THURSDAY September 19, 2024

Rejoice in the Lord

Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. For me to write the same things to you is not tedious, but for you it is safe.
Philippians 3:1

Even though he was under house arrest, Paul had the joy of the Lord every day, no matter his circumstances. He continued to do the work of the ministry and used his time to dictate his epistle to the Philippians. At this point, he reached a transition in his letter to them; after some additional thoughts, soon his letter would be complete.

Paul had joy; He had his eyes on the Lord. He knew the Philippians were being robbed of their joy! They were too busy disputing among themselves. Others in the church were murmuring and complaining. He wanted the brethren to have a contagious joy––to rejoice in the Lord.

What has caused you to lose your joy in life? When you embrace sin in your life, joy will be lost. King David embraced a woman and committed adultery with her. What did he lose? His joy! In repentance, his desire was to have his joy restored: Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you (Psalm 51:12 NLT). What sin have you embraced that has robbed you of your joy? If you humbly repent of your sin, the Lord will restore your joy.

Are you a person who is always murmuring and complaining because your life has become overwhelming? Do not become disappointed, bitter or angry, and do not begin to embrace Satan’s lies. He will cause you to question the goodness of God. I have heard people complain, saying, “If God is love, why is He allowing this situation to happen in my life?” Instead of rejoicing in the Lord for all the good things He has done for them, they allow depression to creep into their lives. Where is their joy?

Rejoice in the Lord for all the great things He has done for you. An old hymn, To God be the Glory, has a similar phrase. Consider this one verse: “Great things He hath taught us, great things He hath done, and great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son; but purer, and higher, and greater will be our wonder, our transport when Jesus we see.”

A rejoicing heart soon makes a praising tongue.
~Charles Spurgeon~

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