New Life Live!

Steve Arterburn

Sobriety, Elder Abuse, and More Caller Questions from September 27, 2024

September 27, 2024

Topics: Christian WalkBoundariesTeensAlcoholFinancesElder Abuse
Hosts: Chris Williams, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris Dr. Sheri Keffer

Caller Questions & More:

1. Dr. Jacqui discusses the burdens we carry and taking them to the Lord.

2. When my ex-husband wanted me to bail him out of jail, I turned him down. How should I treat him now?

3. My soon-to-be 18yo daughter has always been challenging to me, and she has narcissistic tendencies.

4. My 30yo nephew is struggling with alcohol; he was sober for 3mos but has recently relapsed.

5. I found out that a couple I know charged thousands on my credit card after I gave them the card for their doctor copays. In the Bible it says Christians are not to go to court, so what do I do?

Suggested Resources:
Life Recovery Workbook for Grief
How We Love Our Kids
Life Recovery Bible

Featured Offer

Every Believer's Thought Life
Jesus made it clear that while sexual integrity is expressed through the body, it’s rooted in the mind. But aligning our thoughts with God’s thoughts isn’t always easy. Illicit sexual thoughts don’t need to have free rein in your mind. The Bible provides an arsenal of weapons to win the battle. Jesus invites you to live with full sexual integrity—in your behavior, heart, and mind. Instead of succumbing to the despair and darkness of sin, you can take every thought captive and replace it with thoughts that align with God’s truth, allowing Him to bring about His best for your life.


