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Those Vows Mean Something Part 2

November 12, 2013

When a young couple stands at the altar, all is love and the wedding vows come easily.  It is later that reality sets in. Inevitable conflicts arise, and the temptation to split up is great.  What is the glue that can bind two people together when the romance fades?  Today we will discuss the power of commitment, and why keeping our commitments can save our marriages and our families.

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In the old days, it was said, “his word is as good as his bond.” A handshake and a promise was all it took to seal the deal. These days, when a marriage breaks up, we have prenuptial agreements to divvy up the loot.  Few take seriously the covenant they enter into when they tie the knot and exchange the rings. Today, Pastor Lutzer explains why marriage, in God’s eyes, is a lifetime deal no matter what.
November 11, 2013
Commitment is a fast-fading part of modern marriage, where “irreconcilable differences” mean divorce is around the corner. While there were differences between Wanda and Gustav Lutzer, they were never irreconcilable. Their marriage lasted 76 years, when Gustav passed away at age 106. On today’s broadcast, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, their fifth child, will tell of their commitment.
November 8, 2013
Even among Christians, a marriage today has 50-50 odds of succeeding.  Couples often split up when the going gets tough. Wanda and Gustav Lutzer bucked the trend by celebrating 76 years of marriage. Their fifth child is Dr. Erwin Lutzer, who tells their story on today’s program, listing five principles that kept his parents together through thick and thin.
November 7, 2013
In the ongoing battle for our hearts, the bad guys seem to be winning. The media and our computers are paving the way. Every one of us is susceptible to moral sin. Since all of us have access to the internet, we are more susceptible than ever. Our entire culture is sinking into a pit of moral decay. The issue is serious and demands a radical solution.
November 5, 2013
The Biblical standard for sexual morality is very high, so high that many people think it is unattainable. The Sermon on the Mount gives us the ideal in morality: a deep, heartfelt desire to do the will of God and to renounce sin. The bottom line? None of us can keep this standard on our own. We need the kind of help Jesus provides as our Savior and Redeemer.
November 4, 2013
Addictions are devastating. They distort personalities, ruin family relationships, and put people in defense mode. People with addictions usually insist that they have no addiction. They ignore attempts to help them. Today we will look at more of the characteristics of an addict to help us understand how addiction begins, and, how its curse can be lifted.
November 1, 2013
The internet offers pornography to anyone who wants to access it. This inflames desires and leads to sex addiction. That is a good reason why the Bible tells us to guard our hearts. Today, we probe the mind of an addict to see what leads a person there, and what steps we should take to be free of an addiction fueled by the easy availability of images on our computers.
October 31, 2013
When you have two oxen pulling a plow, you need both to work together. Otherwise, you cannot plow in a straight line. That is why the Bible says “don’t be unequally yoked together” in any binding relationships. There is a need for separation from the world, a separation that keeps us from being contaminated.
October 29, 2013
There is no doubt. It’s a mess out there. The moral impurity in the media and on the internet is destroying a whole generation. Christians are torn. Either abandon a technology they can’t live without and become so isolated from culture as to have no impact on it at all, or, risk exposure to violence and sexual images on the internet while trying to engage the world they live in.
October 28, 2013
The grace of God is His unmerited favor, His bestowal of mercy on those who don’t deserve it. That includes all of us. No matter how far we have fallen, there is help and hope if we come to God in honest repentance, seeking His forgiveness and healing. Many who have been in deep moral sin now have this hope. Today, you will hear a testimony of one man who found that God’s grace was enough.
October 25, 2013
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About Running To Win 15 Minute Version

Running the race of life is hard. But with the Bible front and center and a heart to encourage, Pastor Erwin Lutzer presents clear Bible teaching, helping you make it across the finish line. Since 1998, this 15-minute program has provided a Godward focus. Today this program broadcasts internationally in seven languages.

About Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer is Pastor Emeritus of The Moody Church where he served as the Senior Pastor for 36 years (1980-2016). He earned a B.Th. from Winnipeg Bible College, a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary, a M.A. in Philosophy from Loyola University, and an honorary LL.D. from the Simon Greenleaf School of Law (Now Trinity Law School).

A clear expositor of the Bible, he is the featured speaker on two radio programs: Running to Win—a daily Bible-teaching broadcast and Songs in the Night—an evening program that’s been airing since 1943. Running To Win broadcasts on a thousand outlets in the U.S. and across more than fifty countries in seven languages. His speaking engagements include Bible conferences and seminars, both domestically and internationally, including Russia, the Republic of Belarus, Germany, Scotland, Guatemala, and Japan. He has led tours to Israel and to the cities of the Protestant Reformation in Europe.

Pastor Lutzer is also a prolific author of over seventy books, including the bestselling We Will Not Be Silenced, One Minute After You Die, and the Gold Medallion Award winner, Hitler’s Cross. Pastor Lutzer and Rebecca live in the Chicago area and have three grown children and eight grandchildren. Connect with Pastor Lutzer on X (@ErwinLutzer) or

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