Real Life Loading...

Shelby Abbott

Too Young to Get Married? Andrew Peterson

June 29, 2024

When author and musical artist Andrew Peterson dropped to one knee, he confronted more than just nerves—he faced the weight finding peace in trusting God's plan. If you're wondering what it was like to get married young, Andrew's got helpful thoughts.

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Ever feel like you have to be super original all the time, especially on social media? Join Jesse Fury as he talks about whether it's better to be yourself or copy someone else. If you're tired of trying to constantly be original, this will help.
June 22, 2024
Worried about sharing your faith? Pastor Jesse Furey, from the Gospel Underground podcast, reveals insights into Bonhoeffer Haus's mission, engaging neighbors and mentoring future church leaders. Drawing from his own journey through infertility, Jesse talks about silent suffering.
June 15, 2024
Ever wonder about what God wants for your life—how to know God's will? Feeling lost or anxious about what's next? Shelby Abbott shares rock-solid wisdom to navigate uncertainties, find direction in work, school, and missions. Whether you're picking a career, sorting out relationships, choosing a major, eyeing mission work, or just facing big changes, Shelby offers guidance to help you discern God's will and steer through life to find real purpose.
June 8, 2024
How do I navigate knowing if God actually wants me to push past roadblocks or if I'm supposed to step back and submit to the limitations in front of me? Author Sara Hagerty talks about how to confront pain, embrace limitations, and carve a path through grief and messy emotions.
June 1, 2024
Life ever feel just... too much? Assignments keep stacking, bills keep rolling in, and schedules are packed with tons of stuff to do. Well, author Sara Hagerty gets it. She's got encouragement for all those tense moments when we're wondering what's next.
May 25, 2024
Ever wonder if God's really listening? (Like, at all?) Can we actually hear His voice? The newly-married Axel Uri talks about how to hear God's voice, learning from screw-ups, and getting solid advice when making decisions.
May 18, 2024
Feeling overwhelmed trying to juggle school, work, and simple sanity? Meet Grace Osborne as she opens up about her life as a college student, her student teaching experience, and her struggles with OCD. Could you also break free from the never-ending anxiety cycle?
May 11, 2024
Feeling stressed out lately? Ever catch yourself scrolling and comparing your life to everyone else? Maybe you're sweating over grades or worrying about the future. Rechab Gray & Demetrius Hicks are flipping through the pages of Philippians to find some ways on how to live a life where joy takes center stage, even when things feel uncertain and overwhelming.
May 4, 2024
If you could talk to your older self, what would you ask? Well, what if you could...kinda? Do you really need a mentor or does googling advice do the trick? Rechab Gray & Demetrius Hicks discuss how having a mentor can be super impactful in your faith journey. Plus, they talk about NFL teams, players, and why Black History Month matters.
April 27, 2024
Ever felt that heavy weight of expectations crushing down on you, just desperate to prove yourself to everyone? You're pouring out all your energy into one thing, but deep down, there's that nagging fear of failing. David Robbins has been right there in the trenches, battling that constant need to prove himself. Yet, he found a way to finally ease up on all that pressure and noise around him. He weighs in on where to find relief from the pressure.
April 20, 2024
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About Real Life Loading...

Real Life Loading... is a mashup of biblical truth, personal authenticity, cultural awareness, and straight-up humor for young adults who are hungry for more than plastic Christianity. It’s a podcast about the life-changing power of Jesus for relationships in a constantly shifting culture. If that sounds interesting, pull up a chair.

About Shelby Abbott

Shelby Abbott is a Philly-based author, speaker, and campus minister who digs his wife, his daughters, sneakers, vinyl, movies, authenticity, and a healthy dose of positive sarcasm. Most of all, he's wild about Jesus and His ability to change everything about life.

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