Open the Bible

Colin Smith

Blessed Are the Merciful, Part 1

February 24, 2023

There are four things you most need to know about God as a believer. They are repeated together no less than seven times in the Old Testament.

Featured Offer

Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges
Have we become so focused on “major” sins that we’ve grown apathetic about our subtle sins? Respectable Sins takes you into a deep look at the corrosive patterns of behavior that we often accept as normal, in this established and impactful book.


How can you have a greater appetite for God? The key is changing your diet, because over time, this leads to a change in appetite. Pastor Colin shows us five strategies for changing our spiritual appetites.
February 23, 2023
Did you know that your own spiritual appetite, your hunger and thirst for God himself can be cultivated? Here’s the key: Change your diet, and you will change your appetite.
February 22, 2023
What do you think will give you satisfaction? Is it to be loved? To be appreciated? To get revenge? Jesus tells us that there is only one thing that will satisfy completely. Pastor Colin shows us what this is.
February 21, 2023
What does it look like to be blessed by God? Jesus tells us that the blessed people are not those who think they’re right, but those who feel that they’re not.
February 20, 2023
Some of us were brought up on a version of Christianity that majored on the negative. Pastor Colin talks about the Bible’s positive vision of Christian living—one that brings pleasure to God and makes a positive difference in the world.
February 18, 2023
How do you get more meekness into your life? Jesus said that it is blessed. “Blessed are the meek.” Pastor Colin talks about ten strategies to help you cultivate more meekness in your life.
February 17, 2023
How do you get more meekness in your life? You cannot simply say, “Oh, I want to be meek. Tell me how to be meek.” Pastor Colin shows us that we cannot start there. We have to start further back. 
February 16, 2023
While Jesus hung from the cross, he prayed “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” How did he do that? Pastor Colin shows us that this is what the Bible calls “meekness.”
February 15, 2023
“Gentle Jesus, meek and mild…” Now that doesn’t sound like the kind of thing a guy who watches football would want to go after. You might be surprised. Pastor Colin talks about some reasons why.
February 14, 2023
One glimpse of the love of Christ will do more to strengthen you in your battle against sin than a hundred commitments. Pastor Colin talks about where to look for a glimpse of Christ’s love.
February 13, 2023
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Featured Offer

Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges
Have we become so focused on “major” sins that we’ve grown apathetic about our subtle sins? Respectable Sins takes you into a deep look at the corrosive patterns of behavior that we often accept as normal, in this established and impactful book.

About Open the Bible

Open the Bible is the teaching ministry of Pastor Colin Smith. Our mission is to use a broad array of modern media to help people around the world meet Jesus. We do this by opening the Bible for them, helping them open the Bible themselves, and equipping them to open the Bible with others.

About Colin Smith

Colin Smith is senior pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church, a thriving, multi-campus church located in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, and Founder and Teaching Pastor of Open the Bible.

Born and raised in Edinburgh, Scotland, he trained at the London School of Theology where he earned the degrees of Bachelor of Theology and Master of Philosophy. Before coming to the States in 1996, Colin served as senior pastor of the Enfield Evangelical Free Church in London.

He is the author of several books including Momentum: Pursuing God’s Blessings through the Beatitudes; Heaven, How I Got Here: The Story of the Thief on the Cross; Jonah: Navigating a God-Centered Life; The One Year Unlocking the Bible Devotional; 10 Keys for Unlocking the Bible; The 10 Greatest Struggles of Your Life; as well as others. His preaching ministry is shared around the world through Open the Bible.

Colin and his wife Karen reside in Arlington Heights, Ill., and have two married sons and five granddaughters.

Contact Open the Bible with Colin Smith

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Open the Bible
P.O. Box 3454
Barrington, IL 60011