SATURDAY August 24, 2024

A Christian’s Joy

But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel....
Philippians 1:12

In God’s wisdom and sovereignty, He deliberately designed that His servant Paul would go through his present circumstances. Even though the situation was undesirable, He knew Paul’s life would bring Him glory and honor. In the face of adversity, Paul had an unshakable faith because he knew this to be true––his life was to be used to glorify God.

While under house arrest, Paul did not feel sorry for himself––he made the best of it. He did not want others to feel sorry for him either. He had an unbreakable joy! This was the theme in writing to the Philippians––joy. His letter was an encouragement for all those who might find themselves in a similar situation. If arrested, God’s joy would be their strength.

Some Christians look at their situations and they begin to feel sorry for themselves; but they need to grow spiritually by trusting in the Lord. That is why it is important to read Bible stories and to study how people in the past coped. How were they able to bear their circumstances? In what ways did they fail or succeed? In 1 Corinthians 10:11, we are encouraged to learn from past experiences: Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition.... We can glean so much from these lessons. Apply what you have learned to your life so that you do not make the same mistakes.

Paul knew the Word of God––all the Old Testament stories. He had spent quality time with the Lord and had received a great education from Him. As a scholar of the Scriptures, he knew the beginning from the end. It was not head knowledge, but heart knowledge. Knowing the truth of the Gospel gave him confidence and courage. He had an eternal hope.

What is your prison today? It might not be a literal prison, but your circumstances may make you feel imprisoned in your home, at work, or wherever else you sense you are bound. Know this: God is sovereign.

The truest, purest joy flows from a discovery of Jesus Christ. He is the hidden treasure that gives such joy to the finder....
~Robert Murray McCheyne~

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