New Life Live!

Steve Arterburn

New Life Live: May 27, 2024

May 27, 2024

From the New Life Live! archives, this Flashback show originally aired on Memorial Day, May 30, 2016.

Topics: IntimacyFearNegative ThoughtsAnxietyMarijuanaAlcoholBoundariesGriefAdult ChildrenDivorce
Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Dave Stoop, Milan Yerkovich

Caller Questions:

1. I am 65yo and have had no sex for 3yrs; what can I do to spark my wife’s interest?

2. How do I stop my fearful, irrational thoughts that consume me?

3. My 19yo son’s best friend died in a crash and he has turned to alcohol; should I kick him out?

4. How do I help my 39yo daughter have a life after she sacrificed to help me during my divorce?

Suggested Resources:
How We Love
You Are What You Think
Take Your Life Back
Life Recovery Bible
12 Laws of Life Recovery

Featured Offer

Every Believer's Thought Life
Jesus made it clear that while sexual integrity is expressed through the body, it’s rooted in the mind. But aligning our thoughts with God’s thoughts isn’t always easy. Illicit sexual thoughts don’t need to have free rein in your mind. The Bible provides an arsenal of weapons to win the battle. Jesus invites you to live with full sexual integrity—in your behavior, heart, and mind. Instead of succumbing to the despair and darkness of sin, you can take every thought captive and replace it with thoughts that align with God’s truth, allowing Him to bring about His best for your life.


Topics: Divorce, Remarriage, Grief, Friendship, Connection, IsolationHosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron Caller Questions & More: 1. Dr. Alice Benton shares a real life example of how to apply 2 Thessalonians 3:10. 2. I am a Muslim and believe that if someone’s spouse is still alive, they are still married to them; what does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage? 3. I lost my husband 6mos ago and find myself being very needy; is this a sign of needing more healing, or am I too vulnerable to be friends with men? 4. How can I be connected to the world but not be overwhelmed by it? I have felt disconnected since COVID. Suggested Resources:Life Recovery BibleHealing Is a ChoiceHow We Love
May 24, 2024
Topics: Fear, Abandonment, Gender Identity, Enabling, Alcohol, Adult Children, BetrayalHosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Chris Williams, recorded on the New Life Danube River Cruise Caller Questions & More: 1. Chris Williams shares one practical way to work around fear. 2. My wife’s abandonment issues trigger my past failures; how can we communicate better? 3. Our 7yo grandson wears a dress; how do we deal with gender identity issues? 4. How do we balance support vs. financially enabling our adult daughter who is a recovering alcoholic? 5. I have felt betrayed by family members in the past and now I’m having nightmares; what can I do? Suggested Resources:100 Days To Freedom from Fear and AnxietyHow We LoveDoing Life with Your Adult ChildrenHow You Think…Determines the Course of Your Life
May 23, 2024
Topics: Perseverance, Christian Walk, Separation, Isolation, Dating, SiblingsHosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Dr. Jim Burns Caller Questions & More: 1. Dr. Jill Hubbard shares What To Do on a Tough Day. 2. The men’s Bible study I started was divided because the men argued over whether or not we stop sinning after we become Christians. 3. My wife just told me this morning that she’s leaving after 20yrs of conflict; what are some pitfalls of separation I need to be aware of? 4. How do I find purpose and meaning in life? I am divorced, no kids or grandkids, and I feel alone. 5. My 21yo daughter is dating her ex-boyfriend’s father and my older daughter is very upset; how can I help them reconnect? Suggested Resources:Every Man’s BibleHow We LoveTake Your Life Back
May 22, 2024
Topics: Parenting, Dating, Grief, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Adult Children, Enabling, Siblings, ConfrontationHosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Dr. Jim Burns Caller Questions: 1. Dr. Jim Burns shares why Your Presence Matters to Children (the power of being there). 2. What do I do to move on and find peace after a woman I dated for 4yrs years broke things off? She had children with special needs. 3. Can my friend with dissociative identity disorder achieve freedom? 4. My son was married for a year, cheated on his wife, and moved out. Should I buy a TV for his new place? 5. Should I tell my dramatic sister who is in her 70s that I think she might have histrionic personality disorder? Suggested Resources:Healing Is a Choice100 Days of PeaceDoing Life with Your Adult ChildrenHow We Love
May 21, 2024
Topics: Career, Christian Walk, Father Issues, Boundaries, Blended Families, Home Disorder, DatingHosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron Caller Questions: 1. Should I stop taking secular classes for my Master’s in Psychology and pursue biblical counseling instead? 2. My husband thinks I respect my father more than him; how do I set boundaries with my father and not hurt his feelings? 3. Do I have to go to my husband’s grandson’s birthday party? I don’t want to see his two ex-wives. 4. Our dear pastor’s parsonage is always unkempt and now they have chickens; why is his family so messy? 5. How do I move forward if the man I’ve been seeing has backed off? I’m an 80yo widow and don’t want to seem desperate. Suggested Resources:Changes That HealHow We Love100 Days of PeaceIs This The One
May 20, 2024
Topics: Self Care, Highly Sensitive People, Intimacy, Empty Nest, Procrastination, Depression, Counseling, Suicide, Adult ChildrenHosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris, Dr. Alice Benton Caller Questions: 1. Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris shares about Self Care (how to love and accept yourself and lower comparison). 2. I am an extreme empath and get overstimulated around people; do you have any tips for upcoming events? 3. After three kids, my wife and I have not been intimate for 16yrs. 4. What can I do for my struggling son who started procrastinating? His adult kids are transitioning out of the house. 5. Why did my church stop my counseling and not tell me why? They told me to find an outside therapist. 6. I have held so tightly to God’s promises for my children; how do I grieve my son’s suicide? Suggested Resources:How We LoveUnderstanding and Loving a Person with DepressionHealing Is a Choice
May 17, 2024
Topics: Boundaries, Drug Addiction, Divorce, Forgiveness, Affairs, Same-Sex Attraction, ParentingHosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Jill Hubbard, JJ West Caller Questions & More: 1. Dr. Jill Hubbard shares about Travel and Adventure (a perspective change that a time away can provide). 2. When is it time to take care of me instead of my brother with a severe crack addiction? 3. I’m going through a divorce but want to have a friendship with my ex to help my children and grandchildren get through it; how do I forgive him? 4. I just found out my cousin was unfaithful to her husband and that they are now separated; is it okay if I talk to her since she cut off contact with her siblings? 5. How do we navigate our 17yo daughter being attracted to a female? Suggested Resources:BoundariesUnderstanding and Loving a Person with Alcohol or Drug AddictionForgiving What You’ll Never ForgetWorthy of Her Trust
May 16, 2024
Topics: Screens, Perseverance, Intimacy, Counseling, Perspective, Avoiders, Siblings, ParentingHosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Alice Benton, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris Caller Questions & More: 1. Dr. Alice Benton shares about Family Screen Agreements for the summer. 2. Do we need marriage counseling or individual counselors? My husband has left the marriage emotionally and we live like roommates. 3. Train yourself to search for the silver lining, no matter the circumstance. I found God when I began looking for the good in life. 4. I married a liar and we’ve been working through the issues. How do I stop shutting down and turning to TV when issues arise? 5. Should I continue to intervene with my sister who may be jumping into another marriage too soon? 6. How do I help my daughters cope with a big move due to my husband’s job? Suggested Resources:Life Recovery BibleChanges That HealHealing Is a ChoiceHow We Love Our Kids
May 15, 2024
Topics: Fear, Christian Walk, Aging Parents, Guilt, Abandonment, Anxiety, ADDHosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Jill Hubbard, JJ West Caller Questions: 1. Fear and faith cannot occupy the same space in your brain at the same time. 2. How can I deal with the guilt of not taking care of my mother in her old age? I am already caring for my elderly father-in-law. 3. My dad claimed I wasn’t his child, and my life has spiraled out of control because of fear; can you help? 4. After 4yrs of marriage, my husband thinks my anxiety, ADHD, and rage are behavioral problems not mental illness. Suggested Resources:Living Strong, Finishing WellChanges That HealHow We Love
May 14, 2024
Topics: Judgment, Compromise, In-laws, Boundaries, Christian Walk, Sex OffendersHosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron Caller Questions & More: 1. Dr. Alice Benton shares about Attribution Bias (when we judge others by their actions and judge ourselves by our intentions). 2. My spouse wants to spend more time in the south for the winter, but I don’t; do you have any suggestions? 3. What are some ways for me to have a cordial relationship with my in-laws while setting clear boundaries? My in-laws ask me intrusive questions. 4. I want to tithe but my husband disagrees; should I tithe or honor my husband? 5. I have a family member in jail for pedophilia; is there any hope for someone with pedophilia? Suggested Resources:How We Love (how to do the comfort circle exercise)BoundariesEvery Woman’s Bible100 Days of Peace
May 13, 2024
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Featured Offer

