FRIDAY July 12, 2024

Keep Christ in the Center of Your Marriage

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them.
Colossians 3:18-19

When God designed marriage, He brought a man and a woman together as one. When two people marry, they are joined together before Him. It is important that God remains in the center of their relationship. Both husband and wife must walk with the Lord, seeking God's will together.

Notice, a wife does not have to submit to sin––she submits as is fitting in the Lord. She is never to submit to any abusive behavior. A wife will willingly and naturally submit and respect her husband if she is loved. Therefore aim to love and protect her. Help her to see and trust in your love for her with what you say and do.

A husband must not act in a way that causes his wife to think that he is bitter towards her. Bitterness will always show in a husband’s emotions, words and actions. Again, never act that way. If a root of bitterness grows between you and your wife, then you will grow apart and begin to dislike each other. Where is the love of Christ in your marriage?

If you have said things in anger or made cutting, hurtful remarks to your wife, then make things right with her. Pray and ask God to help you lay aside your pride and humble yourself in admitting your faults and asking for forgiveness. The Holy Spirit will help you to love and care for your wife, unconditionally.

Love and respect in a marriage go hand in hand. Know this: God’s plan for marriage is best. Read the Scriptures and apply them to your marriage and be united as one. Christ must be in the center of your marriage. It has sometimes been said that Christ is the third cord in your relationship.

...a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
~Ecclesiastes 4:12~

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