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What's the Focus? Part 2 - Family Highs and Lows with John Fuller, Co-Host on Focus on the Family

January 14, 2022

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John Fuller, co-host of Focus on the Family Daily Broadcast Radio Show, speaks to the highs and lows of family life touching on insights from raising 6 children including one special needs adopted child in "What's the Focus? Part 2 Family Highs and Lows, Special Needs, Adoption and Fostering" Parent Compass Life and Family Chat.

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Past Episodes

To support this ministry financially, visit: John Fuller, co-host with Jim Daly on Focus on the Family Radio Daily Broadcast with 6 million weekly listeners, summarizes 30 years of learning about God and family in "What's the Focus?"
January 7, 2022
To support this ministry financially, visit: book Beyond the Golden Door is the compelling, sometimes tense, and often humorous story of how a Pakistani Muslim finds freedom, love, and a new faith and challenges us to appreciate the liberties found in America and to consider our own spiritual journey. Based on the book by the same name, the real life author's family tells their story today and reflects on parents' choices.Subscribe at for more families and shows."Beyond the Golden Door by Ali Master is a fascinating study of the American dream, God’s great redemption, and the beauty of freedom. In it you will experience the immigrant’s journey, a love story inaugurated by fast food, and the ache of longing for a parent’s approval. This is an encouraging and interesting read. Mary DeMuth, Author of Thin Places: a Memoir"The timing could not have been better for this message to get out. Ali Master’s Beyond the Golden Door is a refreshing splash of honesty, humor, and gratitude for the American way of life. You and I have likely never viewed the USA through the lens inside these pages. Scott Lane, Former chairman of the board Bill Glass Behind the WallsBook at
December 24, 2021
To support this ministry financially, visit: book Beyond the Golden Door is the compelling, sometimes tense, and often humorous story of how a Pakistani Muslim finds freedom, love, and a new faith and challenges us to appreciate the liberties found in America and to consider our own spiritual journey. Based on the book by the same name, the real life author's family tells their story today and reflects on parents' choices.Subscribe at for more families and shows. Book at"Beyond the Golden Door by Ali Master is a fascinating study of the American dream, God’s great redemption, and the beauty of freedom. In it you will experience the immigrant’s journey, a love story inaugurated by fast food, and the ache of longing for a parent’s approval. This is an encouraging and interesting read. Mary DeMuth, Author of Thin Places: a Memoir"The timing could not have been better for this message to get out. Ali Master’s Beyond the Golden Door is a refreshing splash of honesty, humor, and gratitude for the American way of life. You and I have likely never viewed the USA through the lens inside these pages. Scott Lane, former chairman of the board Bill Glass Behind the WallsBook at www.alimaster.comQuotes from Parent Compass episode, Beyond the Golden Door:It is amazing how God provided for us when we were young Christians working, poor as church mice really and we would rely on God to provide for us and He did and it stretched our faith. AliWith my children I want to make sure that talking about Jesus is as normal as talking about anything else. JudyAnd He [Jesus] said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15For a lot of my friends in school, Christianity is something they grew up with. It is very cultural. And so they are Christians because they can never imagine being anything else. And for me, my dad made a very specific choice. MollieIt’s never too late to turn your life around. EmmaI thought she was one of those happy people and then I met her family and they had the same problem. AliThat’s not who I thought He was, yes, Jesus was a prophet and respected, but this man whose words I was hearing was a lot more than a prophet. So I found myself at a crossroads. AliI was defenseless against His love. AliMy words changed, my habits changed. There is no way I could have psyched myself into changing like that. - Ali
December 17, 2021
To support this ministry financially, visit: said we are going to have a big family! - MondoeAhh, I don’t know who you think is going to have all those children, but it is not going to be me. - LisaFor shows and more subscribe at are lucky if you get one or two. - LisaI did not really embrace motherhood or even marriage. I felt like my heart was so hardened. In part from not having a mom growing up. - LisaThe enemy whispers in my ear, That dream you had to glorify God with the NFL means Not For Long. MondoeIf you can think of a job, I probably applied for it. MondoeAs women we want people to love us, but we do not even love ourselves. - LisaGod, You are the sail, because we cannot do this on our own strength. MondoeGod’s word is going to be the last word. LisaI truly believe that the family is a picture, a living, breathing picture of Jesus Christ on the earth today. When we realize the value of that and the opportunity to be leader and a steward, it can literally transform the world. - MondoeFor Shows and More subscribe at bring the love of God and family to parents, children and families everywhere, support production with a tax-deductible donation at
December 10, 2021
To support this ministry financially, visit: Chaos. You want to hear God laugh. Tell Him your plans. There is something that God is doing that is calling us to a higher level of trusting Him.The New York Jets picked me up on draft day. I hit the wedge and everything goes black. It’s over. You’re done. God gave me this vision. - MondoeWatch "Love is 9 Children Under 12" for shows and more.
December 3, 2021
To support this ministry financially, visit: to Faith. Throwing themselves into living God's way. Joy.I called him crying. I was shocked, terrified KayleeFor shows and more subscribe at told me she was pregnant. She told me she was scared. - LuisHer dad had spent 19 years in prison LuisI had just repeated the cycle. That is all I could think was. I let them down. - KayleeThere were a lot of tears from both of us. We had wanted to do more in life, but I also knew I had to step up as a man, as a leader. I know how hurtful it is to be part of a broken family, I did not want that for my children. That is what made it easier for me. Thinking of the baby as me. I told Kaylee, I am here. I will do whatever it takes to take care of the baby. - LuisTrue stories. Real people. Real struggles. Real Answers. Three time award-winning series.
November 26, 2021
To support this ministry financially, visit: mom was homeless and my dad was in prison when I was born. Drug problems, violence, a man shot in front of me at age 6. We were thrown out of every women’s shelter KayleeI grew up in El Salvador. We had a huge earthquake. We had war. LuisYou read scripture and sometimes you think it is stories, but miracles are happening all around. We are lucky to be part of that story LuisThe power of God is real LuisWe both came from broken homes. We both knew what that looks like and what that leads to, we made a decision to just practice our faith. KayleeKnowing the back story of my wife, who was abandoned by her mom, and abandoned by her dad and picked up by strangers, I knew I had to step up. Luis
November 19, 2021
To support this ministry financially, visit: kids? 5 adopted, 4 biological, 16 foster... beautiful chaos. Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, do not forbid them for such is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:14 God says: I WILL KICK IN THE DOOR FOR YOU. - BruceFor information on foster and adoption: From this episode is where they work to find a loving, stable home for every child. Embrace connects willing hands with opportunities to serve children in foster, adoptive and kinship care. Subscribe for free for shows and more. Share the love of God ParentCompass.TV/Donate Parent Compass is completely funded by people like you.
November 12, 2021
To support this ministry financially, visit:, Incredible Surprise Timing... It’s as horrible as you think it is going to be. Just the deepest pain. The test came back incompatible with life. They did not want us to give oxygen. They did not want us to feed him. He is not going to live, life is futile. I have given my life to Christ, I am still experiencing these really difficult things. Is this my life? Through this journey, beauty happens. God does unbelievable timing and great goodness comes. With Daniel and Kelly’s first pregnancy, the baby was diagnosed with Trisomy-18, incompatible with life. Even still, they wanted to carry the baby full term.They found joy in the midst. Now they have started a ministry named after their son Abel, called "Abel Speaks" supporting families who have chosen to carry a child with a life limiting diagnosis. See the incredible surprise timing! What could God be telling us with that timing?? ParentCompass.TV/subscribe for shows and more. All production is supported by people like you. Send God's love out into the world. Be a producer of Parent Compass. ParentCompass.TV/Donate
November 5, 2021
To support this ministry financially, visit:"At age 23 doctors told me: 'You are going to die if you do not get surgery today'" - David"There is only one truth out there." - Zoey"My heart starts to shut down." - David"We didn't know what the heck we were doing." - Kimberly"This is serious stuff." - Zachary"We are NOT going to Africa." - David Kimberly"This was the turning point for everything." - DavidSubscribe for free for shows at
October 29, 2021
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About Parent Compass Radio

