WEDNESDAY August 7, 2024

Is Your Prayer Life Effectual?

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
James 5:16

What are some of the practical things we can do to make our prayer lives effective? Christians must first realize that, as they pray, they are entering into the Holy of Holies––God’s throne room. Although they can come boldly into His presence (Hebrews 4:16), they are to have the right attitude of humility and godly reverence.

The Apostle Paul spoke of prayer as a spiritual weapon against the enemy: praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit... (Ephesians 6:18). He gave us insight into the most effective position to pray––standing (Ephesians 6:11). Other positions can be used while praying––sitting, kneeling or bowing down––but lying down to pray is a dangerous position. As you become comfortable, all of a sudden you will find yourself slipping into a deep, deep meditation––you have fallen asleep! Sleepiness will cause your prayers to be ineffective.

The Apostle James also knew prayer had the capability to be a very effective spiritual weapon. The word effective in the Greek language means “to put forth power, be operative, to work.” Effective prayer will bring a man or woman into direct alignment with the will of God.

Every day of our lives we can engage in prayer. I like to take walks when I pray. In the evening on a clear night, I walk and talk to the Lord. I find my prayers to be most effective that way. I am wide awake, there is less noise, and there are hardly any distractions. Some people find a quiet place where they can be alone to pray. Prayer should come naturally from our hearts as we commune with the Lord. It is good to have your Bible with you so God can speak to you through the Scriptures. Prayer is a two-way communication.

The Bible tells us, we can pray to God in secret, and He will reward us openly (Matthew 6:6). There is power in prayer. God hears our prayers, and He places around us a defense against Satan’s schemes.

It is the effectual, fervent prayer that influences God.
~E.M. Bounds~

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