ReFOCUS with Jim Daly

Jim Daly

Putting God's Love on Display in the Culture

July 15, 2024

Featured Offer

The Magna Carta of Humanity
Sinai's Revolutionary Faith and The Future of Freedom


Pastor Joshua Broome shares about his amazing life change - from porn star to pastor - as he offers hope to anyone who feels their life is irredeemable. He'll share about God's grace and forgiveness that he received after falling into the depths of despair, even becoming suicidal. We'll hear how his wife, Hope, demonstrated God's love to Joshua soon after they first met.   Get Joshua Broome's book for a gift of any amount! It unpacks seven lies our culture tells us and guides us to the only thing that creates authentic happiness: a relationship with Jesus.    Watch this free video series with Monique Duson about embracing your true identity in Christ.     Listen to this podcast for help if you or your spouse is struggling with pornography addiction.    Make a free appointment for an initial consultation with a Focus counselor.   We'd love to hear from you! Visit our Homepage to leave us a voicemail.  
July 8, 2024
Pastor Joshua Broome shares about his amazing life change - from porn star to pastor - as he offers hope to anyone who feels their life is irredeemable. He'll share about God's grace and forgiveness that he received after falling into the depths of despair, even becoming suicidal. We'll hear how his wife, Hope, demonstrated God's love to Joshua soon after they first met.   Get Joshua Broome's book for a gift of any amount! It unpacks seven lies our culture tells us and guides us to the only thing that creates authentic happiness: a relationship with Jesus.    Watch this free video series with Monique Duson about embracing your true identity in Christ.     Listen to this podcast for help if you or your spouse is struggling with pornography addiction.    Make a free appointment for an initial consultation with a Focus counselor.   We'd love to hear from you! Visit our Homepage to leave us a voicemail.
July 1, 2024
Rosaria Butterfield shares how her worldview shifted from feminism and LGBT culture towards God's truth after some loving Christians befriended her. She addresses five prominent lies in the culture regarding homosexuality, gender, feminism and spirituality as she helps you speak biblical truth to others in a loving way.   Get Rosaria's book for a donation of any amount. She unpacks five lies of the culture and why she stopped believing them.   Watch this free video series from Jackie Hill Perry about finding your identity in Christ when struggling with LGBT issues.   Watch this free video series about teaching your children a Biblical perspective on sexuality and gender.   The things you see and hear during Pride Month can be confusing and raise questions about sexuality. You might wonder how to think about all that is happening and how to respond to the messaging.   Make an appointment for a free consultation with a counselor from Focus on the Family.   Read this article from Focus on the Family about God's design for sexuality.   Listen to Chloe Cole’s episode of ReFOCUS with Jim Daly about her exit from the transgender lifestyle and how cultural lies about gender are harmful.   Listen to more from Rosaria Butterfield about her personal story of finding freedom for lesbianism.   Donate   Send Jim a voicemail! Click here.
June 17, 2024
Dr. Brad Wilcox shares his research about marriage and how it supports Biblical truth! Not only is marriage good for you, it's good for your children and our culture! He'll share about strong, stable marriages and why marriage matters. You'll learn how to defend and build up the institution of marriage in a culture that has rejected it.
June 3, 2024
Scott Klusendorf, President of the Life Training Institute, challenges pro-life advocates to gently yet persuasively stand for preborn babies and vulnerable women in a culture divided on abortion. Scott explains the four main worldviews informing the abortion debate and the philosophical flaws in moral relativism. He offers a clear defense for every human life, regardless of size, level of development, environment, or degree of dependency. He'll help you engage common cultural arguments on abortion to advocate for life. Scott will also encourage you with practical strategies to show love and compassion to women and help further steer the culture toward life.   Get a copy of The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture for your donation of any amount!   Learn more about the Church’s long history of protecting life in the Didache, here.   Watch this video series with Scott Klusendorf about having engaging pro-life conversations.   Donate   Send Jim a voicemail! Click here.
May 20, 2024
Dr. John Lennox, professor of mathematics at Oxford University (emeritus), helps equip Christians to share their faith in a respectful and logical way without alienating others. Lennox, who has twice debated atheist Richard Dawkins, shares about the importance of being salt and light in the culture, encouraging us to show gentleness to people we encounter.   Get a copy of John Lennox's book, Have No Fear, to read more about sharing your faith with gentleness and respect.   Buy your copy of Jim Daly’s book, ReFOCUS! He shares how believers can engage others in the culture with the love of Christ and reveal the heart of God.   Watch this video series with Ray Vander Laan to learn more about bringing peace to the broken culture.   Donate   Send Jim a voicemail! Click here.
