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Taking Back America's Children (TBAC), Part 3 - the latest "Proclaiming Justice" podcast

January 26, 2023
On this week's podcast, we dive deeper into our conversation surrounding PJTN's Taking Back America's Children (TBAC) initiative, and we welcome our guest, Tina Griffin, a former Hollywood actress, pop culture expert and host of The Counter Culture Mom Show. Tina left her Wisconsin dairy farm and headed to Hollywood at the age of 20 to earn a BA in Film and TV from UCLA. She has traveled globally for the past 21 years delivering her eye-opening show, Hollywood Exposed, explaining the real agenda behind the entertainment industry and its negative impact on the foundational development of today’s youth. Tina will be a featured speaker at our upcoming TBAC Summit in Franklin, TN, Sunday, January 29.
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Taking Back America's Children

“Taking Back America’s Children” outlines concerns about the current state of the U.S. educational system, arguing that there is a deliberate effort to undermine American values, history, and cultural foundations. The key points include: The History, The Challenge, and The Solution how parents, grandparents, and patriots can unite to reclaim control over the educational system, resisting efforts that are seen as damaging to the nation’s foundational values. This document urges a return to traditional American values in schools and emphasizes the need for active involvement to prevent what it sees as a harmful shift in educational content and influence.

Past Episodes

On this week's podcast, we continue our conversation surrounding PJTN's Taking Back America's Children (TBAC) initiative and we welcome our guest, Stephanie Maier, who will be a featured keynote speaker at our upcoming TBAC Summit in Franklin, TN, Sunday, January 29. Stephanie will lead the training for educating, motivating and activating parents and citizens to formulate a strategy for victory in their local school board races. In addition to her books, speeches and trainings across the country, Stephanie also serves as the National Vice President of Programs at Freedom Works, helping pro-freedom, conservative grassroots activists create legislative change.
January 19, 2023
The war on antisemitism does not discriminate. Children as young as kindergarten age are being force-fed racist, antisemitic Critical Race Theory (CRT) propaganda in the form of "standard textbook curriculum and instruction." Our duty as people of faith and good conscience is to rise up and combat these evil forces of hatred toward our Jewish brethren. We must teach our children the truth about our Judeo-Christian history. On this week's podcast, we invite one of our TBAC TN Summit guest speakers Robert Arnakis, Senior Director of Domestic and International Programs for The Leadership Institute, to talk about our upcoming Taking Back America's Children Summit, Sunday, January 29 in Franklin, TN. The goal of the summit is to educate, motivate and activate parents and citizens across America to flip their school boards and take a stand against racist, antisemitic propaganda that is plaguing our school systems.
January 12, 2023
The Cancel Culture movement continues to ramp up and infiltrate our society on all fronts, on a mission to destroy and rewrite our American history rooted in Judeo-Christian principles. On this week's podcast, we continue our conversation surrounding this movement with special guest Yaffah Batya daCosta.
January 5, 2023
Antisemitism is on the rise across America and worldwide. A 2018 Kantor Center Annual Report study showed an increase of 13% in the number of major violent cases toward our Jewish brethren. This week's podcast features a Focus On Israel episode where we visit The Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism, the premier gathering for assessing antisemitism globally. This forum features a coalition of political leaders, clergy, journalists, educators and citizens dedicated to stopping and defeating antisemitism.
December 22, 2022
This week's podcast features a Focus on Israel episode where we look at the concept of Replacement Theology, an age-old false teaching and the belief that the church replaced Israel. It began under the reign of Constantine and persists in Christianity to this day, suggesting that because Israel rebelled and fell away, she forfeited her promises and covenant blessings and, therefore, the church has replaced her and become "the new Israel." But that's not what God said!
December 15, 2022
The role of racist, antisemitic Critical Race Theory (CRT) continues to saturate our children's textbooks in schools and in public libraries, even though some state legislation rulings, such as Florida, have instituted policies banning this content from being published and distributed throughout the state. On this week's episode, we interview award-winning journalist Daniel Greenfield from Sultan Knish to discuss his recent exposé on the ex-Nazi publishing corporation, Bertelsmann, that is buying up the book industry and peddling the poisonous, racist, antisemitic propaganda that is force-fed to our children today in public school libraries.
December 8, 2022
Over the last couple of years, Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis and Tennessee's Governor Bill Lee have adopted legislation banning antisemitism and Critical Race Theory (CRT). Unfortunately, the textbooks DO NOT reflect the recently adopted legislation. On this week's podcast, we interview PJTN's Senior Academic Fellow, Dr. Sandra Alfonsi, to discuss her research and textbook reviews in both states as well as her findings and how we as the American people can take action to ensure instructional material and curriculum taught in our schools reflect state standards and statutes.
November 30, 2022
On this week's podcast, we welcome back our friend, Yaffah Batya daCosta, to discuss the recent elections in Israel and the U.S. Given the landslide victory in Israel with Bibi Netanyahu regaining his position as Prime Minister and the U.S. elections that barely gave conservatives back the House, we're going to review what this will mean for the future of the Jewish state and its relationship with the U.S. We will also take a look at the good, bad and the ugly of Greco-Roman Christianity and how it influences the rise of antisemitism we are witnessing today.
November 25, 2022
On this week's podcast, we continue our CANCELLED podcast series with Rabbinit Yaffah Batya daCosta as we dive into a discussion about America's Founders and their reaction to "Cancel Culture" in the colonies, Bibi Netanyahu's unprecedented victory in Israel and the global COVID-19 pandemic agenda.
November 17, 2022
The Holocaust was a devastating, tragic crime. A staggering 6 million Jews were murdered — 1 out of every 3 Jewish people on earth. This week’s episode features a Focus On Israel broadcast detailing the eyewitness story of a man who faced seven years of Nazi slavery. Determined to survive to tell the world what had happened, his harrowing story is one you’ll not soon forget.
November 11, 2022
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About Proclaiming Justice with Laurie Cardoza Moore

