Parent Compass Radio

Real Christian Families

When Prodigals Return, Part 2: All Three Back!

March 17, 2023

I almost died, 100 different times probably. - Lawson

Miracle times 3!!! All THREE PRODIGALS RETURN

Hear of a miraculous God and the power of prayer with a new book for the rest of us to bring our prodigals home. Steve and Laine Craft's marriage was over...until a miraculous intervention of God. (See it When Prodigals Return Part 1)  BUT was it too late for their children? A modern prodigal story, all three of their children fell away into destructive lifestyles. But over time, God lovingly restored each child and a renewed Craft family now tells how.

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I remember having my first drink. - Kaylee

I am living in a penthouse. Party king now. - Steven

We were angry. - Laine

My wife would get scared if the phone rang. - Steve Sr.

It was living hell. - Laine

At sixteen, I spent 3 days in jail in solitary confinement. - Lawson

I always wanted to be one of the cool kids. Was trying to figure out how to fit in with this crowd. I had been relying on things of this world to fill me. I knew I wasn’t living right. - Kaylee

All you need is Jesus. - Lawson

A life in Christ is way better then something Satan offers you. - Steven Jr.

These are spiritual battles. - Steve Sr.

Even in the loss of this world, God has been there for us. - Laine

Keep fighting, keep praying. God will take care of everything you need. - Steve Sr.

Don’t ever give up. - Laine

Watch Part 2 of When Prodigals Return (Subscribe for shows and more at

Laine Lawson Craft is an award-winning author, popular media host, and in-demand speaker. The founder and publisher of WHOAwomen magazine (2010-2018), she regularly hosts online challenges and masterclasses as well as Facebook Live events that reach thousands. Her Livin' Lively with Laine podcast encourages women around the world, and her Warfare Parenting podcast encourages parents of adult children.

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Purchase Laine's new book, The Parent's Battle Plan - Laine Lawson Craft here.

Watch When Prodigals Return, Part 1: Our Marriage Miracle

For Laine and Steve's book on marriage go to:

