How Attractive Are You?

Every year billions of dollars are spent on beauty products and treatments. The cosmetic industry is one of the largest and most lucrative business enterprises in the world. Advertisers seek to sell practically everything, from cars to toothpaste to clothing, by appealing to people’s desire to look good. People want to be attractive. We want to attract positive attention and approval from others.

God has a lot to say about attraction. In the Bible He describes an attitude that is very attractive to Him. It is a heart quality that draws His positive attention. It also brings His power to us in very real and practical ways.

Take a look at the quality that is most attractive to God:

“The high and lofty one who inhabits eternity, the Holy One, says this: “I live in that high and holy place with those whose spirits are contrite and humble. I refresh the humble and give new courage to those with repentant hearts.” – Isaiah 57:15 (NLT)

” … Scripture says: ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.’” – James 4:6 (NIV)

The quality that attracts God’s attention and prompts Him to pour out His favor on us is humility. God draws near to people who develop a humble spirit. It is one of the most attractive qualities a person can possess. It brings blessings, grace and the pleasure of God to us.

God is teaching us that real beauty — real attractiveness — is not external, it is internal. It is not a matter of cosmetics, it is a matter of character.

What is humility? How do we grow it and show it?

Here are a few characteristics of a humble person:

  • Humble people are aware of their deep need for God. Their confidence is not in their own abilities, gifts or skills, but in God’s power at work in and through them.
  • Humble people are quick to confess and repent of their sins, failures and weaknesses to God and to others. They do not spend time and energy in self-justification, finger-pointing and personal defensiveness. They are ready to own up to their mistakes and inadequacies.
  • Humble people are eager to seek reconciliation when relationships are stressed or damaged. They do not become entrenched in their opinions, judgments and “rightness,” waiting for the other person to make the first move to mend the differences. They take the initiative in making things right. The readily apologize, without demands on the other party.
  • Humble people honor others. They are free with their praise of other people. They understand, value and appreciate the positive contributions of others to their lives and communicate their honor and appreciation generously.
  • Humble people are teachable. They are always looking for the things they need to learn about themselves, God and others. Their focus is on changing themselves rather than on changing others. They cultivate a tender conscience. They consciously strive to be sensitive to God’s voice of conviction, correction and adjustment in their attitudes, words and actions. They reverently seek to conform their lives to God’s Word.

A humble spirit is the spirit of Jesus!

“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross!” – Philippians 2:5-8 (NIV)

Do you want to be attractive? Start on the inside. According to God, beauty begins with humility.

Dale O'Shields

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