Richard Ellis Talks

Richard Ellis

Sophie’s Choice

September 11, 2023

We always have choices to make throughout our lives and we must ask God to give us the wisdom to make the right choices. Wisdom does not only mean knowing what choice to make but it includes following through with that right choice. The most important choice you can ever make is to follow Christ.

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Choosing to either follow Christ or reject Him is the biggest choice that a person can make because that choice determines where they will be after their life on earth. Everybody has the same destiny in that everyone will eventually die, but the only way to have life after death is by choosing to give your life to Christ and follow Him.
September 10, 2023
The Bible tells us that God provides an exit out of every temptation so that we do not have to sin. Everyone has different difficulties when it comes to certain sins. We must focus on the things God has saved us from struggling with rather than getting discouraged about the things we do struggle with.
September 8, 2023
The Bible is filled with stories of people who stepped out in obedience to God no matter how crazy it seemed. When we grow up and stop acting immature and childish in our relationship with God, we learn to obey Him in big and small ways leading Him to call us to greater things.
September 7, 2023
As we resolve to follow God – we enter a trusting relationship that allows Him to do His will in our lives, in His time, and by His means. It may mean we go through long, misunderstood seasons of loss & pain filled with questions, impatience, and many tears. However, He promises ‘joy in the morning’ after these dark nights of our souls.
September 6, 2023
Many people spend their lives chasing after worldly power and possessions in an attempt to feel like they have arrived. The fact is that nothing will satisfy the way Jesus does, and He is the only Way to get into Heaven at the end of this life on earth. We must spend our lives seeking Him first in all things, trusting He will provide all we need, and excitedly work for Him until the day we arrive in eternity and get to see Him face to face.
September 5, 2023
Marriage is meant to display total oneness and intimacy, yet when sin becomes involved in brings shame and disconnection. The Bible gives instruction for the way husbands are to love their wives and wives are to submit to their husbands and in that design we have marriage as it was intended to be, but none of us can fulfill our roles without Him.
September 4, 2023
It is best to fear God and obey Him no matter what it costs us because not fearing Him puts us in a dangerous position. The more we know God the more we fear Him with a certain awe and respect that He deserves.
September 3, 2023
We all start off in over our heads buried in sin, but God has made a way through Jesus Christ to take away all our sin, leaving some consequence so we can learn from our mistakes. The more we dive into the Scriptures and apply what we read, the more God’s Spirit works in us and through us, changing us for His glory.
September 1, 2023
The Bible tells us that when we abide in God, He not only lives in us but also lives through us producing Spiritual fruit. We can do nothing to bring Him glory apart from Him. We must remain in Him so that He can prune us to produce more fruit.
August 31, 2023
The Bible tells about a story in Nehemiah where God’s people came together to rebuild a city, astonishing everyone that it was completed in 52 days. God wants His Church to work together so that the works that are accomplished point directly to Him and no one is alone in the process.
August 30, 2023
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Let Us Pray For You!
We're not meant to go through our challenges of life alone, so we'd love to pray for you! Go to our Prayer Wall and click on "About Prayer"

About Richard Ellis Talks

The reason this radio show exists, is to share Richard's talks about a God who is alive. A God who loves you. A God who wants to give you hope and a future. Hear Richard talk. Feel God. And if you'd ever want to find out more about who God is, and how to get to know Him a little better, we'd love to connect with you, at, or call us anytime at 855-6-RICHARD. Of course, Richard and his team would love to stay in contact with you on all the social media platforms. Just search for "Talk With Richard" so we can keep the conversation going!

About Richard Ellis

Authentic... Genuine... Sincere... This guy is the real deal. He loves God. He loves his wife Rebecca and his 3 daughters. He loves people. He loves his job. He loves Texas BBQ. He loves an occasional round of golf. And he loves the Dallas Cowboys (but don’t hold that against him!).

Richard grew up as a missionary kid in Brazil, coming back to the states to finish his education. He graduated from Baylor University in 1982 with a BA in Oral Communications, and earned his MDIV in 1985 from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, making him the sixth generation of pastors in his family. His early days of ministry included serving for three years as the Single Adults Pastor at the First Baptist Church of Dallas.

Then in 1997, Richard Ellis founded Reunion Church, a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, non-denominational church in the heart of Dallas,Texas. Dallas needed a church like it. And it would need a pastor like Richard. So Reunion Church was born. And now the radio show and the website ( join the Reunion Church community under the leadership of this guy. And we’re all the better for it!

Contact Richard Ellis Talks with Richard Ellis

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Richard Ellis Talks
P.O. Box 191269
Dallas, TX 75219


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1.855.6.RICHARD (1.855.674.2427)