New Life Live!

Steve Arterburn

New Life Live: October 31, 2023

October 31, 2023

Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Alice Benton, JJ West

Caller Questions:

- Any advice for a family gathering when one daughter said something rude to my other daughter on Facebook and they haven’t talked since?

- How do I change my life at 52yo? After I drink one beer, I can’t stop and end up drinking a case of beer.

- One of my family members is involved in a cult where the women have children by one man.

Featured Offer

Every Believer's Thought Life
Jesus made it clear that while sexual integrity is expressed through the body, it’s rooted in the mind. But aligning our thoughts with God’s thoughts isn’t always easy. Illicit sexual thoughts don’t need to have free rein in your mind. The Bible provides an arsenal of weapons to win the battle. Jesus invites you to live with full sexual integrity—in your behavior, heart, and mind. Instead of succumbing to the despair and darkness of sin, you can take every thought captive and replace it with thoughts that align with God’s truth, allowing Him to bring about His best for your life.


Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron Caller Questions: - My 14yo granddaughter thinks I treat her 16yo autistic brother better; how do I help her understand she needs to be more loving to him? - How do I deal with everyday life when I am depressed? The anniversary of my father’s death is coming up. - Why isn’t deliverance a priority message from the pulpit to get their congregation healed? - My wife passed away 7wks ago from cancer, and I feel like I’m doing well; do you have any advice about grieving?
October 30, 2023
Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Marc Cameron Caller Questions: - How do I break the pattern of always getting into relationships with men who have traumatic childhoods? - Is it normal as an introvert to not need relationships outside your spouse? - I am overwhelmed with my son’s medical problem and also caregiving for my developmentally disabled brothers. I tend to isolate. - How do I approach my neighbor who calls me a wife killer because my first and second wives died of cancer?
October 27, 2023
Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris, Chris Williams Caller Questions: - How do I get unstuck if I have ADHD and feel overwhelmed after I moved from California to Texas with my wife and seven kids? - How do I get away from the victim role? I’ve been in recovery for 34yrs, but things that happened when I was a teen still haunt me. - What should I do after my adult daughter said I’m dead to her? She is going through a divorce, and her husband is staying with me.
October 26, 2023
Hosts: Chris Williams, Dr. Sheri Keffer, JJ West Caller Questions: - How do we approach our brother who is committing adultery with a second cousin? Our mother also committed adultery, but it was kept a secret. - Did I have a trauma response when my body froze after I heard an explosion outside of my house? - How do I keep my peace when my husband of over 30yrs is a prankster and compulsive liar?
October 25, 2023
Hosts: Steve Arterburn and Becky Brown Caller Questions: - My 17yo son has ADHD, is addicted to porn, has dyslexia, and is homeschooled; what does he do about his sexual urges? - What Scripture tells us that once we come to know Christ, we must change our behavior and repent of our sins? I don’t know how to change. - How do I deal with my blindness? I’m 28yo and want to know what resources are out there. - I’ve been married 26yrs, and my husband has been cheating for more than 20yrs. What should I do?
October 24, 2023
Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Marc Cameron Caller Questions: - My husband and I went to Intimacy in Marriage workshop last weekend and loved our facilitator in our small group who helped us to reach down inside and find the answer to the questions we had. - Besides praying, what else can I do to help my 45yo bipolar son whom I believe is demonized but not possessed? - How do I get my husband to take the step of hearing me? We divorced and then remarried, but we’re on the verge of divorce again. - Do I need to pull back from my 40yo adult daughter who lives with her drug-addicted boyfriend and is very explosive with us? - How do I implement 2 Chronicles 7:14 into my life if I don’t think I’m humble?
October 23, 2023
Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron Caller Questions: - How do I meet my husband’s sexual needs and make sure I get my needs met as well? - Our 26yo son is in the military and has become suicidal; how do we help him? - How long do I wait to contact my wife after 8mos of separation? She asked me not to contact her.
October 20, 2023
Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron Caller Questions: - Jesus spoke to me personally and told me to stop wearing my earrings; can Jesus make a mistake? - The woman I started dating is a relationship coach but not a Christian; any advice for me other than telling her I only date Christians? - I wanted to make a comment about the advice you gave a caller who was forced into prostitution. I don’t think we should bring up our negative past experiences with our kids.
October 19, 2023
Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris, Chris Williams Caller Questions: - My sister was shot by her husband 16yrs ago, just lost her job, and has hit rock bottom. She was drinking for hours when someone found her on the ground. - My parents are divorced; how can I deal with depression I’ve had since my father passed away? - How do you know when to let go of something or to confront it? I am stuck in decision-making. - I want to go to Intimacy in Marriage, but my wife is afraid of being in a group setting because of my struggles.
October 18, 2023
Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Jill Hubbard, and Special Guest Dr. Chris Thurman, psychologist and author of Emotionally Healthy Christianity Caller Questions: - Why do we perceive that life will be immediately better after we turn our life over to Christ? Preachers never say how hard it will be after baptism. - How do I confront my 4yo granddaughter’s mom who left my son and is now with another guy? I don’t want to be cut off from my granddaughter. - Our new neighbors are a gay couple, and we were invited to their wedding; how can I be tactful in my response if I don’t feel led to go?
October 17, 2023
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Featured Offer

