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Agent Under Fire, Part 4

March 21, 2025

Seven men were extradited from Mexico and charged with the murder of US Agent Victor Avila’s partner, Jaime Zapata. This murder calls for a mandatory life sentence. Could there be a loophole in sentencing? Victor Avila testifies. Could the violent Zeta cartel be dismantled? The Avila family draws close together.

You will hear:

Had a lot of survivor’s guilt. A lot of people died. Your partner died. But, why didn’t you die? – Victor.

Things seemed just so out of control. – Sofia

Without God, can’t make sense out of anything. – Claudia.

They won’t have to worry about me. I won’t let them down. – Victor Emilio

The seven were extradited from Mexico, charged with murder—calls for a mandatory life sentence. – Victor.

The only reason why he’s here is by the grace of God. – Sofia

I had to do calls to the family and let them know there is no one in prison for the murder of their son. – Victor

Open communication and trust and faith is the cornerstone of our family. – Claudia.

Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. – Matthew 5:10

You cannot have inner peace without faith. – Claudia.

We all have just become so close. – Sofia

I have changed a lot for the better. I don’t sweat the small stuff anymore. – Victor

Everything we knew just changed overnight. – Claudia

I testified. The Zeta cartel was dismantled because of this case. – Victor

It was nothing short of a miracle. – Sofia.

Faith has always been in background. You talk to God. You ask him for guidance, for help. – Victor

If there’s tragedy, we find a way out of it. And it’s all because of Him. – Claudia

