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How We Navigate Hills and Valleys in Our Marriage

March 13, 2025

Is your life or marriage at a bend in the road? That place where a life event has left you unable to see a clear path in front of you and you know that your response could make you or break you at any moment? Colleen Swindoll Thompson and her husband, Toban, understand rocky roads. They’ve navigated blending a marriage, special needs parenting, aging parents, surgery upon surgery, identity theft, and so much more. Join them as their long-time counselor and trusted friend, Steve Fischer, has a candid conversation about their journey and marriage.

Listen in to learn:

- How to find a way to re-center and move forward after trials
- What to do to not take things personally
- The keys to dealing with triggers in a relationship
- Why we should work on our communication with a life-partner
- Advice for when you feel stuck

We hope this episode helps give you strength for today and hope for tomorrow in your life and marriage.


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Featured Offer

When Life Isn't Fair: What They Didn't Tell Us in Sunday School

In When Life Isn't Fair: What They Didn't Tell Us in Sunday School, Colleen Swindoll Thompson weaves together biblical truth, practicality, and her own growth experiences as a mother of a son with special needs. She writes with raw honesty about her personal crisis of faith as well as the hardship and humor that come with learning to trust God through difficult times.

Past Episodes

Have you ever felt like your prayers were inadequate? So many of us feel like we are “bad” at praying, yet that is exactly Satan’s goal: to bring doubt and do what he can to separate us from our heavenly Father. Join Colleen Swindoll Thompson and author and ministry leader Addison Bevere, as they dive into how to trade empty prayers for a real connection with God.Listen in to learn:* The surprising reality on what prayer is and what it isn’t* How God hears silence, complaints, and grief* Why transactional prayers leave us empty* What we get when we praySHOW NOTESIf there is something that our souls deeply need this year, it is a true ongoing connection with Jesus. He is the source of our strength for today and hope for tomorrow. To help, we thought it was fitting to re-share this powerful episode on prayer from 2023. We pray it encourages your prayer time and connection with Him.To learn more about Addison Bevere and his new book Words with God: Trading Boring, Empty Prayer for Real Connection, visit his website,
February 13, 2025
An Interview with John Meador Are you tired of setback after setback? Do you feel like God has forgotten you? If so, listen to this real and raw conversation between Colleen Swindoll Thompson and Pastor John Meador, both of whom have stories born out of adversity. They dive into a few of the greatest comeback stories in the Bible that are sure to give you hope in the middle of your mess too. Listen in to learn: *What to do when you are angry with God *How to trust God with what you can’t do *The choice we make *Why facts and truth aren’t the same thing SHOW NOTES With this being the time of year for reflection, transitions, and new beginnings, we thought it was fitting to re-share this impactful episode from 2023. We pray this episode gives you a big dose of hope in those hard places. To learn more about John Meador and his new book God’s Not Done with You: Encouragement from the Bible’s Greatest Comeback Stories, visit his website,
January 9, 2025
An Interview with Susie Larson Has it been hard for you to find a ray of sunshine amidst the darkness at play in the world today? It’s so hard to have hope when all we see and hear about is what is wrong in our world, our homes, and even our hearts. Join Colleen Swindoll-Thompson as she talks with Susie Larson, bestselling author, national speaker, and host of the popular radio show “Susie Larson Live,” to discuss what they do during the hard seasons of life. Listen in to hear: *What suffering does for us*How to handle the storms of life differently*Practical daily life-changers Show Notes We hope this episode helps give you strength for today and hope for tomorrow in your story. To learn more about Susie Larson, visit
December 12, 2024
An Interview with Kenny & Claire Hilliard Have you experienced chronic pain with no medical answer? Has a diagnosis wreaked havoc in your family? Join Colleen Swindoll Thompson as she talks with music duo Kenny and Claire Hilliard, as they share their story of Kenny’s complicated medical issues, Claire caring for her husband, and how it affected their home and heart. Listen in to hear: * How medical issues often point us to issues of our soul * Where to go for encouragement in dark times * How to deal with frustration * What to do with the tension between what was and what is SHOW NOTES We hope this episode helps give you strength for today and hope for tomorrow in your story. To learn more about Kenny and Claire Hilliard, their music (folk originals and revivals of hymns), and latest album, “Upon The Storm,” visit
November 14, 2024
An Interview with Zane & Donna King Too many people are not talking about it. With 1 in 7 Americans struggling with addiction issues, it is a topic that we need to be more aware of.* Individuals, families, workplaces, and organizations are affected at their core from the many related symptoms and behaviors. Join Colleen Swindoll Thompson as she talks with Dove nominated singer-songwriters Zane and Donna King as they discuss what happened when addictions showed up in their blended family. Listen in to learn: * How to parent with grace in the hard times * Why addiction is a family systems issue * Spiritual links to health and recovery * What to lean into and what to let go * The things that accompany addictions
September 12, 2024
An Interview with Pastor Chuck Swindoll How can we slow the pace, silence the noise, and enter into each other’s lives? In our fast-paced and information-based society, we often miss the power and importance of intentional and impactful relationships. Mentoring is one such type of relationship that has deeply impacted and shaped the Swindoll family. We have the priceless opportunity to listen in as Colleen Swindoll-Thompson sits down with her father, Pastor Chuck Swindoll, as they have a candid and insightful conversation. Listen in to learn: * The power and purpose of mentorship * Legacy lessons that last a lifetime * Biblical examples of mentorship
August 8, 2024
An Interview with Max Lucado It’s a topic that often creates confusion and anxiety: the end times. Yet God’s Word is clear about the plans and promises He has for us and our future. Listen in as Colleen Swindoll Thompson and Reader’s Digest-dubbed “Best Preacher in America” Max Lucado dive into what the Bible has to say about the end of this age. Max’s faith and familiarity with the truth will encourage your heart in this hard season. Listen in to learn: * How understanding the future can remove our fear* What heaven/paradise really is * The process of stopping negative thoughts of today so you can focus on our promised future
July 11, 2024
An Interview with Jaime Jamgochian What do you do when you have tried everything, yet there are no answers to be found? Whether it be a physical illness, mental chaos, emotional struggles, or spiritual doubts, most of us have never learned to look beyond symptoms and dig deep to finally discover the root of our real problems. In this podcast episode, Colleen Swindoll Thompson and singer, songwriter, and worship leader Jaime Jamgochian talk about the enormous and all-encompassing suffering they have both endured for years. Close friends departed, doctors misdiagnosed, and discouragement turned into doubt and despair until the root causes were discovered. If you’re tired of just existing and desire to know what it means to find lasting healing and hope, listen in to learn: * Where Jesus is in our challenging stories * Why healing can’t be just physical * When the battle is in your mind * What comes to the surface when we go through struggles We hope this episode helps give you strength for today and hope for tomorrow! To learn more about Jaime Jamgochian and her latest album Sacred Surrender, visit
June 13, 2024
An Episode of Paws & Tales What makes for an unforgettable story? You know, the ones you’ve continued to think about, that evoked deep emotions, brought a smile to your face or tears to your eyes, or took you right back to a place in time that was unforgettable. Through playful plots and memorable music, our family-friendly audio adventures in Paws & Tales bring those types of unforgettable stories to life through the Wildwood critters who encounter BIG life issues, rising tension, and difficult choices. With all the wisdom and teaching truths Insight for Living Ministries continues to offer, Paws & Tales shares lessons of God’s love through the ups and downs of life to kids of all ages. This episode hit really close to home, so I wanted to share it with you! It’s one of five new Paws & Tales adventures recently released. Whether you are 6 or 60, our prayer is that you will listen in, laugh, and learn about our loving God. SHOW NOTES Find out about Paws & Tales, join the Wildwood club, print the Tools for Parents pages for each episode, and listen to the podcast at
May 9, 2024
An Interview with Todd Turner Studies have shown that evangelical Christians have a higher-than-average divorce rate. Marriages are struggling, children are caught in the crosshairs, and churches often don’t know how to help. In this episode, Colleen Swindoll Thompson and Todd Turner, the podcast host of Unyoked, dive into how to navigate divorce and recovery with grace. Listen in to learn: * Five wise suggestions if your relationship is rocky * What the real effects of divorce are * How the church has done a poor job ministering to those who are divorced * The three don’ts after divorce We pray this episode helps give you strength for today and hope for tomorrow. To learn more about Todd Turner, his podcast, and book, Unyoked Choices, visit
April 11, 2024
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About Reframing Ministries