Proclaiming Justice is a podcast by Proclaiming Justice to the Nations and hosted by founder and President Laurie Cardoza Moore. This program aims to focus the light of truth on vital issues in today's headlines that impact every American. Get educated, motivated, and activated to take action! Here you can expect to get armed with the TRUTH and the FACTS you'll need to fight for and preserve our constitutional republic and uphold the Judeo-Christian values our nation was founded upon.

About Laurie Cardoza Moore

Laurie Cardoza-Moore is a respected “go to” voice on the frontlines of battle for the ideological, social, moral and religious mind of this generation.  As Special Envoy to the United Nations for human rights and anti-Semitism on behalf of 44 million Christians, to her leadership in statehouses through PJTN’s anti-Semitism Awareness Resolution, Laurie is a tireless advocate.

A home schooling mother of five, Laurie Cardoza-Moore’s original “wake-up call” was the discovery of anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, and anti-American content in her children’s textbooks.  The revelation of the early seeds of indoctrination of America’s children began her quest to bring awareness and change through every avenue she could reach:  Legislative, media, advocacy, and ultimately the development of PJTN programs and documentaries that are shared and educate on a mass level.   PJTN programming in support of Israel today reaches over 950 million potential viewers on a regular basis through a network of close to two dozen TV affiliates and satellite broadcasters.

Laurie has been appointed, awarded and recognized by her peers for her leadership, including:
- The President’s Council of The National Religious Broadcasters, (NRB)
- The “Top 100 People Positively Impacting Israel” by the Algemeiner
- An Honorary Doctorate Degree in Theology from the Latin University of Theology
- The “Friend of Israel Award” by The Center For Jewish Awareness
- The “Goodwill Ambassador to Israel Award” given by Israel Consul General of the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

Contact Proclaiming Justice with Laurie Cardoza Moore with Laurie Cardoza Moore

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