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New Life Live: May 11, 2017

May 11, 2017

Caller Questions:

- How can I help my 2 adult sons turn back to God after being sexually abused years ago?

- I love my wife, but I’m not sure that I am in love with my wife; how can I know?

- I am dating a man who is divorcing; is it too soon to be involved with him?

- After I moved in with my boyfriend, I discovered he’s a narcissist; what do I do now that we separated?

- I’ve isolated myself from my family; how should I go about reconnecting with them?

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Past Episodes

Caller Questions: - How do we approach my cheating 37yo stepdaughter and her porn-addicted husband? - Is God opposed to divorce when my wife has had an affair and attempted suicide? - Why is our teen son bothered by visual distractions and anyone touching his things? - The love of my life is borderline and pushed me away; what can I expect God to do?
May 10, 2017
Caller Questions: - Does my husband have Asperger’s Syndrome? He wants to have two wives. - How do I honor an abusive mother who is still playing mind games? - I use to care what people thought of me; why don’t I feel that way any more? - Does anxiety cause Seasonal Affective Disorder or the other way around? - Should I let my 20yo daughter attend a festival with work friends who do cocaine?
May 9, 2017
Caller Questions: -I was hit by a DUI driver 5yrs ago and am still having surgeries; how do I get over my anger? -How do I break down my walls with my wonderful husband of 12yrs? -My boyfriend won’t allow me to drink coffee in his new car even though he does. -How should I handle my wife having a lesbian affair for 6mos? 
May 8, 2017
Caller Questions: - Am I on the right track concerning boundaries with my irresponsible husband? - Do I want to have kids so I can fix my abusive childhood? - My church thinks my husband is wonderful, but at home he is completely different. - I was kicked out of church for being too real; how do I help my daughter with the same pain? - What do I do after realizing I am not in love with my husband of 8mos?
May 5, 2017
Caller Questions: - How can I forgive my mom for not respecting my dad’s wishes after he died? - Can I be a Christian if I am not an evangelical who can witness to anyone? - My friend told me her secret of being molested as a child; how can I help her? - What boundaries should we set with my father-in-law who married his affair?
May 4, 2017
Caller Questions: - How can I counsel my Christian girlfriend who plans to marry a transgender Muslim? - Is God calling me to turn the other cheek and stay emotionally abused in my marriage? - After continuously connecting with a mentally ill woman at church who is not improving, should I stop? - How do I approach my sister about her 20yo son who has no job, plays video games all day and smokes pot?
May 3, 2017
Caller Questions: - How can I overcome my sexual addiction with prostitutes? - My separated husband keeps going back to his addictions and went on a date; time to divorce? - As an isolated single, how can I find healthy connections? - I had depression 20yrs ago; how do I prevent spiraling down again? - Is it biblically OK to remarry after my wife dumped me?
May 2, 2017
Caller Questions: - My husband works 2 jobs; how can we find balance in our marriage and with our kids? - Our gifted 14yo son is suicidal and manic; what should we do? - How do I counsel an angry parishioner of my church who is in denial? - I am turning 55 and have been in a funk; how do I move forward? - How do I help 2 friends with cancer without triggering my past losses?
May 1, 2017
Caller Questions: -How do I manage my anger when my wonderful husband is irresponsible with our finances?  -Should I be concerned that I am content to be disconnected from family?  -My lesbian daughter wants to bring her girlfriend and kids into our family.  -How do I stop my addiction to crack cocaine? 
April 28, 2017
Caller Questions: - I had an affair 3yrs ago and we are getting a divorce; how can I win her back? - How do I know I am forgiven for the many mistakes I have made in my life? - I’m bipolar and my husband has Asperger’s and addictions; should I continue in the marriage? - My husband won’t go to rehab for his Methadone addiction; should I divorce him?
April 27, 2017
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America’s #1 Christian Counseling Call-In Radio Program. Since 1985 New Life Live! has been broadcast as a nationally-syndicated, interactive talk radio program which deals with mental health, emotional, relational and spiritual issues from a biblical perspective.

About New Life Ministries

New Life Ministries offers compassionate and empowering solutions to those who find themselves in life’s hardest places and who are missing what God desires for their lives. Family, friends, and churches want to help but are not always equipped to care for those dealing with problems like addiction, pornography, infidelity, anxiety, anger, fear, depression, and hurts from the past.

New Life combines a deep commitment to biblical truth with the best in psychological knowledge. We firmly believe that applying proven techniques for emotional, physical, and spiritual health is in accordance with God’s call to live in wholeness and redemptive relationships. And, we’re not afraid to share our own struggles, because we’re all on this journey together.

New Life isn’t focused on making people feel better. We’re focused on helping people do the hard work that will actually help them be better. That’s what true healing means. We take people out of the isolation caused by trauma and sin, and help them find the path and the process to a right relationship with God.

Through our live call-in radio and TV broadcasts, New Life Live! and Weekend Workshops, we provide practical wisdom and help people see that they are not alone. And by connecting people to a professional in our New Life Counselor Network, we are helping many find the intensive support they need.

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New Life Ministries
P.O. Box 1029
Lake Forest, CA 92609-1029


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