THURSDAY October 17, 2024

Morning and Evening Devotions

I rise before the dawning of the morning, and cry for help; I hope in Your word. My eyes are awake through the night watches, that I may meditate on Your word.
Psalm 119:147-148

Is prayer a priority in your life? How important is prayer and the Word of God to you? Do you meditate upon God's Word morning and evening? The word meditate means “to muse, study or ponder.” It is really important to spend time in prayer communion with God in the morning before you start your day.

I encourage you to take a book of the Bible and read it throughout the week. Slowly go through the Bible, chapter by chapter and book by book. As you read and pray, you will enjoy close communion with God. You are setting your heart before Him and allowing Him to speak to you. Then you will be ready to receive from the Lord––ready to hear and obey.

Know this: God desires to communicate with you as you fellowship with Him through His Word and through prayer. Not only will you have His presence and peace in your life, but He will also lead and guide you into His perfect will. When you pray and abide in His Word, He will be with you as you leave your home to go to work, to school or college, and He will watch over you throughout your entire day.

The most beautiful thing about communion with the Lord is that you can go and sit somewhere quiet and pray and read your Bible. Why not gather with a few other believers at work during your lunchtime and have a short time of prayer? The Bible tells us: “For where two or three are gathered together in My [Jesus] name, I am there in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20).

Make sure you set a time for devotions every day with the Lord, because as you keep giving God thanks and stay in prayer and His Word, He will move in your life and the lives of those you are praying for in a mighty way.

Every time you miss your devotional life, every time you miss your prayer, every time you miss reading your Word, as a Christian you are in trouble.
~Billy Graham~

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