Sound Doctrine

Jeff Johnson

Godly Living, Part 1

April 11, 2018

Ben Franklin said, “Experience is a dear teacher, and a fool will learn no other way.” While the book of Proverbs as a book of wisdom gives us the benefits of the wisdom and experience of Solomon, Hezekiah, and others, we can learn from their experiences so we don’t have to do the same thing. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff shares the do’s and don’ts of godly living, and Pastor Jeff has shared his own experiences in the growth of wisdom on his own journey with the Lord. It’s part of God’s encouragement to us with the first installment of our study titled, “Godly Living”. If you will, please open to Proverbs 29 for today’s encouragement in Sound Doctrine. 

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Daily Devotions
This special collections of daily devotions with your Calvary Chapel Pastors will edify you as you read each day of the year. God's Word in these devotions will inspire you. As these Pastors share their hearts and personal experiences of God's faithfulness.


When you total the benefits that the believer enjoys in Christ vs. what we used to have in the world or thought we had, it’s not even close. We have been saved from sin, past, present, and future as well as look forward to spending eternity with our Lord and love, Jesus Christ. That’s why Pastor Jeff Johnson reminds us that God is with us, inhabits our praises and draws us close to Himself in ways that the world doesn’t appreciate and can’t imagine. Today on Sound Doctrine we are reminded that we will continue to experience God’s joy as we choose to focus on Him more than anything or anyone else. With our final installment in Proverbs 29, here now is Pastor Jeff. 
April 10, 2018
The Bible tells us not to allow the world to squeeze us into its mold. The effect of the church in the world isn’t to simply keep us from being like the world, but to effectively cause others to hunger and thirst for the Lord. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson encouarges us to be the salt and light that Jesus has made us to be in order to naturally be a preserving agent to the growing darkness we see in our country and in the world. But it all depends on our focus. It’s part of our study titled, “It’s Your Choice”. And it’s our second installment in Proverbs 29. With that in mind, let’s join Pastor Jeff for today’s edition of Sound Doctrine.  
April 9, 2018
What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? And have I committed it? It’s one of the most often asked questions among believers. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson reminds us that this is something that applies to non-believers who have hardened their hearts against God’s loving correction in their lives; those who think they have escaped from bondage to freedom, only to discover the opposite is true. It’s a healthy time of asking God to examine those areas we may have ignored His voice as well. We turn now to Pastor Jeff in our study titled, “It’s Your Choice” in Proverbs 29. 
April 6, 2018
Security comes from a life of wisdom that trusts in God regardless of how we feel, what we see, or even what we think. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson shows us two paths that we are walking in the Christian life: One where we trust in our own understanding, which is limited and finite. Or the other path were we can trust in God’s unlimited and infinite resources to reveal His wisdom to us. The choice we make now will determine the quality of our lives in Christ. With our final installment of our study titled, “When the Wicked Reign” in Proverbs 28, here’s Pastor Jeff.  
April 5, 2018
As Americans we love the outdoors and open spaces. We love the freedom of having our own personal space as well. So when God instructs us to humbly confront a believer over an sin or issue that He wants to address, it can bring discomfort in the beginning, but will produce a legacy of restoration and love in the long run. That’s why today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson reminds us of the necessity of obeying the Lord when He tells us we need to confront someone. With our study titled, “When the Wicked Reign” he helps us to see the situations where rebuke is needed. With more on that in Proverbs 28, here now is Pastor Jeff.  
April 4, 2018
In the tale of the Emperor’s New Clothes, the foolish ruler was convinced that he was wearing the richest, most luxurious clothing ever made, when in reality he was wearing nothing. Today on Sound Doctrine, Pastor Jeff reminds us that’s essentially what Jesus is calling many who rely on their own riches and are not rich towards the Lord. It’s a humbling and necessary look into the motive as to where our treasures truly lie by our actions, and not simply our words. With more on this subject, here is Pastor Jeff in Proverbs 28 with a message titled, When the Wicked Reign. 
April 3, 2018
There are certain phenomena in life that demand a healthy respect: Fire. At a young age we were taught not to touch it or else we would be burned. Gravity. No matter how many times we’ve seen Superman escape its downward pull, no real person has escaped its clutches on his own strength. And for the believer there is Satan. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson reminds us that while it is necessary to respect our adversary, we don’t have to walk in the timidity and fear of being burned or thrown to the ground if we walk in God’s Spirit. It’s the final installment of our study titled, “The Word and Wicked Men” in Proverbs 28 for today’s message in Sound Doctrine.    
April 2, 2018
Much better than Chicken Soup for the Soul, is confession for the soul. Far too many paths have been walked for too long in ways that led many of God’s people away from Him when all He has been waiting for is our confession followed by repentance. Once that comes into light, we have a God who is gracious and merciful, ready to pour His blessings on our lives as we walk with Him. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff shows us how confession is such a key for God’s people. It’s part of our study titled, “The Word and Wicked Men” in Proverbs 28. With that in mind, let’s join Pastor Jeff Johnson for today’s installment of Sound Doctrine.    
March 30, 2018
The Bible tells us that God’s love for aus is so great that He calls us His children. All parents want to see their children reach their potential. Being a good parent the Lord sees the condition of our faith and seeks to deepen it and draw out a more substantive faith that is sometimes formed through trials, if need be. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff shows how those who ignore and don’t make time for God’s word will discover their spiritual drift and their prayerful decline without recognizing it. It’s a strong warning to keep our eyes, hearts, and mind in those gifts that God has given to walk closely with Him. So, as we open up Proverbs 28 for our instruction titled, “The Word and Wicked Men” let’s turn our attention to Pastor Jeff Johnson.
March 29, 2018
Of all God’s children, there are times when we feel as though we don’t measure up to how well other believers do with the Lord. Maybe there are large areas of our lives that simply don’t show that we belong to the Lord. That’s why today Pastor Jeff Johnson shows us the characteristics of those who walk close to the Lord and what to watch out for in walking down a slippery slope of compromise and ruin. It’s timely Biblical guidance that the Holy Spirit has specifically given to us who have ears to hear. So let’s join Pastor Jeff in a message called, “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” in Proverbs 28 for today’s edition of Sound Doctrine.    
March 28, 2018
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Daily Devotions
This special collections of daily devotions with your Calvary Chapel Pastors will edify you as you read each day of the year. God's Word in these devotions will inspire you. As these Pastors share their hearts and personal experiences of God's faithfulness.

About Sound Doctrine

A weekday radio program featuring the verse by verse Bible teaching of Pastor Jeff Johnson broadcasted throughout the United States and abroad.

About Jeff Johnson

Jeff Johnson is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Downey, California since 1973. The emphasis within his ministry is a verse-by-verse study of the Word of God, giving its full counsel. His influence has experienced a steady and substantial growth over the years with people of all ages. Calvary Chapel of Downey has grown to average weekly attendance of more than 9,000. Teaching seminars, Bible classes, home studies, various training programs, mission outreaches, as well as a Christian Elementary & Jr./Sr. High School, and Bible college meet the needs of this large body. Calvary Chapel's impact is growing from Southern California to virtually around the world. His wife Karyn supports Jeff in his ministry.

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 (562) 803-6501

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