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Past Episodes

Shot with an AK-47 by the Mexican drug cartel, can US agent Victor Avila trust where the helicopter is taking him and the medical personnel? With hoods over their heads, Claudia, Victor’s wife, and their two young children are escorted by seven vehicles with armed guards to the airport.Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. – Matthew 5:4It could have very well been my husband that died that day. – ClaudiaThe incident has escalated and we are having the Government of Mexico escorting us to the airport. Brace yourself. – ClaudiaWe have these hoods put over our heads. – Victor Emilio, age 6 at the timeThey put us in the back of this Suburban. – Sofia, age 10 at the timeThey put a hood over my head and kind of escorted me. There was at least seven, if not more, vehicles with armed guards on the back of the trucks pointing long guns at everything. – ClaudiaIt was scary. – ClaudiaI remember my kids just “Momma, mommy, momma.” – ClaudiaThis is way too much for a fire hazard. This does not make sense. – SofiaThe alarms were blaring. They were yelling at us. Keep your kids down. – ClaudiaArmed vehicles next to us and it front of us and we are just hauling. What else is happening? – ClaudiaAre our lives in danger? What is happening? – ClaudiaWe get to the airport and there is military all over the place. That is when I was told it was a cartel hit. – ClaudiaNothing made sense. – ClaudiaSomething is not right here. – SofiaNews trucks pulling up to the house. – SofiaHow do you tell your kids, your dad was gunned down by cartels and they killed his partner. – ClaudiaDon't miss a show. Subscribe at Download the Parent Compass App.
March 14, 2025
Working as a diplomat for the US Embassy in Mexico, Victor was ordered to take an armored vehicle on a dangerous highway. He and his partner in the vehicle were ambushed by a violent drug cartel. His wife, Claudia, finds out immediately, as she works at the Embassy. Hear of his rescue. 8 of them come out. We have our hands up. – Victor No one can tell me if he was alive. – Claudia They shot over 100 rounds. – Victor Shot with a AK47. Bleeding profusely. – Victor I knew he was in trouble when he said he was going to be on that highway. – Claudia All I remember is someone pulling me away from the phone, because I wanted to talk to Victor. – Claudia This is where my panic and my fear sets in. – Victor We need to be a complete family. – Claudia What about my kids. – Claudia Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. – Matthew 5:3 Don't miss a show. Subscribe at Download the Parent Compass App.
March 7, 2025
She came out into the hallway shouting, “Agent Avila, He’s been shot!” Victor Avila was a US Diplomat in Mexico with the Global Trafficking and Human Initiative taking down human traffickers and fighting the cartels. Wife, Claudia, was also working at the US Embassy. Together with their two children they begin a fight for survival. You will hear: She came into the hallway shouting, “Agent Avila, He’s been shot!” I am trying to grab the phone from her. – Claudia When you hear your boss say he is not aware of any security issues in Mexico, it’s a problem. – Victor I was in charge of taking down human traffickers. – Victor I felt warping out of one world into another. – Victor We had a great life. – Claudia I always knew there was risk. – Claudia Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. – Matthew 5:5 Don't miss a show. Subscribe at Download the Parent Compass App.
February 28, 2025
What is leadership that we are all to have? A pastor, Julian is offered the opportunity to oversee the development of a School of Leadership. Jenna is offered to start a preschool at their church. She begins the difficult job of starting a business from scratch while raising their four young children. In this episode: My mom said, “Just surrender and God will show up.” – Jenna I started down this long journey of starting a business from scratch. – Jenna They have their own agenda and they are not going to do exactly what you want them to do. I want to follow his lead and God’s lead and not to give up. – Jenna My life is all about surrender. When I surrender is when God has freedom to do what He wants to do in my life. – Jenna God shouts the “nos”, but he whispers “go”. If I tend to ignore the no and push that away, then I can ignore the go. – Julian Not having children in the first 5 years, God had a different plan. I had to let that go. – Jenna God, I’m yours and whatever you want me to do, I’ll do it. – Julian Leadership is serving at all costs and putting others before yourself. That is what true leadership is. Leadership is setting the example for someone to see Christ in you. – Julian Sometimes the hardest thing to lead is not an organization, or a process, or a system, it’s me. – Julian The season you are in now will not be the season you are in tomorrow. – Julian My advice to parents would be, pray more than you talk. – Julian If you are not close it is really hard to hear him. – Jenna “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.” – Colossians 3:16 Don't miss a show. Subscribe at Download the Parent Compass App.
February 21, 2025
Hear a treasure trove of wise Biblical words and application for our lives and for training up the next generation from this family devoted to God and praying to follow the Holy Spirit. Julian is living his dream serving as associate pastor in the church he grew up in, while Jenna serves working families by establishing a successful preschool. Their four young children round out their busy God focused life. Julian teaches acclaimed courses on Biblical leadership at the School of Leadership. You will hear: When I wake up my mom reads the Bible. – Malachi We handle our children based upon the model of how God handles us. – Julian I was really angry. Really, really mad. – Jenna Disagreement doesn’t equal hate. It also doesn’t mean I have to believe all that you believe. – Julian We don’t shy away from hard questions. – Jenna God has a way for me to live and I want to please him and honor him through his word. – Julian As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. – Julian How do we teach a child to handle their life. Then, how do we teach a child to handle other lives around them. – Julian To love God and to honor God, to be kind, to be respectful. – Jenna I think it is giving parents’ permission to create godly standards and be okay with that. – Julian Like marriage, in parenting there are images of the relationship with God. – Julian Train up a child in the way you should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. – Proverbs 22:6 Don't miss a show. Subscribe at Download the Parent Compass App.
February 14, 2025
With three small children and on the edge of complete financial disaster, Brody and Julie sunk deep into their faith. What they learned about God in the turmoil of the trial gave them a strong emotional foundation to walk through life. See God can bring inner strength despite circumstances. You will hear: Everything started to fall apart from a business sense. Every time we turned around there was a gut-wrenching issue that was hard. Not wanting to blame God, but still, God, I know you can fix this. I learned a lot more about spiritual warfare. Satan does not want you to be victorious in your walk with the Lord. – Julie Trusting Him is giving Him everything even the things you have worked on. I had to give up some things I did not want to give up. – Brody Once I understood spiritual warfare, everything began to shift. – Julie We live in a fallen world and it is hard. – Julie If You want to take it all away, take it all away. – Brody If we have to sit in this a long time, we’ll wait on You, but we are not moving without You. – Julie Our kids were so young we did not expose them to the struggles we were going through. We did not want to burden them with fear at the ages they were at. – Brody Coming home and having them run to greet me was like Disneyland. – Brody Fight the good fight of faith, take hold of the eternal life to which you were called. – 1 Timothy 6:12 Nothing is wrong with you. – Julie It is a time of intensity and struggle for a lot of parents and they are not alone. It is scary to raise kids at this time. For every generation before, there were physical threats known that would have to get close enough to your kids to harm them. That is not the case anymore. Technology and the things kids have available to them is super scary. There are all kinds of avenues to your kids and they do not have to be under your roof and they can get under your roof without you knowing. They don’t have to pass through the front door. But God has told us to be fruitful and multiply. He has told us to trust Him. He has told us He is on the throne and He is not leaving the throne. – Julie Don't miss a show. Subscribe at Download the Parent Compass App.
