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Heaven, How I Got Here, Part 3

April 5, 2023

Have you ever wondered “What can Jesus do for me?” Pastor Colin shows you in the story of the thief on the cross.

Featured Offer

Drive Through the Bible by Colin Smith

Drive Through the Bible is a 30-session guided tour that explores the entire Bible story. With Pastor Colin Smith, this new book will take you on an epic journey that spans thousands of years, but its simple, guided approach makes it feel like a quick drive up the road.

Past Episodes

Have you ever wondered “What can Jesus do for me?” Pastor Colin shows you in the story of the thief on the cross.
April 4, 2023
Have you ever wondered “What can Jesus do for me?” Pastor Colin shows you in the story of the thief on the cross.
April 3, 2023
Satan is the great accuser. He’ll tell you that the path to a changed life is beyond you: “Your sins are too great. Your faith is too small,” or “Your wounds are too deep.” Pastor Colin Smith shows us how to answer these lies.
April 1, 2023
Many people speculate what hell will be like. But the clearest revelation of hell has been given to us at the cross. Pastor Colin talks about the six dimensions of hell, and how Jesus experienced every one of them on the cross.
March 31, 2023
What actually happened on the cross? We know that Jesus Christ suffered and died, but beyond his physical suffering, what was happening there? Pastor Colin shows us from the Bible that there was more going on than meets the eye.
March 30, 2023
A person pursues a life of crime, and their heart is full of anger towards God… then they die and go to heaven. Can they really have any confidence at all that they’ll receive a warm reception there? Pastor Colin talks about the surprising answer for one man.
March 29, 2023
Two men had pursued a life of crime; they were angry with God, and now they stood on the brink of eternity. Pastor Colin talks about how something changed in one man’s soul, and he cried out to Jesus, “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Discover the stunning words Jesus said to this man.
March 28, 2023
Have you ever wondered what Jesus was doing while he was on the cross? Was he gritting his teeth… or fantasizing about getting revenge on his tormentors? Discover the startling answer.
March 27, 2023
How can you tell if another person has repented? By counting his or her tears? How about the passing of time? Neither of these well-worn paths is very helpful. Pastor Colin helps you discover the genuine marks of true repentance, and how to deepen your own repentance.
March 25, 2023
The men who put Jesus to death were committing a great sin, but they didn’t think they were doing anything wrong. They didn’t have a bad conscience, or feel that they needed to ask for forgiveness. How is that possible?
March 24, 2023
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About Open the Bible

Open the Bible is the teaching ministry of Pastor Colin Smith. Our mission is to use a broad array of modern media to help people around the world meet Jesus. We do this by opening the Bible for them, helping them open the Bible themselves, and equipping them to open the Bible with others.

About Colin Smith

Colin Smith is senior pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church, a thriving, multi-campus church located in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, and Founder and Teaching Pastor of Open the Bible.

Born and raised in Edinburgh, Scotland, he trained at the London School of Theology where he earned the degrees of Bachelor of Theology and Master of Philosophy. Before coming to the States in 1996, Colin served as senior pastor of the Enfield Evangelical Free Church in London.

He is the author of several books including Momentum: Pursuing God’s Blessings through the Beatitudes; Heaven, How I Got Here: The Story of the Thief on the Cross; Jonah: Navigating a God-Centered Life; The One Year Unlocking the Bible Devotional; 10 Keys for Unlocking the Bible; The 10 Greatest Struggles of Your Life; as well as others. His preaching ministry is shared around the world through Open the Bible.

Colin and his wife Karen reside in Arlington Heights, Ill., and have two married sons and five granddaughters.

Contact Open the Bible with Colin Smith

Mailing Address
Open the Bible
P.O. Box 3454
Barrington, IL 60011