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Are You the Real Deal, Part 1

July 9, 2018

As believers we experience with God what no one else in the world can experience: a life of love and service from Grace, not works. IOW What we do for Jesus is always in light of what Jesus has already done for us. The more we follow and obey and serve Jesus shows that we are living in light of all that God has done for us. In Today’s installment of  Sound Pastor Jeff Johnson reminds us that God is always the initiator so that all that Paul shares with us in Ephesians 4 is in response to His love. We invite you to join us for our study titled, “Are You the Real Deal” for today’s encouragement in Sound Doctrine.

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This special collections of daily devotions with your Calvary Chapel Pastors will edify you as you read each day of the year. God's Word in these devotions will inspire you. As these Pastors share their hearts and personal experiences of God's faithfulness.


When we last met, Pastor Jeff Johnson was encouraging us to maintain a surrendered and dependent attitude upon the Holy Spirit, so that our heart would be Christ’s home. Today on Sound Doctrine he reminds us that when we stumble and fall; when we sin, God desires us to come again and asked to be filled with His Spirit over and over again...because we leak. As we continue to come to the Lord over and over again, we will cultivate that dependence upon God’s Spirit and notice that we leak less and less. With our final installment of our study titled, “My Heart, Christ’s Home,” Here is Pastor Jeff in Ephesians 3.
July 6, 2018
Imagine what our lives would be like, how different they might be, if we were continually surrendered to the Holy Spirit? What do you think you would be doing differently? How would your thinking be changed? What new habits would be adopted, old habits dropped? Now instead of simply imagining that for you life, as you listen to our study in Ephesians 3 today, ask the Holy Spirit to make that a reality in your life. Pastor Jeff shows us the life-changing importance of allowing God’s Spirit to strengthen us as Paul describes. With more of these powerful truths, let’s begin our study titled, “My Heart, Christ’s Home” with Pastor Jeff Johnson in Sound Doctrine.
July 5, 2018
While we all want greater prayer lives, we desire to see God do more in and through our lives. it seems the one obstacle standing in our way seems to be...actually taking the time to pray. For some it is simply the idea that God doesn’t answer our prayers in the way we think He should. Martin Luther said, “Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance, but laying hold of His willingness.” In Ephesians 3 today, Pastor Jeff Johnson shows the posture of prayer that Paul possessed as he interceded for the church in Ephesus. He reminds us of what God is able to do when we take the time to seek Him. With more on that in our message titled, “Is Your Heart Christ’s Home?” let’s join Pastor Jeff for today’s encouragement in Sound Doctrine.
July 4, 2018
The Bible tells us that it is required in stewards that one be found faithful. When the church was looking for people to serve the widows the daily bread, they looked for those who were filled with the Holy Spirit, wisdom, and a good reputation. Today Pastor Jeff reminds us that the men and women who were used of God in history had such a close relationship with the Lord that it spoke loudly to their generation. He then challenges us to possess the same faithfulness, filling of the Spirit and an expectation to the return of Jesus Christ that it speaks to our generation. With more on that in our study titled, “Mystery Revealed,” here is Pastor Jeff Johnson in Ephesians 3 for today’s encouragement in Sound Doctrine.
July 3, 2018
In the academic world, the accumulation of knowledge is usually regarded as a reflection of the individual’s own intelligence, often leading to pride. However, Biblical knowledge, knowledge of God’s ways is the result of obedience according to Jesus with the end result of humility. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff shows what was once said by A.W. Tozer, that, “Unless God hurts a man deeply, he cannot use him greatly.” For many they are in the place of being hurt deeply in order to cling to the Lord and only then is He able to use them for His glory. Pastor Jeff shares how God did that work in the life of the apostle Paul, and still wants to do that work in our lives as we surrender to Him. With that in mind, let’s join Pastor Jeff in Ephesians 3 for our study titled, “Mystery Revealed.”
July 2, 2018
Have you ever wondered all that God might have done in your life if you had only asked Him for more? Imagine what kind of doors He could be opening, what kind of a greater capacity for His love and the knowledge of His will in your life, all in your possession...simply by asking. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson shows us the characteristics of living in the age of grace where God’s power is effectively working in the lives of His people. It’s part of what the Holy Spirit showing us in Ephesians about our riches in Christ. So with more on that in our message titled, “Mystery Revealed” here is Pastor Jeff Johnson.
June 29, 2018
You can’t buy it, earn it, or deserve it. You can’t make it or exhaust it. It doesn’t originate with you, or end with you. It builds up, never brings down. It is always available, it gives life and doesn’t take it away, except once. I am speaking of course of the grace of God from the cross of Jesus Christ. It sets us free from sin, and the guilt and shame that accompany it. It is referred to as God’s love stooping down towards His creation. And today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff finishes our study in Ephesians 3 showing how Paul the Apostle was a prisoner and steward of God’s grace to the Gentile world. Wit
June 28, 2018
Has God ever entrusted something into your care specifically? Maybe a tense situation at work that you had to handle? Or possibly a friend confiding in your with delicate information as you disciple them? Pastor Jeff Johnson shares how In Ephesians 3, Paul was given a stewardship to reveal that Non-Jews could have a relationship with Jesus Christ through the Gospel. He goes on to give examples through the Word of others who were entrusted by God to a particular calling even though they went through challenges. And how God was able to use those challenges to bring about good and accomplish His will. With that in mind, let’s begin our second installment in Ephesians 3 for a message titled, “The Prisoner of Grace” for today’s encouragement in Sound Doctrine.
June 27, 2018
Has God ever entrusted something into your care specifically? Maybe a tense situation at work that you had to handle? Or possibly a friend confiding in your with delicate information as you disciple them? Pastor Jeff Johnson shares how In Ephesians 3, Paul was given a stewardship to reveal that Non-Jews could have a relationship with Jesus Christ through the Gospel. He goes on to give examples through the Word of others who were entrusted by God to a particular calling even though they went through challenges. And how God was able to use those challenges to bring about good and accomplish His will. With that in mind, let’s begin our second installment in Ephesians 3 for a message titled, “The Prisoner of Grace” for today’s encouragement in Sound Doctrine.
June 26, 2018
Since Jesus Christ is the cornerstone, the heart of the church, the head of the church, the Chief Shepherd. Since He is the One whom is holding all things together, in His church, in our lives, in our world. So we can be assured that we have a great God and Savior in Jesus Christ who accomplishes His will in our lives according to His perfect plan. As Pastor Jeff finishes the message titled, “Welcome to the Family,” he continues to give wonderful assurances of Jesus’ role and position in the church, reminding us of the role and position He desires in our lives. With our final study in Ephesians 2, let’s begin our study in Sound Doctrine
June 25, 2018
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About Sound Doctrine

A weekday radio program featuring the verse by verse Bible teaching of Pastor Jeff Johnson broadcasted throughout the United States and abroad.

About Jeff Johnson

Jeff Johnson is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Downey, California since 1973. The emphasis within his ministry is a verse-by-verse study of the Word of God, giving its full counsel. His influence has experienced a steady and substantial growth over the years with people of all ages. Calvary Chapel of Downey has grown to average weekly attendance of more than 9,000. Teaching seminars, Bible classes, home studies, various training programs, mission outreaches, as well as a Christian Elementary & Jr./Sr. High School, and Bible college meet the needs of this large body. Calvary Chapel's impact is growing from Southern California to virtually around the world. His wife Karyn supports Jeff in his ministry.

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Sound Doctrine Radio
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Downey, CA 90242

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 (562) 803-6501

Southern California 2:00 pm