February 7, 2025
Brody had everything planned out. Julie was moving quickly up the career ladder. When they met, they knew what they wanted from a marriage and knew how to get there. But with three children and a startup ground-breaking venture, it all started to come apart. Facing financial disaster, God was their only help. The mind of a person plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. – Proverbs 16:9 You will hear:I didn’t need God and neither did anyone else. The only people that did were weak. – Julie Bought a practice and started another practice. All of sudden things weren’t on track. – Brody The great plans started to unravel. – Julie Lord, where are you in this? – Julie I was afraid we would lose everything. – Julie We’ve gotta survive and get through this. – Brody All the Different things we had going were all crashing around us. – Julie I think the hardest part was not knowing the answer, when you were a person who always kind of had a plan, had an answer. – Brody I’m definitely a planner. What’s the long plan? What’s the long game? What are the steps that need to happen. – Brody Everything we had planned for 6 or 7 years were on track and then all of a sudden they weren’t on track. – Brody How are you going to deal with this? Are you going to bail out? Are you going to quit? – Brody God impressed upon me that my role was to pray and support Brody. – Julie I went into a very survivalist type mode. – Brody I had to go 18 months without taking any money home. So we had to survive. – Brody I had to share that I didn’t know. I think the hardest part was not knowing the answer, when you were a person who always kind of had a plan, had an answer. – Brody I think the hardest part was admitting that to her. And thinking I let her down. But her saying that I didn’t let her down. Thinking I was a failure. I was failing her and the family. She didn’t ever accept that. It is not like she said, no you are not, she tried to banish that from my mind. – Brody We were going through a lot of stuff with the family and with my dad as well. – Brody Everywhere we looked it seemed to be chaos.  It was about 7 years of turmoil. That included family illness, death… Everything seemed heavy. – Julie Don't miss a show. Subscribe at Download the Parent Compass App.
January 31, 2025
What is important for us to know about 2020 to 2024 so we can make decisions going forward? Dr. Peter McCullough has been on Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson and is often seen on Fox News. Here on Parent Compass, Dr. McCullough walks through a riveting summary of key points and events that affected and will affect everyone’s lives around the world. One of the most published doctors and cardiologists in the world today, Dr. Peter McCullough fights for medical freedom through scientific data and analysis. Dr. McCullough is a practicing internist, cardiologist, and trained research epidemiologist. He is also President of the McCullough Foundation, which is a not-for-profit organization with the missions of clinical investigative scholarship, media presentation of scientific developments, issues that relate to the pandemic in the legal system, and public policy. If Covid was the Super Bowl of pandemic disease and response, then Dr. Peter McCollough is and was an MVP fighting to prevent harm and keep people well. When everyone was struggling with how to treat Covid-19, Dr. McCullough’s works included the first widely utilized early outpatient treatment regimen for Covid-19 published in the American Journal of Medicine and updated in the Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and used in the Home Treatment Guide for the Association of Physicians and Surgeons. Later he published the first detoxification for the spike protein entitled a “Clinical Rationale for SARS-CoV-2 Base Spike Protein Detoxification in Post COVID-19 and Vaccine Injury Syndromes. Scientifically formulated for use with the McCullough protocol, the Ultimate Spike Detox is a natural dietary supplement containing Nattokinase, a key enzyme that may help break down spike protein and disrupt its function, along with Bromelain and Curcumin. Ultimate Spike Detox is available at The Wellness Company, www.TWC.health Find Dr. Peter McCullough @P_McCulloughMD on X Courageous Discourse Podcast America OutLoud talk radioMcCullough Report 2pm Saturday and Sunday For shows and more subscribe at or download the Parent Compass App.
January 20, 2025
Many parents are sounding an alarm about the safety of childhood vaccines. What is the issue? Should we take a closer look? Since 2016 Del Bigtree, Host of The HighWire and President of ICAN, the Informed Consent Action Network, due to a series of unexpected circumstances, left his position as producer on CBS The Doctors and focused on safety and childhood vaccines. Hear what he has learned from a turn he never knew his life would take. Watch at 13:15 minutes, the deposition of two top vaccinologists, Stanley A. Plotkin and Kathryn M Edwards, who worked for decades in vaccinology and wrote the top textbook, Plotkin's vaccines. Del BigtreeTelevision & Film ProducerEmmy Award-Winning Producer of CBS The DoctorsHost of The HighWire ( 11am Thursdays)President of ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network of the movie VAXXED ( The HighWire Mission:- dedicated to eradicating man-made diseaseHigh above the circus of mainstream media spin, death-defying talk without the safety net of corporate influence… This is the HighWire. ICAN Mission:At the Informed Consent Action Network, you are the authority over your health choices and those of your children. In a medical world manipulated by advertising and financial interests, true information is hard to find and often harder to understand. Our goal is to put the power of scientifically researched health information in your hands and to be bold and transparent in doing so, thereby enabling your medical decisions to come from tangible understanding, not medical coercion. Founded in 2016, ICAN was created with the goal of providing every person with the right to informed consent. We believe that by holding regulators accountable through our successful legal action, individuals will become empowered to make truly informed decisions about their own health and the health of their families. Using an unprecedented legal strategy, ICAN has successfully won lawsuits against Health and Human Services (HHS), The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institutes for Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The interview was held at the Autism Health Summit For more shows subscribe at and download the Parent Compass App.
January 10, 2025
People that have been through hardship—that have been through the good and bad of life—tell of the greatest treasure ever found! Available for you as well! 817-760-2643 or 320-345-3455 to text/chat/talk with questions about Jesus or to ask Him to be Savior of your life or ask for prayer at Receive email or a free book. Send in prayer requests at ParentCompass.TV/prayer-request or email
January 3, 2025
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From the frontlines, families apply timeless faith in Parent Compass—the Telly Award-winning Christian television series.