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My father-in-law was out in the front yard asking me, "How bad is it really, Steve??"(Subscribe for shows and more at"I'd rather live with Satan, himself, then go back in there with your daughter." - Steve17 years into our marriage, we were done. - SteveWe don't love each other. We are not acting like we love each other. We were actually living on opposite ends of the house. - LaineIt was getting harder and harder and harder. It was not getting easier. It was getting harder. And I yelled at God with tears. - SteveOur lives were unraveling. - LaineCould we pay the bills? How are we going to pay the bills? - SteveVery stressful life. - LaineSatan had basically taken everything from me. - SteveI’m not living a lie anymore. - LaineStephen was 13, Lawson was 11 and Kaylee was 10. - LaineForgiveness was the key to moving forward in our marriage. - SteveWe had said a lot of mean things to one another. We had done a lot of mean things. - LaineWe chose good over evil. - SteveIt might have been the first true miracle that I ever witnessed in my life. - SteveWe knew we were taking the right next step. - Laine Steve and Laine Craft's marriage was over...until a miraculous intervention of God.Watch When Prodigals Return, Part 1: Our Marriage MiracleBUT was it too late for their children? A modern prodigal story, all three of their children fell away into destructive lifestyles. Is there any hope?Watch Part 2 of When Prodigals Return (Subscribe for shows and more at For Laine and Steve's book on marriage go to: Laine Lawson Craft is an award-winning author, popular media host, and in-demand speaker. The founder and publisher of WHOAwomen magazine (2010-2018), she regularly hosts online challenges and masterclasses as well as Facebook Live events that reach thousands. Her Livin' Lively with Laine podcast encourages women around the world, and her Warfare Parenting podcast encourages parents of adult children. Learn more at Purchase Laine's new book, The Parent's Battle Plan - Laine Lawson Craft here:
March 10, 2023
Abandoned by her husband during the pandemic, Rita was left with 9 kids. When an electrical issue burned down their house, they ended up homeless and with no transportation. Calling out to God with no one else to help they are getting their life back as God has brought provision through His church and individuals.(For shows and more subscribe support this ministry financially, visit:
March 3, 2023
I did not want children. - Stephanie (For shows and more subscribe at Stephanie's heart changed as the Lord called her and her husband, David, to adopt eight children. Their first is a typical son, the seven others have Down Syndrome. Six of those children are adopted many years ago from the Ukraine. The heart of the Barnett family is on full display as they tell their story of how God has walked them into a life of challenges filled with joy in "Special Needs, Special Glory". I describe it as organized chaos. - Stephanie The world sees children with down syndrome. They are worthy, they have a purpose. - Stephanie Not all children with special needs are the same. - David Mackie, one of their children had congestive heart failure that without surgery would take her life in 3 years. Dr. Cooper Schmit was hesitant to do the surgery because the chances of success were less than 35%, but they went ahead. "They (the doctors) said that they have never felt the presence of the Lord that strong as when they did that surgery." - Stephanie I could literally fill the Lord’s hands guiding me. - Dr. Cooper Schmit If people do question their purpose, the children's purpose in the world. Start working with some special needs ministries anywhere. That's their calling. God created them to glorify Him. - David "'As he (Jesus) went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?' 'Neither this man nor his parents sinned,' said Jesus, 'but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.'" John 9:1-3 "Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31 "Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made." Isaiah 43:7
February 24, 2023
Feel like a horrible Mom - MaryDropping the ball - MaryFor shows and more subscribe at - take that out on my kids - MaryI'm in debt. I'm in trouble. - AndreyGoing to lose everything - AndreyToo many liabilities, downsize possibly. - MaryCrazy, Mad, unstable. It's tough- AndreyIf you give them too much technology, they become zombies. - AndreyMelody, all of her fingers were bleeding. - MaryDad, what are you doing? Dad's praying right now. - AndreySpecifically schedule to spend time with God. - AndreyIt is very hard times from COVID right now. Some people lost businesses and jobs and some people have debt. So what are you going to do? I think the best thing you can do is to be strong in your faith. This way, you're going to give stability to your wife [and family]. - Andrey Mary works full time, she and her husband, Andrey, have run their own business for 16 years. How do you manage? Where are the priorities? What happens in troubles? What matters? Watch "Faith Passed Down Part 2". In "Faith Passed Down Part 1"The journey to a family of five and 100 employees started a world away. Born to a Soviet Union father who was arrested 50 times for preaching the gospel and operating a home church, Andrey saw firsthand God's miraculous provision in his life. On the other side of the world, Mary grew up in poverty in New Orleans. A move to America inspired by the Holy Spirit and hurricane Katrina would bring Mary and Andrey's world's colliding together.
February 17, 2023
My dad, he got 50 arrests for preaching the gospel and operating a home church in the Soviet Union. - Andrey The journey to a family of five and 100 employees started a world away. Born to a Soviet Union father who was arrested 50 times for preaching the gospel and operating a home church, Andrey saw firsthand God's miraculous provision in his life. On the other side of the world, Mary grew up in poverty in New Orleans. A move to America inspired by the Holy Spirit and hurricane Katrina would bring Mary and Andrey's world's colliding together. It was age 16, when Andrey Novik came from Belarus, former Soviet Union, now called Russia, with his parents and 8 siblings. His father was head of the underground churches in Belarus, and was for many years strongly persecuted for his faith there. From the USA, Mary grew up in Louisiana, with 13 siblings, one adopted. Mary's mother took in homeless people sometimes having 26 people living in their home. But Mary and Andrey deeply learned the secret to life - faith. Watch hearts sold out to God in "Faith Passed Down". Andrey:Everything goes back to my great grandparents. I think it goes back to the first world war. They got saved because of a Jewish family. My grandfather, he had twelve brothers and sisters. When the war happened, they were transferred to Russia. On the way back on the train, nine of them passed away because of the hunger. My grandfather, he survived. His father, which is my great grandfather, he said, 'I am going to do everything possible to dedicate my son [to the Lord]. My grandfather, he got married when he was 17 and my grandmother was 16. He was always saying, 'I am going to have sons. They are all going to be pastors.' So one daughter and eight sons. From those eight sons, 6 or 7 of them are pastors. My dad had the passion for Christ all the way from childhood. I have nine brothers and sisters. My dad was a pastor. Our house was used as the underground church. The first story [or floor] was used for the family. We only had one room. The second story was just for the church. We had neighbors, they were not Christians, but they would always watch. If they saw the KGB [Russian Secret Police] coming, they would always inform us. My dad, he got 50 arrests. I remember one specific moment when he was knocked down to the ground. They look at us, kids, and like, 'Hey, you’re probably not going to see your dad again, because he is breaking the law. He allows the church in this house.' We were very concerned. And I remember those emotions. He's unafraid. He's a great, great man of God. It was hard for my mom. She would cry, but she would always tell us, 'Hey, don't say anything to your Dad, because I don't want him to stop the ministry.' The collapse of the Soviet Union happened. My dad, he was emotional. And I remember that moment exactly, when he was holding my hand and for the first time we walked in the street and just enjoying the moment and the freedom. Finally we can have church outside of my house. Mary:I grew up in a poverty mindset. Born in Virginia. When I was five my dad got a job offer in New Orleans. My mom had nine children, so it was a big uprooting. Six months later my dad got laid off from his job. It was a huge adventure and difficulty for our family. My mom kept on getting pregnant. There were 13 biological children. There is also my adopted brother and he makes 14. My parents took in homeless people as a ministry. We had like 26 people living in our house one time. We lived day by day, paycheck to paycheck. God always said that he is going to provide our daily bread. Growing up in that you just see God's provision. Watch the Novik family in "Faith Passed Down."
