Richard Ellis Talks

Richard Ellis

Mountain Dew

May 30, 2024

There are times in our lives when God’s grace rains down, but on an every day basis it is His dew that sustains us. His provision for every area of our lives shows us His immeasurable grace, but it’s His gift of salvation through Christ’s death on the cross that is more than enough for what we could ever need.

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We're not meant to go through our challenges of life alone, so we'd love to pray for you! Go to our Prayer Wall and click on "About Prayer"


No matter what our circumstances look like, it is possible to be content because God has provided all that we need. When we focus on God and His Kingdom, our material possessions are merely used for Him and therefore no matter much or how little we have, it does not determine our choice to be content.
May 29, 2024
God did not hold back His grace for us, knowing that we would squander it and still struggle with sin. He cheerfully gives to us and calls us to be givers in the same way, giving to others as the Spirit leads, openly and cheerfully.
May 28, 2024
When Jesus died He knew that God would raise Him from the dead three days later. Because of His sacrifice, we are given the choice to leave this earth and be raised to life for eternity in Heaven if we give our lives to Him now.
May 27, 2024
The story of David and Goliath shows us an example of how God is capable to overcome any of our obstacles. Rather than getting worried and anxious about the trials we face, we need to put our trust in Him and believe His Word that says that He is greater than anything that comes against us.
May 26, 2024
God promises to supply all of our needs and has cared for His people throughout history. Jesus teaches that we have more than physical needs, and the only way to nourish our spiritual needs is through Him.
May 24, 2024
Whether we are holding onto our own mistakes from the past or the hurt caused by someone else’s actions towards us, we need to let it go and move on. God can bring people into our lives to help us sort through our baggage, but we have to be willing to empty it out.
May 23, 2024
Jesus gave us a good example of what it looks like to go outside of the box. Obedience to God draws us outside of our comfortable box so that He may be glorified and His name may be made known to others.
May 22, 2024
Joseph in the New Testament was an average guy who decided to obey God and became Jesus’ step-father. When we become Christians we are no longer “average Joes” and only human. The moment we become believers God lives in us through His Holy Spirit and directs us to do His work.
May 21, 2024
The Bible is filled with stories that to anyone would sound absolutely crazy, most especially the Gospel story of Jesus coming as Messiah to die for our sins. While we cannot convince anyone to believe in this miraculous story with our words, the Spirit of God is powerful through the Gospel to reach people who will believe and be saved.
May 20, 2024
The Bible tells us that all of the pleasures of this world will never fix our own brokenness. Only God can change us from the inside out, and we must obey the things He commands to allow Him to give our lives purpose and meaning.
May 19, 2024
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Let Us Pray For You!
We're not meant to go through our challenges of life alone, so we'd love to pray for you! Go to our Prayer Wall and click on "About Prayer"

About Richard Ellis Talks

The reason this radio show exists, is to share Richard's talks about a God who is alive. A God who loves you. A God who wants to give you hope and a future. Hear Richard talk. Feel God. And if you'd ever want to find out more about who God is, and how to get to know Him a little better, we'd love to connect with you, at, or call us anytime at 855-6-RICHARD. Of course, Richard and his team would love to stay in contact with you on all the social media platforms. Just search for "Talk With Richard" so we can keep the conversation going!

About Richard Ellis

Authentic... Genuine... Sincere... This guy is the real deal. He loves God. He loves his wife Rebecca and his 3 daughters. He loves people. He loves his job. He loves Texas BBQ. He loves an occasional round of golf. And he loves the Dallas Cowboys (but don’t hold that against him!).

Richard grew up as a missionary kid in Brazil, coming back to the states to finish his education. He graduated from Baylor University in 1982 with a BA in Oral Communications, and earned his MDIV in 1985 from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, making him the sixth generation of pastors in his family. His early days of ministry included serving for three years as the Single Adults Pastor at the First Baptist Church of Dallas.

Then in 1997, Richard Ellis founded Reunion Church, a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, non-denominational church in the heart of Dallas,Texas. Dallas needed a church like it. And it would need a pastor like Richard. So Reunion Church was born. And now the radio show and the website ( join the Reunion Church community under the leadership of this guy. And we’re all the better for it!

Contact Richard Ellis Talks with Richard Ellis

Mailing Address
Richard Ellis Talks
P.O. Box 191269
Dallas, TX 75219


Phone Number
1.855.6.RICHARD (1.855.674.2427)