SATURDAY September 14, 2024

Like-minded Co-workers

But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly, that I also may be encouraged when I know your state. For I have no one like-minded, who will sincerely care for your state.
Philippians 2:19-20

Timothy and Epaphroditus were ministers of the Gospel and great friends of Paul. The Apostle shared with the Philippians that he had no one more like-minded than Timothy. Paul personally trained him. He took him on missionary journeys, giving him an opportunity for on-the-job training. He was a young disciple who was on the same page as Paul. Timothy had caught Paul’s vision and passion for preaching and teaching the Gospel.

Paul trusted Timothy. He knew he would be steadfast in his call––he would not run away from his duties. Although young, Paul knew Timothy’s heart. What he said he would do would be accomplished. As he was trained by Paul, Timothy had grown to be a great minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His name Timothy means “honoring God.” As Timothy honored God in his life, God honored him.

Paul will soon introduce to us Epaphroditus. The name Epaphroditus means “lovely” or “devoted to.” He was indeed a devoted man, dedicated to ministering to Paul and helping in the work of the Gospel. The church in Philippi sent him to bring an offering to the Apostle while he remained under house arrest. At some point, Epaphroditus became deathly sick, but thankfully he recovered.

It is good to have like-minded men in the ministry, because they are on the same page with you. I like to disciple young men so they can catch the vision and become useful in God’s Kingdom. It is exciting to see them develop, to have the same heart and mind. As we work together in the ministry, we can accomplish so much. I can rest, knowing that if the Lord took me home to be with Him, those men trained in ministry are equipped to carry on––the baton has been passed to them.

I always pray that God will raise up men like Timothy and Epaphroditus in the ministry, men who are like-minded and who have a vision for reaching the youth––our communities––and the world.

Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.
~1 Peter 3:8 NIV~

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