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Save America Ministries Instructions for Alexa

Listen to your favorite Oneplace ministries on all Alexa-enabled devices! Alexa is the voice-activated assistant for Amazon devices such as the Echo, Echo Dot and the Amazon Tap.

Search for "" in the Skills section of the Alexa app on your phone and hit the "Enable" button. Now you can ask Alexa to play your favorite show or host:

“Alexa, ask Oneplace to play ‘Save America Ministries’”


“Alexa, ask Oneplace to play ‘Chuck Crismier’”

About Save America Ministries

A New Breed of Christian Talk Show moving "from information to transformation," Chuck Crismier, veteran attorney, author, and pastor, has an amazing ability to probe below the surface and deal with issues that few dare to touch. It's dialogue that demands decision. It's 'Viewpoint' from Save America Ministries!

About Chuck Crismier

Pastor Chuck Crismier began his career as a public school teacher from 1967 to 1975. He then served as a Civil Private Practice attorney from 1975 to 1994 while at the same time pastoring a church from 1987 to the present. Chuck has authored several books most recently including “Out of Egypt” (2006), “The Power of Hospitality” (2005) and “Renewing the Soul of America” (2002). He founded Save American Ministries in 1993 earning him the Valley Forge Freedom Foundation Award for significant contribution to the cause of Faith and Freedom.

Contact Save America Ministries with Chuck Crismier

Mailing Address
Save America Ministries
P.O. Box 70879
Richmond, VA 23255
Telephone Number