Every Believer's Thought Life
Jesus made it clear that while sexual integrity is expressed through the body, it’s rooted in the mind. But aligning our thoughts with God’s thoughts isn’t always easy. Illicit sexual thoughts don’t need to have free rein in your mind. The Bible provides an arsenal of weapons to win the battle. Jesus invites you to live with full sexual integrity—in your behavior, heart, and mind. Instead of succumbing to the despair and darkness of sin, you can take every thought captive and replace it with thoughts that align with God’s truth, allowing Him to bring about His best for your life.

About New Life Live!

America’s #1 Christian Counseling Call-In Radio Program. Since 1985 New Life Live! has been broadcast as a nationally-syndicated, interactive talk radio program which deals with mental health, emotional, relational and spiritual issues from a biblical perspective.

About Steve Arterburn

Steve Arterburn is the founder and chairman of New Life Ministries and host of the #1 nationally syndicated Christian counseling talk show “New Life Live!” heard and by 2 million people each weekday on 200 radio stations nationwide and on Sirius/XM radio. Steve is the Teaching Pastor at Northview Church in Carmel, Indiana. Steve is also the founder of Women of Faith conferences attended by over 5,000,000 people.

As a nationally and internationally known public speaker, Steve has been featured in national media venues such as Oprah, Inside Edition, Good Morning America, CNN Live, The New York Times, USA Today, US News & World Report, ABC World News Tonight, along with GQ magazine and Rolling Stone magazine. Steve has spoken at major events for National Center for Fathering, American Association of Christian Counselors, Promise Keepers, Life Well Conferences in Australia and The Salvation Army, to name a few, and is an inductee to the National Speakers Association Hall of Fame.

Steve is a best-selling author of books such as Every Man’s BattleHealing Is A Choice, Toxic FaithWalking Into Walls and Kirby McCook and the Jesus Chronicles. He has been nominated for numerous writing awards and won five Gold Medallions for writing excellence. Along with Dr. Dave Stoop, he edited and produced the award winning Life Recovery Bible which is on exhibit at The Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C.

His speaking topics address issues common to leaders and adult men and women, including Take Your Life Back, Every Man's Battle, Lose it For Life, The 7-Minute Marriage Solution, Every Heart Restored, Healing is a Choice and Pro-Life. Steve’s ministry endeavors focus on identifying and compassionately responding to the needs of those seeking healing and restoration through God’s truth.

Steve has degrees from Baylor University and The University of North Texas as well as two honorary doctorate degrees including one from The California Graduate School of Theology. Steve resides with his family in Carmel, Indiana.

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