Richard Ellis Talks

Richard Ellis

Who’s the Boss?

November 26, 2023

The greatest way to find out where our heart is truly devoted is to look at our finances and see where they go. God promises to take care of us in all of our needs, but we have to trust Him and let Him be the Lord over our whole lives, including the way we use our money.

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We're not meant to go through our challenges of life alone, so we'd love to pray for you! Go to our Prayer Wall and click on "About Prayer"


We often look to everything else, including food, to fill us in a way that turns into sin. We overindulge out of our need to fill the emptiness inside of us, but Jesus is the only one who can truly fill us. When Jesus fills our lives, change starts happening from the inside out and it effects the world around us.
November 24, 2023
We all tend to point our fingers at other people and judge their sin when we hide a sin that no one likes to talk about because it makes us uncomfortable. Gluttony is talked about specifically in the Bible as a sin, but we do not think of this when we sit down at a table full of food. We need to stop judging others and go to someone we trust in our life to help us clean out our cupboards from the temptation of pigging out.
November 23, 2023
We enjoy having great meals at special occasions. Usually there’s foods, desserts, side dishes that are reserved only for these special days. We savor them, look forward to them. How much more can we look forward to dining on a spiritual diet of all the ‘fixins’ everyday by doing what God says in His Word and not just hearing it on occasion. He invites us all to His table.
November 22, 2023
God can use obscure things in our lives to get our attention just like He did with Balaam and his donkey. When we’re so focused on getting that thing out of our lives we cannot see how it is protecting us. We must ask God to show us what it is that we’re ignoring that He is trying to use to get our attention.
November 21, 2023
The Bible emphasizes key concepts for the Church to hold fast to in order for it to maintain good health and continued growth. Those concepts include discipleship, servant leadership, worship, community, and evangelism. Our purpose is to glorify God by spreading the Gospel and increasing His Church.
November 20, 2023
God made us for His own work and we must allow Him to mold and shape us into whatever vessel He wants to use. Instead of being jealous of others and how God is using them, we need to allow Him to work in and through us so that He gets all the glory from the work that He accomplishes.
November 19, 2023
God designed things so that He gets all the glory in everything. He used the cross, which seemed foolish to the world, to save all those who believe. He draws the seemingly foolish and weak because they admit their need for Him freely which then brings Him glory.
November 17, 2023
This world is too full of segregation, even amongst churches. God calls us to love others no matter what they look like, how rich they are, where they live, or however they differ from us. The world should look at God’s Body as a unified being, loving each other equally as God has loved each of us.
November 16, 2023
Every one of us is a cracked pot because not one of us is perfect. It is God’s grace that can use those cracks in our pots to draw others to Him if we are vulnerable enough to reveal them to others, and as God shows us the cracks in our lives He also mends them. Regardless of our cracks, we still must bring the water to the thirsty world that God has us in for that reason.
November 15, 2023
While it makes perfect sense that the life of a newborn Christian would still look messy, there needs to be growth and maturity the longer time goes on. Christians should be known more for their love for Christ, each other and the world rather than known for strife, envy and divisions.
November 14, 2023
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Let Us Pray For You!
We're not meant to go through our challenges of life alone, so we'd love to pray for you! Go to our Prayer Wall and click on "About Prayer"

About Richard Ellis Talks

The reason this radio show exists, is to share Richard's talks about a God who is alive. A God who loves you. A God who wants to give you hope and a future. Hear Richard talk. Feel God. And if you'd ever want to find out more about who God is, and how to get to know Him a little better, we'd love to connect with you, at, or call us anytime at 855-6-RICHARD. Of course, Richard and his team would love to stay in contact with you on all the social media platforms. Just search for "Talk With Richard" so we can keep the conversation going!

About Richard Ellis

Authentic... Genuine... Sincere... This guy is the real deal. He loves God. He loves his wife Rebecca and his 3 daughters. He loves people. He loves his job. He loves Texas BBQ. He loves an occasional round of golf. And he loves the Dallas Cowboys (but don’t hold that against him!).

Richard grew up as a missionary kid in Brazil, coming back to the states to finish his education. He graduated from Baylor University in 1982 with a BA in Oral Communications, and earned his MDIV in 1985 from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, making him the sixth generation of pastors in his family. His early days of ministry included serving for three years as the Single Adults Pastor at the First Baptist Church of Dallas.

Then in 1997, Richard Ellis founded Reunion Church, a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, non-denominational church in the heart of Dallas,Texas. Dallas needed a church like it. And it would need a pastor like Richard. So Reunion Church was born. And now the radio show and the website ( join the Reunion Church community under the leadership of this guy. And we’re all the better for it!

Contact Richard Ellis Talks with Richard Ellis

Mailing Address
Richard Ellis Talks
P.O. Box 191269
Dallas, TX 75219


Phone Number
1.855.6.RICHARD (1.855.674.2427)