Meaningful Worship Part 2
Featured Offer
Pastors and Leaders, join us for the "The Way Forward" conference April 3-5, 2025 in Houston, TX. If you are unable to attend, please consider donating to Power Walk Ministries or being a sponsor.
Past Episodes
- A Father's Call
- A Winning Walk
- A Woman After God's Own Heart
- And God Became Man
- Are You a Follower?
- Attitude of a Winner
- Back to the Basics
- Be Strong
- Believers in Action
- Birth Pains - Signs of the End Times
- Book of God's Acts to Reach the World
- Book of Mark
- Brokenness
- Building a Christian Heritage
- Easter Series
- Embracing the Meaning of Christmas
- Establishing Common Grounds for Building Godly Relationships
- Evangelism and Outreach
- Faith in Adversity
- Families After God's Own Heart
- Family Living God's Style
- Father's Day
- For Times Like These
- Forgiveness: A Biblical Perspective
- Giving That Blesses God
- Giving: God's Profit and Our Blessing
- Glow in the Dark
- Go Back to Basics
- God at Work
- Godly Wisdom for Today
- God's Heart for Reaching Mankind
- Got Fruit?
- Graceful Living
- His Passion Our Commission
- Homosexuality & the 21st Century Church
- Honoring God
- How is Your Love Life
- Learning the Worship of God
- Liberated in Christ
- Life in Chaos
- Life Lessons from Proverbs
- Living a Successful Life
- Living Among Lions
- Living By Faith Not Fear
- Living in the Light
- Living Prosperously
- Living the Life
- Managing Difficult Relationships
- Manual for Success
- Mindset of a Survivor
- Missions
- Missions Messages
- Money Matters
- One Family One Lord
- Our Walk Begins With a Step
- Overcoming Anxiety
- Overcoming the Attacks of Satan
- Overcoming the Power of Fear
- Seeing Above and Beyond
- Service that Blesses God
- Singing in the Rain
- Single Minded Singles
- Special Program
- Standing on God's Promises
- Steps to Faith
- Strength for Today
- Thanksgiving
- The Attitude of A Winner
- The Battle Within
- The Benefits of Running the Race of Endurance
- The Book - Don't Live Without it
- The Book of God's ACTS to Reach the World
- The Book of Mark
- The Church That Pleases God
- The Difference We Can Make
- The Heart of a True Worshiper
- The Importance of Prayer
- The Passion of Christ Vol. 1
- The Passion of Christ Vol. 2
- The Power of Fear
- The Power of Praise
- The Samaritan Woman
- The Theology of Parables
- The Transforming Power of the Cross
- The Trial that Rocked the World
- The True Meaning of Christmas
- The Word: Directions for Life
- The Worship of God
- True Enemy
- Walk in Chaos
- Walking by Faith
- Walking Through Troubled Waters
- Walking With God
- What Does Love have to do with You?
- Women After God's Own Heart

Featured Offer
Pastors and Leaders, join us for the "The Way Forward" conference April 3-5, 2025 in Houston, TX. If you are unable to attend, please consider donating to Power Walk Ministries or being a sponsor.
About Power Walk Ministries
About Dr. Paul Cannings
Dr. Cannings is President and founder of Power Walk Ministries, a ministry focusing on church leadership & development, marriage, and family and teacher training. Each year Power Walk Ministries holds conferences in the U.S., Africa and the Caribbean.
Dr. Paul Cannings, long considered “the teacher’s teacher” among leading pastors and clergy, is the Senior Pastor of Living Word Fellowship Church in Houston, Texas. He provides spiritual direction and leadership to a growing congregation and is a sought-after speaker on the national and international stage.
Dr. Cannings is also the President of Living Word Christian Academy, a Christian school for children from 2 years old - 8th grade. Striving to better the community, he also founded the area’s only four-star accredited preschool. He has also established an outreach ministry; The Christian Outreach Center, to help families living in crisis. He can be heard locally in Houston on KHCB (khcb.org)/105.7 fm, where he serves as a bible study leader on “The Pastor’s Corner” and is the host of a live question and answer program called “The Pastor’s Study”. He is also a adjunct professor at the College of Biblical Studies. He is the author of numerous books, including Why Can’t Mondays Be More Like Sundays? and Biblical Answers for 21st Century Church, a resource for church leaders tackling today’s toughest questions.
Contact Power Walk Ministries with Dr. Paul Cannings
Power Walk Ministries
P.O. Box 920517
Houston, TX 77092