Every Believer's Thought Life
Jesus made it clear that while sexual integrity is expressed through the body, it’s rooted in the mind. But aligning our thoughts with God’s thoughts isn’t always easy. Illicit sexual thoughts don’t need to have free rein in your mind. The Bible provides an arsenal of weapons to win the battle. Jesus invites you to live with full sexual integrity—in your behavior, heart, and mind. Instead of succumbing to the despair and darkness of sin, you can take every thought captive and replace it with thoughts that align with God’s truth, allowing Him to bring about His best for your life.

About New Life Live!

America’s #1 Christian Counseling Call-In Radio Program. Since 1985 New Life Live! has been broadcast as a nationally-syndicated, interactive talk radio program which deals with mental health, emotional, relational and spiritual issues from a biblical perspective.

About Steve Arterburn

Steve Arterburn is the founder and chairman of New Life Ministries and host of the #1 nationally syndicated Christian counseling talk show “New Life Live!” heard and by 2 million people each weekday on 200 radio stations nationwide and on Sirius/XM radio. Steve is the Teaching Pastor at Northview Church in Carmel, Indiana. Steve is also the founder of Women of Faith conferences attended by over 5,000,000 people.

As a nationally and internationally known public speaker, Steve has been featured in national media venues such as Oprah, Inside Edition, Good Morning America, CNN Live, The New York Times, USA Today, US News & World Report, ABC World News Tonight, along with GQ magazine and Rolling Stone magazine. Steve has spoken at major events for National Center for Fathering, American Association of Christian Counselors, Promise Keepers, Life Well Conferences in Australia and The Salvation Army, to name a few, and is an inductee to the National Speakers Association Hall of Fame.

Steve is a best-selling author of books such as Every Man’s BattleHealing Is A Choice, Toxic FaithWalking Into Walls and Kirby McCook and the Jesus Chronicles. He has been nominated for numerous writing awards and won five Gold Medallions for writing excellence. Along with Dr. Dave Stoop, he edited and produced the award winning Life Recovery Bible which is on exhibit at The Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C.

His speaking topics address issues common to leaders and adult men and women, including Take Your Life Back, Every Man's Battle, Lose it For Life, The 7-Minute Marriage Solution, Every Heart Restored, Healing is a Choice and Pro-Life. Steve’s ministry endeavors focus on identifying and compassionately responding to the needs of those seeking healing and restoration through God’s truth.

Steve has degrees from Baylor University and The University of North Texas as well as two honorary doctorate degrees including one from The California Graduate School of Theology. Steve resides with his family in Carmel, Indiana.

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