Running To Win

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

The Gift We Can't Live Without, Part 2 of 2 (How You Can Be Sure You Will Spend Eternity With God)

January 20, 2022

Your regrets feel like an irreparable, muddy mess. Sin colors everything. It’ll take an intervention from God to make it right. In this message, you’ll identify the qualities of the righteousness in Christ that assure you of your standing with God. This unchangeable, permanent, and infinite righteousness is based on the believer’s union with Christ. There’s cleansing, like a blanket of white snow, for those who finally give up their self-righteousness and believe in Him alone.

Featured Offer

The Marriage Puzzle
This resource is a realistic analysis of why so many marriages that begin well end so tragically. Pastor Erwin Lutzer addresses the pressure points in marriage both biblically and compassionately so you can move beyond the past, seek God's guidance, and allow conflict to strengthen the relationship. Here is hope for those couples who think they are doomed to a relationship crippled by the failures of the past and the pain of the present. In Christ, any marriage can be strengthened and restored. Click below to receive this book for a gift of any amount or call Moody Church Media at 1.888.218.9337.


How can you know that you’re right with God? Jesus, the only sinless human, became sin to bring you to God. In this message, you’ll explore the truth a 16th-century German monk, Martin Luther, found so vital: righteousness that comes only by faith. You’ll discover five characteristics of the righteousness of God in 2 Corinthians that will bless your soul and take you all the way to heaven when you believe on Jesus.
January 19, 2022
For people bent on working for everything in their life, God’s grace is very difficult to accept. Two kinds of people struggle with this: 1. those who feel they’re too unworthy because of their great sin and 2. those who feel they have a good shot at heaven because of their religious deeds. In this message, you’ll apply the characteristics of God’s grace to your life. Whether you tend towards despair or pride, no one earns God’s favor based on their merit.
January 18, 2022
Most Christians know the hymn “Amazing Grace” – even non-believers know it. Yet so few of us truly understand why grace is so amazing. Let’s begin looking at the 5 characteristics of God’s saving grace in Ephesians 2. Though no one is worthy, God gives this gift freely to those who believe on His Son. God’s grace is more than sufficient to save not only a “good” person, but the most wicked and vilest of sinners. Now that’s amazing!
January 17, 2022
How do you avoid self-deception in your relationship with God? Many try to gain heaven through their own efforts. They think that if their good deeds outweigh their bad, they’ll make it. Let’s take another look at those who are shocked they won’t enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You’ll hear three explanations of how anyone could be self-deceived. You’re invited to come to the only One qualified to save you: Jesus.
January 14, 2022
Sincerity is great, but it’s not enough, especially when it comes to this all-important matter: the salvation of your soul. In this message, you’ll identify three false paths on the broad way that many people go: the paths of achieving good things, finding God mystically in yourself, or trusting sacramental rituals. But in Matthew 7, Jesus makes an astounding contrast between the false paths and the true path to God.
January 13, 2022
Do you wonder what good can come out of your ruined dreams? Behind every turn in your life, God’s hand can be seen. In this final message on Joseph’s life, you’ll ponder crucial implications from this truth: God is increasing the eternal joy of the saints even amid the world’s evil. God is working all His good purposes together. If your life seems haphazard, be encouraged that God is in control.
January 12, 2022
Are you striving to accomplish a dream that seems impossible? Much of the anxiety can dissolve when you realize that God directs all things towards an appointed end in His world. If you are God’s child, you can trust His providence. In this message, you’ll explore the scope of God’s providence in Joseph’s life, so you’re equipped to remain joyful, committed, and free from anxiety. God’s providence reminds you of His purposes at work in your troubled past, for your future, and even in evil.
January 11, 2022
Does reconciliation feel impossible after your dreams have been crushed by relational sin? The story of Joseph in Egypt is very dramatic—a former slave rises to power only to judge the brothers who sold him into slavery years before. God’s gracious plan was unfolding to save two nations. In this message, let’s sketch the portrait of Joseph’s final visit with his brothers. Once you step into true reconciliation, you begin to dream with God again.
January 10, 2022
Have you ever thought, “Where does God factor in all my unfulfilled dreams?” You’re not alone. Joseph’s dream seemed destroyed—until the day he sees his brothers for the first time since they sold him into slavery. In this message, you’ll begin to sketch three portraits of Joseph’s painful encounters with his brothers. You’ll see how a divinely-directed famine brought Joseph and his brothers together—physically and relationally. No matter what you’ve been through, God is still with you, and He has bigger dreams for you than you could ever imagine.
January 7, 2022
How do you remain confident in God’s plan for your life? The Almighty unveiled a dream for Joseph that he never could have foreseen. One minute, Joseph was in jail. The next, he became vice-regent of Egypt. But he kept it all in perspective: he knew that God was working out a perfect plan. Whatever injustices or setbacks you face, you can learn to submit yourself to God’s kindness. Only God, who sees the future, knows what dream is best for you.
January 6, 2022
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Featured Offer

The Marriage Puzzle
This resource is a realistic analysis of why so many marriages that begin well end so tragically. Pastor Erwin Lutzer addresses the pressure points in marriage both biblically and compassionately so you can move beyond the past, seek God's guidance, and allow conflict to strengthen the relationship. Here is hope for those couples who think they are doomed to a relationship crippled by the failures of the past and the pain of the present. In Christ, any marriage can be strengthened and restored. Click below to receive this book for a gift of any amount or call Moody Church Media at 1.888.218.9337.

About Running To Win

Running the race of life is hard. But with the Bible front and center and a heart to encourage, Pastor Erwin Lutzer presents clear Bible teaching, helping you make it across the finish line. Since 2011, this 25-minute program has provided a Godward focus and features listeners’ questions.

About Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer is Pastor Emeritus of The Moody Church where he served as the Senior Pastor for 36 years (1980-2016). He earned a B.Th. from Winnipeg Bible College, a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary, a M.A. in Philosophy from Loyola University, and an honorary LL.D. from the Simon Greenleaf School of Law (Now Trinity Law School).

A clear expositor of the Bible, he is the featured speaker on two radio programs: Running to Win—a daily Bible-teaching broadcast and Songs in the Night—an evening program that’s been airing since 1943. Running To Win broadcasts on a thousand outlets in the U.S. and across more than fifty countries in seven languages. His speaking engagements include Bible conferences and seminars, both domestically and internationally, including Russia, the Republic of Belarus, Germany, Scotland, Guatemala, and Japan. He has led tours to Israel and to the cities of the Protestant Reformation in Europe.

Pastor Lutzer is also a prolific author of over seventy books, including the bestselling We Will Not Be Silenced, One Minute After You Die, and the Gold Medallion Award winner, Hitler’s Cross. Pastor Lutzer and Rebecca live in the Chicago area and have three grown children and eight grandchildren. Connect with Pastor Lutzer on X (@ErwinLutzer) or

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