May 6, 2024
Before God fully captured his heart, Joe Dallas identified as a homosexual and tried to integrate his sexuality with his Christian beliefs, actively promoting a pro-gay theology. But God brought Joe through a process of repentance and restoration. Dallas addresses major controversies in today’s cancel culture, helping believers have respectful discussions and share Christ’s love and truth with others who don’t share our faith.   Buy your copy of Jim Daly’s book, ReFOCUS! He shares how believers can engage others in the culture with the love of Christ and reveal the heart of God.   Make a donation of any amount to get Christians in a Cancel Culture, the book by Joe Dallas. He shares more about speaking the truth to others with grace in a cancel culture.   Ryan Bomberger takes the reader on a journey through some of his most powerful published articles and visually creative memes about the fundamental Right to Life, abortion, adoption, fatherlessness, fake feminism, #BlackLivesMatter, civil rights, and religious liberty.   Donate   Send Jim a voicemail! Click here.
April 22, 2024
The topic of abortion is very polarizing in the culture. But hearts and minds are still being influenced every day to choose life. Kristan Hawkins, the president of Students for Life of America, will share inspiring stories about the pro-life movement and will help you to speak up for the preborn and vulnerable women. She talks about what motivated her as a teenager to get involved in the pro-life movement, her work with Students for Life of America, and how to graciously deal with criticism, attacks, and misinformation from abortion advocates.   Learn more about See Life 2024, an event that will inspire and equip you to support the pro-life movement!   Donate to help us save babies through Option Ultrasound!   Buy your copy of Jim Daly’s book, ReFOCUS! He shares how believers can engage others in the culture with the love of Christ and reveal the heart of God.   Watch this video series for more on persuasively defending life from Scott Klusendorf.   Get involved with Students for Life to support and defend the rights of pre-born children.   Donate   Send Jim a voicemail! Click here.
April 8, 2024
Dr. Mark Regnerus, researcher and professor, shares about how the Dobbs case and other cultural developments are impacting marriage, sexuality and family formation among young adults. He also talks about his experience coming under attack for his controversial research, and speaking God's truth in a hostile environment.   Watch this video series to learn about engaging the culture on issues like marriage, LGBT issues, and abortion from John Stonestreet.   Find resources from Boundless to marry well, in separate guides for men and women.   .Listen to Jim's conversation with Katy Faust about the irreplaceable impact of a mother and a father.   Donate   Send Jim a voicemail! Click here.
March 25, 2024
As a young man, John Marriott struggled with insecurities in his Christian beliefs. It led him on a journey of reconstructing his faith and helping others in a faith crisis. Now a high school and college instructor, Marriott shares about common barriers to faith that young people experience, as he encourages loving interaction with those doubting their Christian faith.   Get a copy of either Before You Go or Set Adrift by John Marriott when you make a gift of any amount. If you’re having doubts about Christianity, or know someone who is, get Set Adrift, it'll help you reevaluate your Christian beliefs and experiences while keeping your faith intact. And if you want to be better equipped to encourage others who are doubting Christianity, then get Before You Go.   Check out our Hope Restored marriage intensive to find healing with your spouse.   Get Ray Vander Laan's new study to deepen your faith and assurance in the truth of God's Word.   Donate   Send Jim a voicemail! Click here.
March 11, 2024
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The Magna Carta of Humanity
Sinai's Revolutionary Faith and The Future of Freedom

About ReFOCUS with Jim Daly

Our culture grows more complicated and challenging every day, and we want to address those tough issues on the ReFOCUS with Jim Daly podcast. Jim Daly is the president of Focus on the Family, and he enjoys having deep and heartfelt conversations with people that will leave you feeling challenged and strengthened in your faith. That’s why he has invited some of the most acclaimed and respected thinkers of our day to join in the conversation. He will dig deeper and ask the hard questions to help you share Christ’s grace, truth, and love. This podcast will leave you feeling challenged, encouraged, and more engaged with the world. Dive in and listen to the podcast.

About Jim Daly

Jim Daly is President of Focus on the Family. His personal story from orphan to head of an international Christian organization dedicated to helping families thrive demonstrates — as he says — "that no matter how torn up the road has already been, or how pothole-infested it may look ahead, nothing — nothing — is impossible for God."

Daly is author of two books, Finding Home and Stronger. He is also a regular panelist for The Washington Post/Newsweek blog “On Faith.”

Keep up with Daly at

Contact ReFOCUS with Jim Daly with Jim Daly

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Focus on the Family
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Colorado Springs, CO 
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(800) A-FAMILY (232-6459)