February 10, 2023
What? – JasonThe Lord told him, ‘Your times up.’ - Jackie We start falling out of the sky. – JasonWe have to do surgery. We have to operate. - Jason Major complications. She almost died. - Jason We as a family got Covid. - Jason We got a call to pray over people within an hour we got the word that they had died. - Jackie It was very overwhelming. - Jackie What God has in store is so much better. - Jason The Gabriel family tell how God never left them through the difficulty of leaving a promising military career, life threatening car accidents, airplane drops, and serious health scares. Now they pastor a church and their children bring a variety of different gifts to brighten their home and ministry. For shows and more subscribe at
February 3, 2023
The life that I was living was fake. – Jason(For shows and more subscribe at didn’t understand what I was looking for. – Jackie Our nation is being attacked right now. We are now at war. – Jason The Lord told him, ‘Your time's up.’ - Jackie She prays with us when I get scared. - Jada It was more of a religious thing that focused on the outward versus the inward. – Jackie You had a choice to go to Heaven’s Gates or Hell’s Flames and in that moment I knew that I had to make a choice. – Jason “I knew I encountered God. I knew I was changed instantly.” - Jackie Watch "Team" Gabriel in "Our Help in Trouble" Parents Jason and Jackie Gabriel have five children, Jacob, Jon Luke, Joi, Jada, and Jewel, even though Jackie was told she would not have children at all. The Gabriel family are overcomers who tell how God never left them through the difficulty of leaving a promising military career, life threatening car accidents and airplane drops, and serious health scares. Now they pastor a church and their children bring a variety of different gifts to brighten their home and ministry.
January 27, 2023
Have the baby or not?They decided not.All I could think about was how am I going to live? - RyanWhat about if we just had an abortion? - AmyIt is the easy way out. I remember writing the check, paying the money for the abortion. - RyanAn unexpected pregnancy led Amy and Ryan to an abortion clinic. When Amy came out to the waiting room, Ryan was shocked to discover she was still pregnant. Due to God's miraculous intervention, their oldest son survived that day, Amy and Ryan were married, and now Amy runs a national ministry called Embrace Grace, supporting women with unplanned pregnancies who chose life!Connect atembracegrace.comTrue feminism is you can have your baby in your dreams too!I - AmyFor shows and more subscribe atparentcompass.tvParent Compass is an award-winning global television series with signature family episodes of true stories told by real parents facing real struggles discovering solutions in Jesus Christ. Season 1 included the child star family of the hit movie War Room. Following the family episodes in each season are Life Family Chats with Christian leaders that have included: Kendrick Brothers (producers of movies: Overcomer, War Room, Courageous, Fireproof); Erwin Brothers and Kevin Downes (producers of I Can Only Imagine, Woodlawn); Ann Dave Wilson, hosts of Family Life; Jonathan Evans, Chaplain of the Dallas Cowboys and son of Dr. Tony Evans; Anne Graham Lotz, Daughter of Billy Graham Benham Brothers; Kay Arthur, Founder Precepts Ministries; June Hunt, Founder Hope for the Heart; Ryan Dobson, Jim Dobson's son and former Host with his father on Family Talk; John Fuller, Focus on the Family Host with Jim Daly; Cameron and BJ Arnett, TV Film Star including movie, Overcomer; Lee Strobel, The Case for Christ; Pat Boone, 45 million records, 3 Stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame; Shannon Bream, Anchor Fox News @ Night... Subscribe at Watch at support this ministry financially, visit:
January 20, 2023
I knew that that was it. I was fading in and out,so I cried out to God.I was gasping for air in prayer.Please, if you would give me one last chance.I knew that I was going to die and would have to stand before Him.Immediately like right after I started praying, it was like God was showing me all of my sins. And showing me that I was going to stand before Him, and die, and I was going to be cast into hell. And I was frightened.If this is my life and this is it, then I get it. But, please, Lord, I was begging. If there was one last chance that He would allow me to live, I’d give Him everything; professional, personal. I repent of all my sins. I just want to be born again.Brooke and Landon Thurman met over Facebook while both immersed in the Los Angeles party scene. Both from broken homes, they derailed into hard drugs and hard living, resulting in Landon doing time in the county jail. When their first child came along they were focused on raising him to be a "good person" and pursuing the American dream... until Covid hit the world and both of them. As Landon struggled for every breath, he was sure death was near, but in an instant God came crashing into his life and a miracle happened that would change everything for his entire family forever!For more shows and more subscribe support this ministry financially, visit:
January 13, 2023
Lee Strobel almost died.It caused him to realize, "You want to know for sure what happens when I close my eyes for the last time in this world." (Subscribe for shows and more you ever doubted Christ's existence? Have you ever wondered what happens after we die? The Parent Compass Chat above covers both. Lee Strobel was a devout atheist that absolutely did not believe in God or Christ. Then his wife became a Christian and was baptized. As an award-winning investigative journalist, Lee set out to prove her wrong. After years on this persistent quest, in the end by the inordinate amount of evidence, Lee convinced himself, not only, that Jesus was God as He claimed be, but Jesus backed up that claim by rising from the dead. Since then, Lee Strobel travels the world telling others the evidence he found. He is the New York Times best selling author of "The Case for Christ" and most recently "The Case for Heaven". In total Lee has authored more than forty books and curricula that have sold fourteen million copies.Profoundly affected by his recent brush with death, Lee turned to what he does best, investigative journalism, to prove with evidence the existence of Heaven.What does he find? Hear the evidence summarized in the Parent Compass Chat above and in his new book and recent movie, The Case for Heaven.The movie, The Case for Heaven, takes audiences on a fascinating journey to find out what happens after we die. Lee Strobel explores the evidence for an afterlife as he addresses mankind’s biggest fear: death. The Case for Heaven was inspired by Strobel’s own brush with death and will challenge, encourage and inspire viewers. The documentary includes interviews with world-renowned pastor Francis Chan, best-selling author John Burke, Evangelist Luis Palau, and more.To make a decision for Christ go to ParentCompass.TV/Know-ChristFor conversation line about Christ or for prayer, text or call (817) 760-2543 or click the blue CHAT button in the right corner of every page of the ParentCompass.TV website.To support this ministry financially, visit:
December 23, 2022
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About Parent Compass Radio

