Resources from Save America Ministries
LASTING LOVE can be a dream come true. Yet love requires more than a dream or those loving feelings we so much desire.Lasting Love, Chuck and Kathie Crismier, celebrating their Golden Anniversary, unveil seven enduring secrets that will inspire and strengthen your marriage as it has theirs. COPY and PASTE this link to WATCH the TRAILER: https://www.facebook.com/Save-America-Ministries-204687919570536/videos
Leaving a Legacy That Lasts! There is a fatherhood crisis in America. Indeed, a serious “father problem” is at the core of nearly all social ills facing America today. Because fatherhood lies at the very root of a righteous relationship with the Creator Himself, the enemy of our souls desperately seeks to destroy that relationship. This book provides a “binocular” view of God’s Word, exposing the deception all around us and illuminating the Heavenly Father’s perfect prescription for both a temporal and eternal legacy.

About Save America Ministries
About Chuck Crismier
Contact Save America Ministries with Chuck Crismier
Save America Ministries
P.O. Box 70879