it’s very easy for us to resort to that sort of thing.  It’s so important that we choose faith over fear!  And God loves to help us with that endeavor. Today on Sound Doctrine we’ll learn how to embrace faith over fear as we join pastor Jeff JOhnson in Matthew chapter fourteen for part one of “Walking on Water.”  
July 17, 2024
God is wanting us to trust Him, but you may have noticed we often struggle in that area? We draw your attention to Jesus feeding thousands of people with a young boy’s lunch!  Some say that’s impossible!  But nothing is impossible for God. We’re learning to trust in Jesus, even as we’re hit with roadblocks or impossibilities, as we turn to Matthew chapter fourteen.
July 16, 2024
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Daily Devotions
This special collections of daily devotions with your Calvary Chapel Pastors will edify you as you read each day of the year. God's Word in these devotions will inspire you. As these Pastors share their hearts and personal experiences of God's faithfulness.

About Sound Doctrine

A weekday radio program featuring the verse by verse Bible teaching of Pastor Jeff Johnson broadcasted throughout the United States and abroad.

About Jeff Johnson

Jeff Johnson is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Downey, California since 1973. The emphasis within his ministry is a verse-by-verse study of the Word of God, giving its full counsel. His influence has experienced a steady and substantial growth over the years with people of all ages. Calvary Chapel of Downey has grown to average weekly attendance of more than 9,000. Teaching seminars, Bible classes, home studies, various training programs, mission outreaches, as well as a Christian Elementary & Jr./Sr. High School, and Bible college meet the needs of this large body. Calvary Chapel's impact is growing from Southern California to virtually around the world. His wife Karyn supports Jeff in his ministry.

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Sound Doctrine Radio
12808 Woodruff Ave.
Downey, CA 90242

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 (562) 803-6501

Southern California 2:00 pm