Real Life Loading...

Shelby Abbott

Can I Really Hear God's Voice? Axel URI

May 18, 2024

Ever wonder if God's really listening? (Like, at all?) Can we actually hear His voice? The newly-married Axel Uri talks about how to hear God's voice, learning from screw-ups, and getting solid advice when making decisions.

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Feeling overwhelmed trying to juggle school, work, and simple sanity? Meet Grace Osborne as she opens up about her life as a college student, her student teaching experience, and her struggles with OCD. Could you also break free from the never-ending anxiety cycle?
May 11, 2024
Feeling stressed out lately? Ever catch yourself scrolling and comparing your life to everyone else? Maybe you're sweating over grades or worrying about the future. Rechab Gray & Demetrius Hicks are flipping through the pages of Philippians to find some ways on how to live a life where joy takes center stage, even when things feel uncertain and overwhelming.
May 4, 2024
If you could talk to your older self, what would you ask? Well, what if you could...kinda? Do you really need a mentor or does googling advice do the trick? Rechab Gray & Demetrius Hicks discuss how having a mentor can be super impactful in your faith journey. Plus, they talk about NFL teams, players, and why Black History Month matters.
April 27, 2024
Ever felt that heavy weight of expectations crushing down on you, just desperate to prove yourself to everyone? You're pouring out all your energy into one thing, but deep down, there's that nagging fear of failing. David Robbins has been right there in the trenches, battling that constant need to prove himself. Yet, he found a way to finally ease up on all that pressure and noise around him. He weighs in on where to find relief from the pressure.
April 20, 2024
Ever been in that headspace where you're like, "Who am I?" You're lost and lonely, not knowing where to begin to find yourself. Will Clock sensed this as he was struggling dealing with health issues like multiple broken bones and concussions, with identity issues on the side. Tune in for how he kept his faith through the mess—and found out who he was in the middle of it.
April 13, 2024
Ever get the feeling that waiting till marriage is a bit old-fashioned? Seems like everyone's just doing their thing with their significant other anyway, right? But have you ever thought there might be more to it than waking up feeling guilty about what went down the night before? Shelby Abbott gets real about what the Bible really says about sex, how to set boundaries that actually make sense, and how to deal with those relationship slip-ups from the past.
April 6, 2024
Can you keep real affection for your bf/gf without ghosting a friend? Balancing loyalty gets tricky. Bela Lemon & Reagon Fillinger share tips to keep your ride-or-die while still getting that date night!
March 30, 2024
I need a friend....deeper than just small talk. Meet Bella Lemon and Regan Fillinger, the ultimate BFF duo. They've tackled everything together – from fights to being each other's rock in tough times. They've got experience with tough love, rooted faith, and loyalty. If you're looking for a ride-or-die friend or want to take your group of friends to the next level, these two have some solid advice!
March 23, 2024
Ever feel like everything's kinda empty and dark? Is there any real purpose to life or fulfillment out there? Admitted addict Gabe Mahalik knows what it's like to feel like there's no way out. If you're looking to fill the empty space with something but you're not quite sure what, this one's for you.
March 16, 2024
Ever feel like things are spiraling out of control—leaving you anxious and depressed? Gabe Mahalik had enough when he realized he couldn't do the party scene anymore. He eventually got out of it, and found a weight off his shoulders. If you're wondering whether the party scene has a grip on you, don't miss his story.
March 9, 2024
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About Real Life Loading...

Real Life Loading... is a mashup of biblical truth, personal authenticity, cultural awareness, and straight-up humor for young adults who are hungry for more than plastic Christianity. It’s a podcast about the life-changing power of Jesus for relationships in a constantly shifting culture. If that sounds interesting, pull up a chair.

About Shelby Abbott

Shelby Abbott is a Philly-based author, speaker, and campus minister who digs his wife, his daughters, sneakers, vinyl, movies, authenticity, and a healthy dose of positive sarcasm. Most of all, he's wild about Jesus and His ability to change everything about life.

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