From the frontlines, families apply timeless faith in Parent Compass—the Telly Award-winning Christian television series.

Across episodes, with differing issues and a variety of backgrounds, in Parent Compass mothers and fathers talk about their own upbringings and pasts, marriage and life management, child rearing–and faith . . . all with undaunted candor.

Families featured in Parent Compass range from the Pitts, whose four daughters include Alena, the child star of the hit movie, WAR ROOM . . . to Mark and Shanell Rusk, raising a blended family of 11 in a Habitat for Humanity home they helped build. Audiences will meet the Kos, teaching fine art and raising kids out of one suburban home, and single mom Cindy, who initially three times scheduled an abortion for her now seven-year-old daughter.

About Real Christian Families

A Compass through the struggles of life, in Parent Compass real families share life stories of how God and His Word give direction.

Parent Compass Founder & President Natalie Jones, a mother of five, knows this one-of-a-kind series offers the hope we need. “Families now have true stories of God’s peace amidst endless difficulties,” she said.

In addition to signature family episodes, are Life & Family Chats with Christian leaders. Hear from: Kendrick Brothers, producers of movies, Overcomer, War Room; Erwin Brothers and Kevin Downes, producers of movies I Can Only Imagine, Woodlawn; Ann & Dave Wilson, Host of CRU’s Family Life replacing Dennis & Barbara Rainey; Jonathan Evans, Chaplain of the Dallas Cowboys and son of Dr. Tony Evans; Anne Graham Lotz, Billy Graham's daughter; Benham Brothers; Kay Arthur; Ryan Dobson, Jim Dobson's son and former Host Family Talk; John Fuller, Focus on the Family Co-Host and more.

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