SUNDAY September 15, 2024

Seek the Things of Christ

For all seek their own, not the things which are of Christ Jesus. But you know his proven character, that as a son with his father he served with me in the gospel. Therefore I hope to send him at once, as soon as I see how it goes with me. But I trust in the Lord that I myself shall also come shortly.
Philippians 2:21-24

Paul gave a sad indictment. There are ministers who want to be seen on a platform. They are seeking their own––wanting to become popular among men and enrich themselves with the money people give to the ministry. Something is wrong––these men are not like-minded. However, when you see a leader seeking the welfare of the people, you have found a man who is following the principles of Christ, has God with them––beautiful.

Among preachers in the pulpits all across America, how many of them have their own agenda? In the congregation, are people really seeking the things of God? Honestly, among the multitudes, there are very few. People generally live their lives seeking their own welfare. They are not other-minded. I challenge them, “Where is your service to God and to others?”

Timothy, on the other hand, had a proven character. As he was tutored by Paul and regarded as a son in the faith, he had the same concern for the Church. Although Paul desired to be with the believers in Philippi, his future remained uncertain, so he decided to send Timothy. This gifted, young man submitted to Paul’s leadership.

In ministry, there are young men who are just like Timothy. I see myself in them when I was younger in the ministry. I instruct them as a father. I see their potential. I will often rebuke and exhort younger men, not to be mean, but to prepare them for what is ahead. They will face rejection and hardships in the ministry. At times, I have to address a revealed weak area in their lives to help straighten them out. I do this in love, because I care what happens to them. That is how Paul discipled Timothy. He made sure Timothy was steadfast––always seeking the things of Christ.

Do you make it your primary business, your first great concern, to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness?
~George Muller~

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