From the frontlines, families apply timeless faith in Parent Compass—the Telly Award-winning Christian television series.

Across episodes, with differing issues and a variety of backgrounds, in Parent Compass mothers and fathers talk about their own upbringings and pasts, marriage and life management, child rearing–and faith . . . all with undaunted candor.

Families featured in Parent Compass range from the Pitts, whose four daughters include Alena, the child star of the hit movie, WAR ROOM . . . to Mark and Shanell Rusk, raising a blended family of 11 in a Habitat for Humanity home they helped build. Audiences will meet the Kos, teaching fine art and raising kids out of one suburban home, and single mom Cindy, who initially three times scheduled an abortion for her now seven-year-old daughter.

About Real Christian Families

A Compass through the struggles of life, in Parent Compass real families share life stories of how God and His Word give direction.

Parent Compass Founder & President Natalie Jones, a mother of five, knows this one-of-a-kind series offers the hope we need. “Families now have true stories of God’s peace amidst endless difficulties,” she said.

In addition to signature family episodes, are Life & Family Chats with Christian leaders. Hear from: Kendrick Brothers, producers of movies, Overcomer, War Room; Erwin Brothers and Kevin Downes, producers of movies I Can Only Imagine, Woodlawn; Ann & Dave Wilson, Host of CRU’s Family Life replacing Dennis & Barbara Rainey; Jonathan Evans, Chaplain of the Dallas Cowboys and son of Dr. Tony Evans; Anne Graham Lotz, Billy Graham's daughter; Benham Brothers; Kay Arthur; Ryan Dobson, Jim Dobson's son and former Host Family Talk; John Fuller, Focus on the Family Co-Host and more.

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