Have you ever experienced a regrettable situation that embarrassed you? Perhaps you know the pain of humiliation for a wrong you participated in or an action taken against you. Maybe even the disgrace of being left behind while others seems to surpass you. If you have ever felt regret or shame, then tonight is for you! Jesus wants to lift you up and give you freedom from the past and confidence for a bright future.

The History and the Story, John Chapter 4

It was an important place, holy ground so to speak - Jacob’s well. This FB group is also special place, it is a well of hope. Here in the tiny town of Shechem is a famous well, there to this day. It’s very important to this Samaritan woman. All the important people in her life had experienced God here in times past. This town was where all the Bible heroes made their way through. This is a special place!

This WELL is where:
Where Abraham lived
Where Jacob finally came home, after years of struggle
Where Joshua explained the blessings
Where Dinah’s rape was revenged
Where Joseph’s brothers buried him
Where Jesus… met this woman
Where WE meet the Lord
At this WELL that never runs dry

3 Reasons Why Shame Hurts
  • You experienced humiliation or distress caused by wrong doing 
  • Your respect or esteem was lost due to dishonor: a regrettable or unfortunate situation oraction 
  • You feel inadequate or embarrassed by someone outdoing or surpassing you

    We never feel ready for this conversation. Why me? I’m not good enough, my past is too messed up, I’m not worthy enough.
Overcoming Shame Through and Encounter with Jesus

John 4:11-15 (TPT) The woman replied, “But sir, you don’t even have a bucket and this well is very deep. So where do you find this ‘living water’? Do you really think that you are greater than our ancestor Jacob who dug this well and drank from it himself, along with his children and livestock?”

1) Understanding who Jesus is in your life
a. He sees you, He is personal and His heart for your heart
b. Jesus pays attention and recognizes you
c. Jesus doesn’t fault your past, but wants to move you forward

John 4:9-10  (TPT) Surprised, she said, “Why would a Jewish man ask a Samaritan woman for a drink of water?” Jesus replied, “If you only knew who I am and the gift that God wants to give you—you’d ask me for a drink, and I would give to you living water.”

2) Jesus loves to surprise you
a. Jesus also wants to surprise you with a divine appointment
b. Jesus surprises us with His love and presence – His encounters are sweet

John 4:13-14  (TPT) Jesus answered, “If you drink from Jacob’s well you’ll be thirsty again and again, but if anyone drinks the living water I give them, they will never thirst again and will be forever satisfied! For when you drink the water I give you it becomes a gushing fountain of the Holy Spirit, springing up and flooding you with endless life!”

3) Jesus shows up during regular days
a. During our routines such as washing and cooking
b. Jesus knows when we are suffering in the shame of our past, mistakes or relationships

John 4:16-21 (TPT) Jesus said, “Go get your husband and bring him back here.” “But I’m not married,” the woman answered. “That’s true,” Jesus said, “for you’ve been married five times and now you’re living with a man who is not your husband. You have told the truth.” The woman said, “You must be a prophet! So tell me this: Why do our fathers worship God here on this nearby mountain, but your people teach that Jerusalem is the place where we must worship. Which is right?” Jesus responded, “Believe me, dear woman, the time has come when you won’t worship the Father on a mountain nor in Jerusalem, but in your heart.

4) Jesus wants you to receive from Him
a. Truth sets you free. Be honest with Him
b. She ran with great joy to share her change, she didn’t keep it to herself because her shame was truly lifted
c. Jesus bore our shame on the cross so we don’t carry it

John 4:25-34 (TPT) The woman said, “This is all so confusing, (SHE IS TRYING TO WRAP HER BRAIN AROUND THIS CONVERSATION OF LOVE!) but I do know that the Anointed One is coming—the true Messiah. And when he comes, he will tell us everything we need to know.” Jesus said to her, “You don’t have to wait any longer, the Anointed One is here speaking with you—I am the One you’re looking for.” At that moment the disciples returned and were stunned to see Jesus speaking with the Samaritan woman. Yet none of them dared to ask him why or what they were discussing. All at once, the woman dropped her water jar and ran off to her village and told everyone, “Come and meet a man at the well who told me everything I’ve ever done! He could be the Anointed One we’ve been waiting for.” Hearing this, the people came streaming out of the village to go see Jesus.

5) Jesus loves a quick response
a. Feel the joy and run into your new freedom

6) Learn and Grow
a. Read, listen and study His word

John 4:39-42 (TPT) So there were many from the Samaritan village who became believers in Jesus because of the woman’s testimony: “He told me everything I ever did!” Then they begged Jesus to stay with them, so he stayed there for two days, resulting in many more coming to faith in him because of his teachings. Then the Samaritans said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you told us, but now we’ve heard him ourselves and are convinced that he really is the true Savior of the world!”

7) Jesus will give you a new purpose
a. You now have a role of influence despite your past shame
b. Spend the amount of time needed to fully move forward

8) Share your new life with others
a. Self will keep you bound to self. Move beyond yourself to share with others. Your family and friends will receive hope because of your courage

9) Resist the temptation to go back
a. Speak out loud to remind yourself and the enemy of your freedom

Dear Jesus the Savior of my world,
You are the first person in my life to really pay attention to me and notice all the details. When my past was dark and heavy upon my shoulders you rescued me just in the nick of time. I needed you! My life was so dry and my heart so hardened that I couldn’t even imagine a softening at the time when You rushed in to save me. Oh thank you, how can I say it enough? You are good. You know everything I’ve ever done and you still love me. The relationships in my life have messed up my ability to trust or see clearly. Will you heal my mind and emotions from the wounds of days gone by? I’m tired of looking back, some things need to be forgotten forever. I can run forward knowing that you will take care of this, I desperately want freedom. You are the best news I’ve had in a really long time. I can’t wait to share this hope with the people in my life that I love the most. I’m sure they will love you too. Come closer, refresh me with Your pure living water. Let this water fall like spring rain to wash away the shame, the guilt and the pain. Your well is deep. I feel it now, watering my spirit, breathing new life into my lungs and washing me. For once in my life I belong, I belong to You. Jesus, we are a perfect match! Amen.