THURSDAY July 11, 2024

Wives, Respect Your Husbands

...and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
Ephesians 5:33

In Ephesians 5:33, the verse finishes with an exhortation to the wife––she is to respect her husband. In doing so, a wife will build up her marriage. As God has given your husband a position of spiritual leadership, show him honor, respect and the consideration he deserves. Your husband has been given a huge responsibility; therefore, always look for ways to build him up in the Lord, and do not tear him down.

It is important not to treat your husband disrespectfully, especially in front of others. Never treat him like a child. You cannot mother him. You have to respect him! When you degrade your husband, especially in front of your children, you are destroying the very foundation of your home. Take heed to this important Proverb: The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands (Proverbs 14:1). Seriously, decide what kind of wife you want to be!

The word respect in the Hebrew language means “to reverence.” As a wife, there needs to be an attitude of humble submission and respect toward your husband. A Christian wife must let her husband be the head of the home, even if he makes mistakes, because he can learn from them.

I like what Pastor Chuck Smith said about respect:

“If there is an aggressive woman in the home, and the husband becomes passive and allows her to become aggressive toward him, it will influence the children. When they rebel in their teenage years, the mother may ask her husband to correct them. He cannot! Why? The children have no respect for their father. How can they? The wife has always disrespected him in front of them.”

God desires that a wife respect her husband. If you want to have a successful marriage, obey God’s Word.

The only really sound marriages are those based on mutual respect.
~Billy Graham~

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