Reframing Ministries was created and is wholeheartedly committed to caring for caregivers and those living with significant challenges. As a ministry, Reframing embraces those who suffer. We understand that life is messy and painful; we also know without healthy support, surviving well is impossible. At some point in your life, you will need care on some level, and you will be called to provide care for others who are suffering. Because of Colleen’s experience as a caregiver, ongoing physical pain, her education in psychology and certification as a life coach, Reframing Ministries is equipped to come alongside families, communities, and churches with resources purposed to equip you to live well and help others live well. We offer help and hope through books, written articles, inspiring interviews, online support groups, personal emails, podcasts, and a collective network of authentic world influencers.

You are here for a reason! YOU matter! Your story is so important. Reframing Ministries invites you to embrace life’s challenges, learn how to shift your perspective, walk alongside other’s in need, and be an inspiration to others as the light and life of Jesus shines through you.

About Colleen Swindoll Thompson

Subscribers get instant access to our free 5-Day Patio Video Devo Series. In these brief video devotionals, Colleen shares real-life, raw moments and the truth that sustains through trials to help you care for your soul and for others.  Subscribe here.

Contact Reframing Ministries with Colleen Swindoll Thompson

Mailing Address
Insight for Living
Post Office Box 5000
Frisco, Texas 75034
Phone Number
(800)772 - 8888