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Lord Guide Me

March 10, 2025

Reflecting on David’s pursuit of divine guidance and provision, Pastor Raul will urge you to fully entrust yourself to the Lord. You can be confident that He will direct your steps and care for your needs. Listen to the study to learn more.

References: Psalms 25

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How To Know Jesus

How can we know Jesus in a personal way? As you explore the hallmarks of Christ’s true disciples, you’ll see how your attitudes and actions speak volumes about your faith. You can know all the right things to say to sound spiritual, but God desires obedience in your daily decisions. If you’re weighed down by guilt or overwhelmed by suffering,Through these studies Pastor Raul will encourage you to seek the peace that only Jesus can give.

Past Episodes

Today on Somebody Loves You Pastor Raul will challenge you to follow David’s example of daily listening for the Lord. Understand the many ways that God speaks – waiting for you to hear and obey, as you commit to following wherever He leads.
March 7, 2025
Today, Pastor Raul explores the writings of Asaph, another man who chronicled his journey with the Lord in the Psalms. Asaph learned firsthand that no sin is hidden from God, and deliberate disobedience reaps divine justice. 
March 6, 2025
Today, Pastor Raul will draw from David’s experience to assure you that God’s forgiveness is stronger than sin’s power. No matter what’s in your past, you can start fresh with the Lord when you genuinely repent and ask for His cleansing renewal.  
March 5, 2025
Today, Pastor Raul highlights one of David’s psalms of confession to assure you that no sin is greater than the Lord’s mercy. All who come to God in true repentance will experience His forgiveness and restoration.
March 4, 2025
King David endured many hardships throughout his life, today on Somebody Loves You, Pastor Raul will contemplate the astounding peace David found in God’s presence during those difficulties.  Listen in to learn more.
March 3, 2025
Pastor Raul will zero on in what David learned about resting in the Lord’s joy rather than pursuing worldly happiness. You’ll see how obedience paves the way for God to bless you with spiritual abundance and eternal purpose. Find out more on Somebody Loves You with Raul Ries.
March 2, 2025
Are you’re burdened by sinful mistakes in your life? Did you know you can start fresh with the Lord like David did?  Today, Pastor Raul will underscore God’s goodness in responding to true repentance with unconditional forgiveness.
February 28, 2025
Pastor Raul will urge you to follow in David’s footsteps of faith. You’ll discover that you can always trust the Lord and find refuge in His goodness, even when He allows trials in your life. Learn more on Somebody Loves You with Pastor Raul Ries
February 27, 2025
Pastor Raul will zero on in what David learned about resting in the Lord’s joy rather than pursuing worldly happiness. You’ll see how obedience paves the way for God to bless you with spiritual abundance and eternal purpose.
February 26, 2025
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About Somebody Loves You

'Somebody Loves You' program is designed to equip listeners with the necessary tools to live out their faith. 'Somebody Loves You' features Raul Ries' humorous, sensible and comprehensible teaching of God's Word.

About Raul Ries

Raul Ries is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Golden Springs and President of Somebody Loves You Ministries. After his miraculous conversion in 1971, Raul began to read and study the Bible extensively even though he had a limited education. In 1974 he began a home Bible study with seven other committed individuals. Soon, he started to preach and counsel youth during the noon hour at his former high school, Baldwin Park High. Calvary Chapel West Covina grew out of Raul's home fellowship, as well as his Kung-Fu studio, and was soon meeting weekly at an old converted Safeway store. In 1993, the congregation moved to Diamond Bar and occupied a 101,000 square-foot corporate building on 28 acres. Calvary Chapel Golden Springs (as it is now called) draws between 10,000 - 12,000 in attendance weekly.

Author of several books, including Fury to Freedom (the story of his early life and dramatic conversion), Raul Ries has also produced three films: Fury to Freedom (feature film dramatization of the book); A Quiet Hope (a riveting and stirring documentary detailing seven soldier's accounts of the Vietnam War and its aftermath); and A Venture in Faith (a documentary of the history of the Calvary Chapel movement).

Contact Somebody Loves You with Raul Ries

Mailing Address
Somebody Loves You Radio
P.O. Box 4440
Diamond Bar, CA 91765

(909) 396-1884