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Anchor your hope in God’s promises with Dr. Graham’s booklet, ‘God’s Promises for Doubt-Filled Days.’ Get your copy today when you give!
Past Episodes
- A Life of Purpose
- A Life that Pleases God
- A New Year with Real Change
- A Real Christmas
- A Savior for All Seasons
- Advancing through Adversity
- Against All Odds
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- All in the Family
- All Things New
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- Breaking Free
- Building Your Life to Last
- Carols for the King
- Choices Part 1
- Choices Part 2
- Christmas
- Christmas Time is Here
- Courageous Parenting
- Generation Next: God's Future for the Family
- Gifts for a Lifetime
- Giving God Your Best
- God of Wonders
- God Still Moves
- God's Secrets
- God's Will - My Way
- Going the Distance
- Going the Distance Part 2
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- Heart of a Champion
- Heaven
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- Living in Hope - Part 3
- Living in Hope-Part 2
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- Making the Faith Connection
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- Men Who Win
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- Relentless Faith
- Relentless Faith Part 1
- Resolutions You Can Keep
- Restoring the Biblical Family
- Ruth
- Salvation… Now What?
- Say Thanks
- Signs of the Times
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- That You May Believe
- The Beginning of the End
- The Beginning of the End: Preparing for the Last Days
- The Best of 15 Years
- The Best of 2008
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- The Pathway to Life
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- The Power of Love
- The Power of Prayer
- The Power of Spiritual Engagement
- The Power of Your Words
- The Promises of God
- The Real Secret
- The Source of Our Strength
- The Spirit of Christmas
- The Ten Commandments: A Fresh Look
- The Truth About...
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- The Voyage of Life
- The Way (in a manger)
- The Way Home
- The Wonder of Christmas
- The Wonderful Name of Jesus
- Waymaker
- We Still Believe
- What Is?
- What Really Matters
- When Faith Gets Real
- Why Believe - Part 1
- Why Believe - Part 4
- Why Believe: Part 7
- Why Believe: What Really Happened
- Why Believe:The 12
- Why Believe:What's Your Story
- Why Believe?
- Why Believe-Part 2
- Winning Life's Battles
- Salvation
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- Spiritual Growth for Women
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- Stress

Featured Offer
Anchor your hope in God’s promises with Dr. Graham’s booklet, ‘God’s Promises for Doubt-Filled Days.’ Get your copy today when you give!
About PowerPoint
PowerPoint Ministries is the radio and television broadcast ministry of Jack Graham, pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church — a nearly 37,000-member church with three campuses in the Dallas and North Texas region. Through PowerPoint Ministries, Dr. Graham offers practical, biblical steps on how to tap into God's power for successful Christian living.
About Jack Graham
Dr. Jack Graham serves as Senior Pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church, one of the nation’s largest, most dynamic congregations.
When Dr. Graham came to Prestonwood in 1989, the 8,000-member congregation responded enthusiastically to his straightforward message and powerful preaching style.
Now thriving with more than 57,000 members, Prestonwood continues to grow, reaching throughout the North Texas region. In 2006, the church launched a second location, the North Campus, in a burgeoning area 20 miles north of the Plano Campus. Prestonwood also has a flourishing Spanish-language ministry, Prestonwood en Español, which includes members from more than 20 nations. And Prestonwood.Live, the online community, draws worshippers from all over the world.
Dr. Graham is a noted author of numerous books, including the latest Reignite: Fresh Focus for an Enduring Faith. In this deeply personal book, Dr. Graham shares lessons he learned in the midst of crisis – offering insight on how to focus on Jesus even in the darkest days.
Other books include A Man of God: Essential Priorities for Every Man’s Life; Unseen: Angels, Satan, Heaven, Hell and Winning the Battle for Eternity; Angels: Who They Are, What They Do and Why It Matters; Powering Up: The Fulfillment and Fruit of a God-Fueled Life; and Courageous Parenting, written with his wife, Deb.
His passionate, biblical teaching is also seen and heard across the country and throughout the world on PowerPoint Ministries. Through broadcasts, online sermons and e-mail messages, Dr. Graham addresses relevant, everyday issues that are prevalent in our culture and strike a chord with audiences worldwide.
In October 2022, the Bible in a Year with Jack Graham podcast was launched in partnership with iHeartPodcasts and Pray.com, with a cinematic feel that brings the Bible to life. Within the first week of its release, the podcast reached the top spot on the Spotify religion list, and it has now surpassed 30 million downloads.
Dr. Graham has served as Honorary Chairman of the National Day of Prayer and has helped lead various national prayer initiatives. He served as President of the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in the country with more than 14 million members.
He and Deb have three married children and eight grandchildren.
Contact PowerPoint with Jack Graham
PowerPoint Ministries
PO Box 799070