Topics: Bipolar, Parenting, Identity, Adult Children, Sexual Integrity, Difficult Conversations, Healing Journey, Parenting, AgingHosts: Chris Williams, Dr. Jill Hubbard, JJ West Caller Questions & More: 1. Dr. Jill discusses how to recognize symptoms of bipolar disorder. 2. What do you think about my 11yo granddaughter wanting to identify as an animal? She wants to belong to a group at school who identify as therians. 3. My 48yo single son spends 25hrs over a weekend playing pool at a strip club; should I talk to him about it or just pray? 4. My life was a hot mess. New Life gave me so many tools and decision-making advice that I can now pass on to my kids to give them what I never got from my parents. Thank you! 5. A 90yo attendee at the Emotional Freedom Intensive taught us that it is never too late and don’t think you have ever arrived! Suggested Resources:How We Love Our KidsTake Your Life BackEmotional Freedom Workbook
September 26, 2024
Topics: Reactions, Comparisons, Childhood Trauma, Passive-Aggressive, Drug Addiction, Adult Children, Siblings, Verbal Abuse, GriefHosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Sheri Keffer, Laura Mangin-McDonald Caller Questions & More: 1. Dr. Sheri Keffer shares her parable on how a pot of boiling water can describe what’s happening in a relationship. 2. There are so many comparisons for couples out there on social media; how can we have healthy conversations with our spouse and not hurtful? 3. My husband can’t follow through on things he agreed to do; should he be digging deeper into a childhood trauma? 4. Thank you for the advice you gave my husband and I to practice tough love with my heroin-addicted daughter who is now sober! 5. My siblings have been distant until one brother died. Any advice after I blew up at my sister and brother for pressing me about our brother’s estate? Suggested Resources:How We LoveDoing Life with Your Adult ChildrenLife Recovery JourneyLife Recovery Workbook for Grief
September 25, 2024
Topics: Sexual Integrity, Parenting, Affairs, Sexual Addiction, Depression, Polyamorous, Adult ChildrenHosts: Chris Williams, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Dr. Jim Burns Caller Questions & More: 1. Dr. Jim Burns is interviewed about his new book, A Student’s Guide to Sexual Integrity. 2. My husband has had affairs, and I recently walked in on him doing something inappropriate; is he a sex addict? 3. What are your thoughts on anhedonia and nihilism? I think I have these because I have been struggling with depression and was at a very low point. 4. My stepdaughter is in a polyamorous marriage and has kids; how do my husband and I navigate this? Suggested Resources:Intimate DeceptionWorthy of Her TrustEmotional Freedom WorkbookDoing Life with Your Adult Children
September 24, 2024
Topics: Anxiety, Depression, Gambling, Sexual Addiction, Friendship, ReconnectionHosts: Chris Williams, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron Caller Questions: 1. Dr. Alice Benton shares what can help decrease anxiety and depression is to experience awe, especially in nature. 2. What direction can I go if my husband has a gambling problem and goes to massage parlors? 3. Do I leave my husband of 40yrs who has a sex addiction and thinks he can handle it on his own? 4. My friend says he’s afraid of developing feelings for me and doesn’t have to repair the relationship since we’re not married. Suggested Resources:Intimate DeceptionTrustTake Your Life Back
September 23, 2024
Topics: Loneliness, Separation, Intimacy, Blended Families, Adult Children, Resentment, Estrangement, ControllersHosts: Chris Williams, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Marc Cameron Caller Questions & More: 1. Dr. Jill Hubbard shares the surprising results of new loneliness research. 2. My wife separated because I created fake accounts online and introduced sexual fantasies into the marriage; she wants me to meet with her and her dad today. 3. My 32yo daughter had a stroke, was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and moved in with us for 2yrs. How do I deal with the anger and resentment that I feel toward my husband? I felt like he was making me choose between her and him. 4. Why can’t I do something about my daughter-in-law not letting us see the grandkids for years? 5. Should I be concerned that my 34yo gay son is no longer working after moving in with a controlling man? Suggested Resources:Worthy of Her TrustHow We LoveLife Recovery Workbook for GriefTrust
September 20, 2024
Topics: Trust, Drug Addiction, Adult Children, Bipolar, Father Issues, Intimacy, Grief, Blended FamiliesHosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris, and presenter at Restore and Intimacy in Marriage intensives, Laura Mangin-McDonald Caller Questions & More: 1. Laura Mangin-McDonald shares how love is free, but trust is earned. 2. How do I navigate my 31yo son’s drug abuse and mental health struggles? Is it right for him to go on an amphetamine like Adderall? 3. How can my daughter honor her bipolar father when he continues to be hurtful? 4. My husband is my best friend, but I am not in love with him. 5. Would there be a benefit for my husband of 3yrs to grieve the loss of the childhood he thinks his kids should’ve had? They lost their mother to brain cancer. Suggested Resources:TrustLife Recovery JourneyForgiving Our Fathers and MothersHow We Love
September 19, 2024
Topics: Hope, Parenting, Sexual Integrity, Sexting, False Accusations, Narcissists, IntimacyHosts: Chris Williams, Dr. Sheri Keffer, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris Caller Questions & More: 1. Dr. Sheri Keffer shares from Nahum that God is in the whirlwind and the storm, so hold on. 2. How do we talk to our homeschooled teens and 5yo child about sex from a Christian point of view? 3. My wife of 24yrs has been accusing me of being with other women, but I haven’t been unfaithful. 4. After 30yrs of marriage, how do I know if I’m married to a narcissist? 5. My wife is a teacher and when the school year starts, we only have sex about once a month. Suggested Resources:How We Love Our KidsUnderstanding and Loving Your Child in a Screen-Saturated WorldHow We LoveEmotional Destruction Relationship
September 18, 2024
Topics: Endurance, OCD, Divorce, Parenting, Narcissists, Getting UnstuckHosts: Chris Williams, Dr. Jill Hubbard, JJ West Caller Questions & More: 1. JJ West talks about fighting the good fight and finishing the race. 2. I have been compulsively recording conversations with other people on my phone for 20yrs. 3. How can I remain close to my children after getting out of a 36yr abusive marriage? 4. My wife is narcissistic and I’m miserable. If I leave I’ll lose everything; what do I do? Suggested Resources:Life Recovery Workbook for GriefEmotionally Destructive RelationshipTrust
September 17, 2024
Topics: Bipolar, Siblings, Childhood Trauma, Estrangement, Dating, Grief, ParentingHosts: Chris Williams, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Marc Cameron Caller Questions & More: 1. Marc Cameron explains core conflict patterns. 2. My 54yo daughter is bipolar and has a personality disorder; how do I help her after she was in the psychiatric hospital for 2wks? 3. Is there any way for me to reach out to my brother who was emotionally abused as a child and has a hard time keeping a job? 4. How do I handle a breakup with the girl I thought I was going to marry? Her bio mom told her to break up with me. 5. What’s in the best interest of my children? I am divorced and my 11yo and 13yo want to spend more time with their mom. Suggested Resources:Take Your Life BackHealing Is a ChoiceLife Recovery Workbook for GriefHow We Love Our Kids
September 16, 2024
Topics: Sexual Addiction, Sexual Integrity, Sexual Abuse, Communication, Estrangement, Affairs, Adult Children, Grief, SuicideHosts: Chris Williams, Dr. Jill Hubbard, JJ West Caller Questions & More: 1. JJ West shares that the DSM-5 does not have a diagnosis for sexual addiction and it is not mentioned in the Bible; how do we recognize it? 2. I’m battling with lustful thoughts around attractive men. 3. How do I make sure what I say doesn’t hurt my husband’s feelings? He says he wants me to be honest, but I’m afraid it might hurt him. 4. I’ve been estranged from my son for 33yrs and am writing a letter to him; is it my place to tell them about his deceased mother’s affair that destroyed our marriage? 5. I’ve lost my dad, mom, godmother, and stepsister; is something wrong with me if I really want to be in heaven today? Suggested Resources:Emotional Freedom WorkbookHow We LoveDoing Life with Your Adult ChildrenLife Recovery Workbook for Grief
September 13, 2024
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Featured Offer

