Richard Ellis Talks

Richard Ellis

Sit, Stay, Heal

April 26, 2016

God requires first time obedience. When He tells you to do something and you disobey, there will be consequences. If you are living in disobedience and not experiencing consequences, you should question if you are part of His family because God disciplines His children.

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All sorts of religions have traditions, some even that falsely promise to get you into heaven. Catholicism has many traditions that add onto Scripture, but the truth is none of these traditions can save you. The only way to be saved is to have faith in Jesus Christ, allowing Him to come live in you and through you.
April 25, 2016
There is a difference between being at peace with God when we become saved and having peace from God. When we live a life of obedience to Him and forgiveness towards others we can experience that peace that comes only from Him.
April 24, 2016
While we can have a lot of stored information in our brains, it is still important that we be quiet and listen so that we can learn wisdom from others. God knows every detail about us and wants us to not just know things about Him but to know Him in an intimate way through deep relationship.
April 22, 2016
Jesus not only tells us but shows us the importance of spending alone time with God. It is when we spend time with Him that He empowers us and strengthens us. We cannot have power in our life outside of the closet unless we’re spending time in the closet with Him.
April 21, 2016
Everyone has a past that the devil tries to guilt you with, but you have been pronounced “not guilty” because of the blood of the Lamb. When the devil comes at you, fight back with the testimony of righteousness because of Christ’s blood that has washed you clean.
April 20, 2016
God allows difficulties in your life to test you and teach you. It is when you walk through those trials that you grow closer to God, become more like Christ and can then make a difference in others’ lives for Him.
April 19, 2016
Rather than sitting around looking at the temptations that we face, the Bible tells us to run as fast as we can away from those sins and into righteousness. God always provides an exit for us, but we have to choose to take it so that our lives are not destroyed by sin.
April 18, 2016
The Bible was given to us by God to remind us how we should live our lives. When we read His instructions, we need to not just hear what it says but obey.
April 17, 2016
Often people think that they can hide certain sins, but God sees it all for He has already searched us. God can begin to work in our lives when we ask Him to search us and He reveals to us our struggles. It is better to go through a souloscopy than to struggle with various symptoms of things that God can easily fix while ignoring the problem all together.
April 15, 2016
The Bible tells the story of a man who invited many people to a party, but when they did not come he had his servant bring the poor, blind and lame people. God invites everyone to His party in Heaven and we must allow Him to use us to hand out that invitation even to people we may not like.
April 14, 2016
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We're not meant to go through our challenges of life alone, so we'd love to pray for you! Go to our Prayer Wall and click on "About Prayer"

About Richard Ellis Talks

The reason this radio show exists, is to share Richard's talks about a God who is alive. A God who loves you. A God who wants to give you hope and a future. Hear Richard talk. Feel God. And if you'd ever want to find out more about who God is, and how to get to know Him a little better, we'd love to connect with you, at, or call us anytime at 855-6-RICHARD. Of course, Richard and his team would love to stay in contact with you on all the social media platforms. Just search for "Talk With Richard" so we can keep the conversation going!

About Richard Ellis

Authentic... Genuine... Sincere... This guy is the real deal. He loves God. He loves his wife Rebecca and his 3 daughters. He loves people. He loves his job. He loves Texas BBQ. He loves an occasional round of golf. And he loves the Dallas Cowboys (but don’t hold that against him!).

Richard grew up as a missionary kid in Brazil, coming back to the states to finish his education. He graduated from Baylor University in 1982 with a BA in Oral Communications, and earned his MDIV in 1985 from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, making him the sixth generation of pastors in his family. His early days of ministry included serving for three years as the Single Adults Pastor at the First Baptist Church of Dallas.

Then in 1997, Richard Ellis founded Reunion Church, a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, non-denominational church in the heart of Dallas,Texas. Dallas needed a church like it. And it would need a pastor like Richard. So Reunion Church was born. And now the radio show and the website ( join the Reunion Church community under the leadership of this guy. And we’re all the better for it!

Contact Richard Ellis Talks with Richard Ellis

Mailing Address
Richard Ellis Talks
P.O. Box 191269
Dallas, TX 75219


Phone Number
1.855.6.RICHARD (1.855.674.2427)