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The Secret Longing Within

August 21, 2023

We are natural born seekers. Ask the parent of any 2-year old who's had to answer "Why?" questions more times than you can count in a 24-hour period! 

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Deeper With God: What is God Asking of Me?

Do you want to grow closer to God? Start this study to learn how to know God more.


Imagine that you're an exhausted mother at home with two toddlers and a newborn baby. After little sleep most nights, you wake up to a messy house and piles of dirty laundry. Your days are weary blurs caring for little people as best you can.  You usually make dinner, but one day your husband comes home to no dinner, children crying, the home a mess, and you on the brink of tears. Now this is a man who doesn't take excuses. He looks at the results! So, he yells at you, pointing out all your mistakes and all the ways you're not measuring up.
August 18, 2023
Mike loved to hike. You'd find him on a trail in all kinds of weather...that was until he got sick. Doctors think it started with a tick bite. These tiny insects can carry an infection-causing bacteria that spreads to joints, hearts and the nervous system. Mike couldn't remember getting bitten by a tick, but months of chronic illness had turned into years. He's prayed for healing, others have prayed for healing, but God hasn't granted it. "This is discouraging," Mike admits, "but like it says in scripture, God keeps carrying me onward."
August 17, 2023
If you've ever traveled to a foreign country, you've likely come across a confusing translation. Because each language expresses itself uniquely, there's not always a direct translation for what someone is trying to communicate.
August 16, 2023
He promised to be true to her forever...but that only lasted a few years. A person can seem trustworthy and upright on the outside while inside, they're and empty or rotten. 
August 15, 2023
Cheri's mother loved her teacups. She also loved Cheri, although her own brokenness kept her from communicating that love to her daughter.
August 14, 2023
What's the connection between your dreams and how you spend your time? 
August 11, 2023
Many of us first realize how different we are from one another when first living with a roommate or a spouse. It's a quick jump from "Well, that's different..." to "Your way is wrong!"
August 10, 2023
Nothing shows you quite how temporary a material possession is... like having small children around! Sometimes it can feel like our children are drawn to our most precious and prized possessions. Inevitably, many end up cracked, stained, or broken after unsteady little hands have handled them. One mom was holding a brand new, beautiful pottery bowl when her son's tennis ball flew through the air, shattering it. Torn between laughing and crying, she concluded, "This is why we can't have nice things!"
August 9, 2023
No one wants to think that his or her life was wasted. But that's what happened to Finnur Magnusson.
August 8, 2023
In 1966, a famous western publication asked, "Is God Dead?"[1] The magazine article concluded that that the answer was, yes...but God apparently didn't get the news.    
August 7, 2023
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About Reset

We all need a daily reset!  Bonnie Sala shares 2 minutes of daily encouragement that will help you connect the way you live with what you believe.  Learn how the truth and grace of God’s Word can reset your thinking, relationships, attitudes, habits and more!

About Bonnie Sala

Bonnie is the president of Guidelines International Ministries, which exists to shine the light of the Gospel in places of spiritual darkness through audio messages that encourage, equip and bring hope to new believers, the unreached, and those living under persecution.

Contact Reset with Bonnie Sala

Mailing Address: 
26161 Marguerite Parkway, Suite F
Mission Viejo, CA 92692