Every Believer's Thought Life
Jesus made it clear that while sexual integrity is expressed through the body, it’s rooted in the mind. But aligning our thoughts with God’s thoughts isn’t always easy. Illicit sexual thoughts don’t need to have free rein in your mind. The Bible provides an arsenal of weapons to win the battle. Jesus invites you to live with full sexual integrity—in your behavior, heart, and mind. Instead of succumbing to the despair and darkness of sin, you can take every thought captive and replace it with thoughts that align with God’s truth, allowing Him to bring about His best for your life.

About New Life Live!

America’s #1 Christian Counseling Call-In Radio Program. Since 1985 New Life Live! has been broadcast as a nationally-syndicated, interactive talk radio program which deals with mental health, emotional, relational and spiritual issues from a biblical perspective.

About Steve Arterburn

Steve Arterburn is the founder and chairman of New Life Ministries and host of the #1 nationally syndicated Christian counseling talk show “New Life Live!” heard and by 2 million people each weekday on 200 radio stations nationwide and on Sirius/XM radio. Steve is the Teaching Pastor at Northview Church in Carmel, Indiana. Steve is also the founder of Women of Faith conferences attended by over 5,000,000 people.

As a nationally and internationally known public speaker, Steve has been featured in national media venues such as Oprah, Inside Edition, Good Morning America, CNN Live, The New York Times, USA Today, US News & World Report, ABC World News Tonight, along with GQ magazine and Rolling Stone magazine. Steve has spoken at major events for National Center for Fathering, American Association of Christian Counselors, Promise Keepers, Life Well Conferences in Australia and The Salvation Army, to name a few, and is an inductee to the National Speakers Association Hall of Fame.

Steve is a best-selling author of books such as Every Man’s BattleHealing Is A Choice, Toxic FaithWalking Into Walls and Kirby McCook and the Jesus Chronicles. He has been nominated for numerous writing awards and won five Gold Medallions for writing excellence. Along with Dr. Dave Stoop, he edited and produced the award winning Life Recovery Bible which is on exhibit at The Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C.

His speaking topics address issues common to leaders and adult men and women, including Take Your Life Back, Every Man's Battle, Lose it For Life, The 7-Minute Marriage Solution, Every Heart Restored, Healing is a Choice and Pro-Life. Steve’s ministry endeavors focus on identifying and compassionately responding to the needs of those seeking healing and restoration through God’s truth.

Steve has degrees from Baylor University and The University of North Texas as well as two honorary doctorate degrees including one from The California Graduate School of Theology. Steve resides with his family in Carmel, Indiana.

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