Across episodes, with differing issues and a variety of backgrounds, in Parent Compass mothers and fathers talk about their own upbringings and pasts, marriage and life management, child rearing–and faith . . . all with undaunted candor.

Families featured in Parent Compass range from the Pitts, whose four daughters include Alena, the child star of the hit movie, WAR ROOM . . . to Mark and Shanell Rusk, raising a blended family of 11 in a Habitat for Humanity home they helped build. Audiences will meet the Kos, teaching fine art and raising kids out of one suburban home, and single mom Cindy, who initially three times scheduled an abortion for her now seven-year-old daughter.

About Real Christian Families

A Compass through the struggles of life, in Parent Compass real families share life stories of how God and His Word give direction.

Parent Compass Founder & President Natalie Jones, a mother of five, knows this one-of-a-kind series offers the hope we need. “Families now have true stories of God’s peace amidst endless difficulties,” she said.

In addition to signature family episodes, are Life & Family Chats with Christian leaders. Hear from: Kendrick Brothers, producers of movies, Overcomer, War Room; Erwin Brothers and Kevin Downes, producers of movies I Can Only Imagine, Woodlawn; Ann & Dave Wilson, Host of CRU’s Family Life replacing Dennis & Barbara Rainey; Jonathan Evans, Chaplain of the Dallas Cowboys and son of Dr. Tony Evans; Anne Graham Lotz, Billy Graham's daughter; Benham Brothers; Kay Arthur; Ryan Dobson, Jim Dobson's son and former Host Family Talk; John Fuller, Focus on the Family Co-Host and more.

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